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Would Islam be more effective in fighting AIDS


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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1811754' date='Mar 19 2009, 01:24 PM']That may be the topic of the thread, but it is not what bonkers, from what Hassan and bonkers have written, are trying to argue. Bonkers did not start this thread. The mods moved it and re-named it, and I don't think perhaps whoever the mod was fully grasped what apparently bonkers and hassan wanted to argue. This isn't about Islam vs. Christianity in a fight against AIDS: which way is better. It is about Christianity's way just being wrong and the discussion is whether Christianity needs to compromise and actually "care" for the Africans or watch them die by being stubborn hypocrites. And the argument is whether Christianity's way truly is wrong and does it need to be implemented above all other ways?[/quote]
i moved it and i re-named it, because it was detracting from the original purpose of the thread that it was in. and thank you for the slam, but i'll ignore it. it isn't obvious to me, so sorry i'm too thick for you. if you want to open another thread on what you are discussing, i have no problem with it. but perhaps there's a reason i titled it the way i did. so stay on that topic. thanks. :smokey:

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1810554' date='Mar 18 2009, 12:24 PM']My opinion is that if the church and secular groups truly give a stuff about reducing AIDS they should work together to roll out the ABC program in every AIDS affected country in Africa, but of course this involves making compromises and [b]neither side is prepared to do this hence why little progress is being made and millions of people are dying every year.[/b][/quote]

Even if either side were to make compromises they cannot force people to commit to anything, even if threatened with severe punishments. People commit murder everyday and they know the possible consequence is life in prison or death, but they still continue to commit those crimes. What makes you think that threatened with beatings or/and death is going to keep people from sleeping around.

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I thought since bonkers last post from 9am this morning about freedom in and outside the Church was part of this topic since it was moved at 12pm with the rest, which cause my confusion. I thought that I would only point out that bitterness is a sign of lacking freedom. But I will obey and say no more.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1811759' date='Mar 19 2009, 04:29 PM']+J.M.J.+
i moved it and i re-named it, because it was detracting from the original purpose of the thread that it was in. and thank you for the slam, but i'll ignore it. it isn't obvious to me, so sorry i'm too thick for you. if you want to open another thread on what you are discussing, i have no problem with it. but perhaps there's a reason i titled it the way i did. so stay on that topic. thanks. :smokey:[/quote]

I am just saying it was never the topic. We are going to find it increasingly difficult to stay on a topic no one was trying to argue in the first place. Can the thread not be re-named to what it is actually discussing?

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1811759' date='Mar 19 2009, 04:29 PM']+J.M.J.+
i moved it and i re-named it, because it was detracting from the original purpose of the thread that it was in. and thank you for the slam, but i'll ignore it. it isn't obvious to me, so sorry i'm too thick for you. if you want to open another thread on what you are discussing, i have no problem with it. but perhaps there's a reason i titled it the way i did. so stay on that topic. thanks. :smokey:[/quote]

I don't understand how this was ever off topic (OP). It was in response to the Pope's statment about condomes in Africa and the arguments affirming it.

I don't think TTM was trying to "slam" you. I don't know how she would have even known you did it. I don't think anyone here thinks your think. An evil lame board thread hijaker would would shamelessly destroy my beautifully crafted flow of non sense thread-yes, but thick? No.

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According to Bonkers last post before it was derailed by being "free-er" he holds the following position:

[quote]I was actually questioning why you thought christianity was the sole solution to the AIDS epidemic? I was pointing out that Islam could do a better job of it, probably Buddhism as well. What makes christian values so special? I also think christianity restricts people freedoms, probably not as violently as Islam, but the church tends to exert an inordinate amount of control on people's lives, and this could be considered unethical by many seculars.[/quote]

He still stands by the point that he believes Islam and possibly BUddhism would have better luck handling the AIDs epidemic. I have yet to see him recant this post saying that he doesn't hold this position. Hassan may not hold this position, but I have yet to see Bonkers say that Islam and possibly Buddhism would not be better suited to handle the situation. So, I'm in agreement with Red that the title is correct in the original post from Bonkers.

The topic seemed to derail after TTM spoke about how she was free-er being Catholic in responses to only a portion of Bonkers post, which I quoted above.

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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1811763' date='Mar 19 2009, 05:30 PM']I am just saying it was never the topic. We are going to find it increasingly difficult to stay on a topic no one was trying to argue in the first place. Can the thread not be re-named to what it is actually discussing?[/quote]

No. Red stated that the topic being discussed is what the title of the thread is. If you want to argue bitterness of atheists go start a new thread. Case closed.

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[mod]If you don't feel the thread is appropriately titled for what you intend to discuss, start a new thread. Either get on topic or the thread is closed. Thanks. - The Moderating Team[/mod]

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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1811787' date='Mar 19 2009, 03:50 PM']Ok.

I apologize for derailing the thread.[/quote]
No problem... this time. ;) Now... back to the discussion...

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Saint Therese

Probably. They get their heads chopped off for fornication and adultery. Probably a big incentive to keep ones' knickers on.

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1810554' date='Mar 18 2009, 12:24 PM']I think implementing islamic law would be far more effective in fighting AIDS than christianity. They can at least enforce punishments for things like sex outside of wedlock and infidelity.[/quote]

It is irrational to fight immorality with immorality.

[quote]Theoretically, if everyone was a devout christian, or muslim, or mormon or any religion there would a dramatic decline in the rate of AIDS, but going on a religious crusade to make everybody good christians just isn't practial. Everyone knows this, it will never work. Ever.[/quote]

But you think that it WOULD be practical to implement corporal punishment?

[quote]What has worked however is promoting abstinence, fidelity and condoms as a last resort. This is proven to work.[/quote]

Then why do you suggest Islamic law?

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1811804' date='Mar 19 2009, 04:02 PM']Probably. They get their heads chopped off for fornication and adultery. Probably a big incentive to keep ones' knickers on.[/quote]

Islam keeps its adherents in line through fear and intimidation. Christianity keeps its adherents in line through love. Despite all the mistakes that Christians make, I wouldn't change a thing.

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[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1811804' date='Mar 19 2009, 06:02 PM']Probably. They get their heads chopped off for fornication and adultery. Probably a big incentive to keep ones' knickers on.[/quote]
Agreed and I think that is the whole point. If you have 10,000 religious police watching your every move with no constitutional safeguards, there is a hell of an incentive to keep the knickers glued in place.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1811933' date='Mar 19 2009, 07:41 PM']Islam keeps its adherents in line through fear and intimidation. Christianity keeps its adherents in line through love. Despite all the mistakes that Christians make, I wouldn't change a thing.[/quote]

thats somewhat true occasionally, and a nice sentiment. but the topic wasnt ever about which religion is better or nicer. efficiency in keeping people in line was it.

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