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Why The Age Segregation?

southern california guy

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[quote name='southern california guy' post='1801677' date='Mar 9 2009, 04:30 PM']However I'm single and more than anything I'd like to find the right [i]women [/i]to marry.[/quote]You're thinking of the Mormons. Sorry for the confusion.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1804506' date='Mar 12 2009, 12:25 AM']You're thinking of the Mormons. Sorry for the confusion.[/quote]


I didn't notice that at :unsure:

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southern california guy

[quote name='Winchester' post='1804506' date='Mar 11 2009, 11:25 PM']You're thinking of the Mormons. Sorry for the confusion.[/quote]

Yeah, but you've gotta remember that I never went on a mission... And I'm not a member of the Melchizedek priesthood....And I'm not even LDS...

But I was raised Catholic. However maybe I became a little Mormon after living in Utah for seven years. I'm VERY familiar with vinyl fences, vinyl siding, trampolines, hot chocolate, and jello! Oh my heck!

I moved into an apartment that was designated a "Singles Ward" when I first got there (But not on purpose!). It was something else. Right at first I was welcomed to the Ward dances, and Ward socials. And I met lots of women VERY ready to marry. And lots of guys ready to kill me to stop it from happening....... :sadder:

Maybe what I need to do is to find a very nice LDS girl, marry her, and convert her to Catholicism! :unsure:


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southern california guy

Seriously though I think that pushing for singles ministries in the Catholic church is a bit hopeless. I don't know maybe there's a bit of a conflict between the Catholic churches homosexual ministry and divorced ministry -- and just an open singles ministry. :getaclue:

Right around the time I should have begun working on confirmation -- in High School in Redmond Washington -- the Catholic church started holding "Dignity Masses" for the homosexuals. And Seattle has a very big homosexual "community"..

Maybe Anastasia, who started the "National Catholic Singles" convention is right -- in doing it separate from the Catholic church. Dave Sloane and a bunch from around here have started something called "Catholic Thrive" CatholicThrive.com . They're holding a huge singles event May 22-24 in Anaheim California (Not that far north of where I live). Disneyland of course is in Anaheim! :rolleyes:

Anyway I'd better get to work.


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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1801764' date='Mar 9 2009, 03:20 PM']We had an all-age singles group at a church I attended years ago. It fell apart because no one could agree on what activities to do.

When I was in your boat, over 40, and trying to discern marriage as a vocation, a monk at a retreat recommended Ave Maria Singles. I thought he was nuts. He told me to go to church and look around at mass and count the number of guys my age. There were two, a married man with 6 kids and our priest. I got his point. Real Catholics are out there, they are just spread around, and can be hard to find.[/quote]

I know how that feels but in another age group. When I went to St. Dominic( aka Holy Family in Security) there is 3 guys, 1 that is married, one that seems to be a typical frat boy and the other seems to elude everyone(poor Matt, He had to work all the time and the only time he got to mass was the 7 pm sunday). I just moved to Canon City a few weeks ago and Hopefully, St. Micheals might have a better selection or availblity depending on how you all feel.

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southern california guy

The Monsignor called my bluff and e-mailed me back.. :unsure: He wants to meet with me.. I guess I'll meet with him. I'm not sure, but I might end up getting asked to help run things. And I wasn't exactly planning on that. But perhaps it wouldn't hurt to go and discuss it with him. And if I could figure out good events and get some friends involved maybe we could get something going.

Do any of you single men and women live down here -- near San Diego California?

Encinitas, CA

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southern california guy

Actually I'm not so sure that he will be supportive of any singles activities or talks. But it's at least worth trying. And I'm definitely going to go to the Catholic thrive (Catholicthrive.com) Catholic singles conference in Anaheim (Close to Disneyland) -- May 22 thru 24th.

Anyway I just thought I would plug that again.


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[quote name='southern california guy' post='1804355' date='Mar 12 2009, 12:05 AM']I checked out a Protestant church that my realtor recommended and I was amazed by how much more open and friendly it was. They had free coffee, tea, and hot chocolate outside the main chapel and people would get a cup and socialize before and after the service. And while the service was not as formal as an old fashioned Catholic mass it also wasn't as tense as some of these Catholic churches seem to be. Their singles ministry is open to all singles over college age. And they do different charitable ministries, have dinner socials, bible studies etc. And it's very easy to meet and get to know the other people in the church. And honestly they are just as conservative and old fashioned in what they teach as the Catholic church -- perhaps much more so.

So I'm kind of backsliding here. I'm going to get myself into trouble by saying things to the monsignor that other people know not to. And I don't really want to keep going if I don't feel free to be open and friendly. And I've got a big mouth. Sooner or later I always end up saying what I think. And since Vatican II said that "there's more than one way to god" -- then maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I started going to my friends church and gave up on the Catholic church (Well maybe I would still attend Mass here. But then also go to this other church too!). Is that crazy? It's not a sin, right?

I think I'm going to do it.[/quote]

Whoa whoa whoa! :shock: Friend, you got attacked by the "Spirit of Vatican II!" You remind me of a lady from Florida I met on the bus in Rome: she used to be Catholic, but she felt that her parish didn't teach her enough about the Bible, so she became a Protestant. It's like saying that, I don't know, Harvard didn't have a ballroom dance club so you're going to go to the community college instead because they do. The analogy limps, though.

[quote][size=4]Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.[/size][/quote]
[url="http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/pt1sect2chpt3art9p3.shtml#336"]Catechism of the Catholic Church 846[/url].

You shouldn't attend Protestant services along with Mass, either, even if they have hot chocolate. It gives scandal and could easily corrupt your thinking. Maybe read "The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene. The Catholic Church is made up of human beings. We can be boring, rude, and sinful, both us laity and even priests and the hierarchy; of course, we don't want to be; but no one should ever leave the true Faith once he has found it because of those reasons or any others. Please, please study Vatican II more seriously and do not believe what just anyone tells you about 'all religions being OK now.' That's garbage and can lead you to lose your soul.

This is a serious matter, so I have strong feelings. Please do not take offense. I'm glad the Monsignor wrote back to you and hope it will straighten things out, but I figured I would still address this since no one else has.

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My young adult group has 12-18 regular members, mostly men. Men are ages 29-50 the women who come regularly are 24-50. there are 2 women 24-26, 2 are in their early 30's and one is 50 something.

There's one 29 yo guy, two mid 30 yo guys and the rest (5ish) are 40 and above.

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