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Fall Of Rome, Fall Of America


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The real question that would be more interesting to look into is this: What different did it make to the average family workin' their fields to scratch out a living in rural Italy or Spain or Greece at the time Rome fell? Were they even aware of this event that, to us, seems so monumental in history?

good question. i suppose the folks who ransacked rome, and took parts of it over, kinda linded everyone to it. it just deteriorated. many proably didn't notice it was collapsing right when it was, maybe eventually they did as the news of it all spread.
rome didn't go from an empire to a city in italy overnight. but i'm sure it was noticeable and people could surmise as much as likely or such.

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[quote]The bottom line is, if we as a society live sinful/selfish lifestyles, we will eventually eat the bitter fruit of our sin. [/quote]

i agree with this as said. while aknowleding the loaded polititcal and religiuous responsbilities and overtone controversies inherent in this.

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Semper Catholic

This article doesn't take into account the other nations surrounding the United States. In Rome there were plenty of "nations" salivating at the thought of destroying Rome at any cost, ready to stomp on their throat at any wavering moment.

Aside from some third world Jihadists, who is out there to seriously threaten America's power? I mean I guess Iran or North Korea, but they're still decades away from even somewhat matching America's power (obviously a nuke to a major city would be a big deal, but I'm sure America would take out their fly swatter).

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What that article doesn't tell you is that most of our spending goes to social services, for which we get next to nothing in return. But let's pretend that taxing working people more will solve the problems.

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No. The State is bankrupt. Physically and morally. When the vast majority of people disobey the laws of moral societal (free will and mutually-beneficial) conduct in a true society, unpleasantness follows. But yes. Only God can help us.

The poisonous snake of this particular State is in its death throes: like a snake, when a State recognizes it is dying, it thrashes about maniacally, and bites at everything it can, including itself. May God help every [i]individual[/i] to realize he must stay as far away from the snake as possible until it no longer poses a threat to innocent people.


Edited by Sternhauser
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[quote]reforms often came about through peaceful compromise, rather than through violence and coercion, as in its youth the Roman Republic enjoyed a deep and abiding loyalty and commitment to the commonwealth from its citizens. And I would argue that, save for a few significant hiccups along the way, the same can be said of the American Republic.[/quote]

somewhat touching on the idea of 'patriotism'

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