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Indwelling Trinity

There is no canon law forbidding the wearing of Habits. But the Local ordianary or confessor etc.. can preclude one from doing so. At which point obedience is best. But when questioned by others we need to be open that one s just an association of the faithful, or ones personal status in the church etc...

Some orders will not allow third order members to wear a habit. A few out there, mostly benedictines occasianally allow some form of a modified habit if one is in vows.

I think we get too caught up in legalism here and forget the spirit of the law. It reminds me of the apostles all indignified about others preaching in Jesus' name. What did Jesus do? He scolded them and said to the effect whoever is not against us is for us.... Paraphrased.

Some of us get indignant if we think someone else is cutting into our pie rather than rejoicing that there are others out there who too would like to live a life dedicated to Christ with a visible witness.

Also there is a difference between popular devotion and misrepresentation. In Europe and third world countries it is not uncommon for people to don habits out of devotion. The church does nothing to stop it rather encourages their piety.

Their are also some of us in Vows who have been given permission by their Bishop, Pastor and superiors to wear the habit. When i vowed myself as a hermit, My vows were made publically,during holy mass in front of the local community and my habit was blessed on th altar. I wear a full habit even though I chose not to be a diocesan hermit.

Diocesan hermits are only one expression of the eremitical life. and are a beautiful, valid and efficacious witness of the kingdom.

Personally, I never felt called to be a diocesan hermit but always have known myself to be a religious connected to a Carmelite community. I have never claimed to be a diocesan hermit nor have i ever desired to use it as a stepping stone to something else. Yet even though I am not a Diocesan hermit, it does not preclude me from being a valid hermit.

There are those out there who want to so codify things that they unwittingly crush the spirit and in fact discourage others from even trying. The law is only part of the whole. The Spirit too counts for much.

What is most important is to keep Jesus as our focus. If exterior trappings help us as sacramentals to live a more devoted life.... Then what is the problem? I Identify as Carmelite... end of story. I do not wear the exact habit of either branch but it still is recognizably Carmelite and neither my Pastor, Carmelite Father Confessor who also is Carmelite, Prioress who is a Carmelite of Many years or former Bishop....(He is now retired.) object to this.

I suggest that if we have permission... let it rest.

Tenderly Indwelling Trinity

Edited by Indwelling Trinity
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