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Pic Of Sr. Rosalind In New Veil


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[quote name='stlmom' post='1798188' date='Mar 5 2009, 12:18 PM']Forgive me all of you for initially asking the question about Rosalind Moss's garb, which appears to me to be habit and veil now. I was surprised to see the change in dress from the jumpers she and her former companions wore and were photographed in our archdiocesan newspaper (St. Louis Review). I wondered if I'd missed some new development in the evolution of the community she's attempting to found. I was operating under the assumption that some sort of official recognition had to take place before wearing a distinct habit in public, or that an individual had to be moved from the postulancy to novitiate before taking on a habit. We sure need a new archbishop here soon, as I don't know who is guiding Rosalind at this point.[/quote]

Actually, it is perfectly permissible to wear a postulant outfit (uniform, garb, whatever you want to call it - but NOT called a habit -- since, as has been pointed out, this is a sacramental and is blessed before wearing it) when one is preparing to entering a community. I have worn postulant outfits at different communities. In Edmonton I wore a long brown skirt, white blouse and brown tunic, with a brown veil. I asked Reverend Mother if I should wear my crucifix on the outside of my blouse but she said that would make me look like a sister in an active community instead of a postulant, so she just suggested wearing it under the blouse (even though we were cloistered and didn't go out!). I think any time someone wears something remotely religious, it can look like a habit. Sometimes when I go to Mass, I dress very conservatively and wear a head scarf, and on several occasions I have been referred to as "sister", so I try not to look so much like one now just to avoid confusion!

The actual canonical Novitiate year begins upon being clothed in the habit however, and I think that is why Rosalind is being careful NOT to refer to her outfit as a habit - to let everyone know that her community is not official yet and she is really a postulant for her own community. Maybe she should have waited even for this, but I think she was given permission by Bishop Hermann (the Administrator there) -- although I can't say this for sure.

As for getting an Archbishop - that is a tough one and I am sure Our Holy Father has his reasons for the delay - maybe he is waiting for someone to become available from another diocese? Bishop Hermann told me that it could take up to six months to get a new Archbishop - but it has been more than that now - so let's pray for them to get someone soon! :pray:

It must be very hard for Rosalind to be so high profile and to still be waiting for things to happen. People keep asking her on radio about her community and she has to keep saying that all is in God's hands - as of course, it is. pray pray pray :pray:

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[quote name='DevotedtoHim' post='1798214' date='Mar 5 2009, 04:02 PM']Does Rosalind Moss have a name in religion or is she wearing this and just going by "Sister Rosalind?"

Thanks if you know.


Sr. Rosalind doing so has precedent. Mother Cornelia Connolly, the foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, started as a postulant in her own order. It's not very common, though, and it probably takes place more among those who start the community from scratch, and not a religious sister "transferring" habits.

Postulants are called "Sister" to get them used to hearing it.

Her garb is a simple black dress, with belt, and a SHORT white veil donated to the community by the Nashville Dominicans.

From what I understand, she is still discerning the habit. Since they will be out on the streets, I hope the Holy Ghost leads her to something light-colored.

She plans to go by "Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God" when the time comes.


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[quote name='Gemma' date='Mar 5 2009, 05:05 PM' post='1798264']
Mother Cornelia Connolly, the foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, started as a postulant in her own order. Postulants are called "Sister" to get them used to hearing it.

Gemma, Mother Connolly received her religious formation in the Religious of the Sacred Heart.

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well i am also quite intrigued with the laity, particularly the lay association, wearing habits.

i know of a confraternity here, all men, age ranging from 12 to older. they wear "habits". during one of the solemn professions in my spiritual director's community, i think i saw one of their members attending, with his all-white tunic and a Franciscan belt and i am quite, uhm... what's that term in english? uhm,,, outraged? i felt that the religious were disrespected/

i asked once about this on a forum.. can't remember where and i was told it was okay but reading that third orders do not allow their members to wear habits in the public, i was "moved" to think about this confraternity who wear habits, who accept very young boys in their "community". they said they were allowed by the archbishop to "operate" but i think the bishop didn't know what's happening in them now.

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[quote name='Gemma' post='1798264' date='Mar 5 2009, 02:05 PM']Sr. Rosalind doing so has precedent. Mother Cornelia Connolly, the foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, started as a postulant in her own order. It's not very common, though, and it probably takes place more among those who start the community from scratch, and not a religious sister "transferring" habits.

Postulants are called "Sister" to get them used to hearing it.

Her garb is a simple black dress, with belt, and a SHORT white veil donated to the community by the Nashville Dominicans.

From what I understand, she is still discerning the habit. Since they will be out on the streets, I hope the Holy Ghost leads her to something light-colored.

She plans to go by "Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God" when the time comes.


The problems we had when I was with her, were finding the right material in the right color. She did indeed want a blue color in the beginning, but when she would find a color she liked, it wouldn't be available in the material that was needed. The thing is that pure cotton wrinkles too much, and although cotten blend is better, it is still not too good (especially with yards of material in those long habits). Wool is too hot and doesn't wash and wear. Finding a wool blend in the right color seemed almost impossible -- except in the standard colors of black or white or brown or navy blue. Believe me, she really wanted a much different color than black, but the practical reality is that we were looking for something that was cool in summer, washed easily and didn't wrinkle or need a lot of ironing --- in the color she wanted!! Not an easy task!

Oh, and the straight synthetics were great in terms of ease of care and feel, but they really were much too hot for a St Louis summer!

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I spoke with her by phone today. All is well, just waiting for a new Archbishop like everyone else in the archdiocese. Oh, and she prefers correspondence be sent by snail mail. Please, no emails!

Nunsense--do you have that addy?


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[quote name='Gemma' post='1799249' date='Mar 6 2009, 04:24 PM']I spoke with her by phone today. All is well, just waiting for a new Archbishop like everyone else in the archdiocese. Oh, and she prefers correspondence be sent by snail mail. Please, no emails!

Nunsense--do you have that addy?


You forget - I was there ! :rolleyes: We have each other's cell phone numbers - but thanks for looking out for me!

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1799306' date='Mar 6 2009, 08:56 PM']You forget - I was there ! :rolleyes: We have each other's cell phone numbers - but thanks for looking out for me![/quote]

I was wondering if you could post the snail mail address--since you were there at one time. :mellow:


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Oh, I thought she would have given it to you on the phone - sorry for the misunderstanding.

Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope
4950 Heege Road
St. Louis MO 63123

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I know that Third Order Franciscans (SFO) in my area wear a brown tunic to their meetings and private SFO liturgies but not out in public or apostolates.

I know Benedictine Oblates and THird Order DOminicans can be buried in monastic robes.

And I know a Benedictine Oblate who goes on retreat to a monastery and then wears a very short black tunic over her skirt or slacks, that has a hood. She wears this while on retreat, only - or at Adoration in her parish - and then mostly because the hood cuts off her peripheral vision and thus keeps her focused on the holy Eucharist.

This seems sane and okay to me. IF she was running around with the tunic all the time, or at mass every week, I would think she was making a bit of a show of herself.

Edited for typos

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[quote name='DameAgnes' post='1799842' date='Mar 7 2009, 04:56 PM']I know that Third Order Franciscans (SFO) in my area wear a brown tunic to their meetings and private SFO liturgies but not out in public or apostolates.

I know Benedictine Oblates and THird Order DOminicans can be buried in monastic robes.

And I know a Benedictine Oblate who goes on retreat to a monastery and then wears a very short black tunic over her skirt or slacks, that has a hood. She wears this while on retreat, only - or at Adoration in her parish - and then mostly because the hood cuts off her peripheral vision and thus keeps her focused on the holy Eucharist.

This seems sane and okay to me. IF she was running around with the tunic all the time, or at mass every week, I would think she was making a bit of a show of herself.

Edited for typos[/quote]

With all due respect to everybody, Sr. Rosalind was given the postulant garb ("habit" is not an appropriate term in this case) in an official ceremony. She is considered a postulant in her own order by the archdiocese. If nobody believes me, have the charity of calling the chancery and verifying what I've just said. She can't go any further in her training due to the lack of an archbishop. There's a lot of other things on hold in the archdiocese, also, for lack of an archbishop.

If there are any inquirers/aspirants who wish to have more information, please contact her directly. Cloister Outreach is not her intermediary. I simply had a foundress-to-foundress chat with her.


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[quote name='Gemma' post='1800363' date='Mar 8 2009, 05:05 AM']With all due respect to everybody, Sr. Rosalind was given the postulant garb ("habit" is not an appropriate term in this case) in an official ceremony. She is considered a postulant in her own order by the archdiocese. If nobody believes me, have the charity of calling the chancery and verifying what I've just said. She can't go any further in her training due to the lack of an archbishop. There's a lot of other things on hold in the archdiocese, also, for lack of an archbishop.

If there are any inquirers/aspirants who wish to have more information, please contact her directly. Cloister Outreach is not her intermediary. I simply had a foundress-to-foundress chat with her.


I think we are all praying and hoping for the best for Sr Rosalind, but the fascination with habits makes this topic something we all have an opinion about! :rolleyes: This makes for a lively and stimulating discussion - but not everyone is going to agree on certain issues. I don't personally see any lack of charity here, just interest and opinions.

As for the "training" you spoke about - the Archbishop has nothing to do with this, and she certainly can proceed with religious direction and formation under another community or spiritual director (and probably has already started this) even before he comes. As a lay person who has never had any religious formation herself, this seems like a vital first step for her (in my opinion).

One of the things that I found lacking when I was there, was any kind of religious formation, and we discussed this -- but before I left, she was consulting with the Vicar for Religious about this and with other communities - so I am sure that she has things in place now. As you know well, Gemma, starting a new community is a process that involves a lot of patience and perseverance - nothing is going to happen overnight.

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Gemma I wasn't criticising at all.

I was talking about what I knew of third order folk, of which I believe Rosalind is not one.

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[quote name='Gemma' date='04 March 2009 - 09:30 AM' timestamp='1236173450' post='1797157']
Looks like the St. Cecilia Dominicans' (can anyone tell me what's in the background?). Scroll down.


What has this link to do with Rosalind Moss? The link works, but I don't see her picture.

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[quote name='sistersintigo' date='10 March 2010 - 07:04 AM' timestamp='1268172271' post='2069780']
What has this link to do with Rosalind Moss? The link works, but I don't see her picture.

it's been s year since the link was posted so i suppose it has been removed. oh!

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