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[quote name='rkwright' post='1795808' date='Mar 3 2009, 12:03 AM']hassan^win[/quote]

Some would say I'm a mathematical genius :yes:

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[quote name='txdinghysailor' post='1795603' date='Mar 2 2009, 09:58 PM']People with mental disabilities shouldn't be trying to take college level physics![/quote]
It depends on the disability. Some people who will never do physics again are required by their major to take it anyway.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1795896' date='Mar 3 2009, 12:38 AM']Some would say I'm a mathematical genius :yes:[/quote]
Are you bragging or complaining?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1795900' date='Mar 3 2009, 12:41 AM']Are you bragging or complaining?[/quote]


How could I not be proud of my brilliant usurpation of the pythagorean theorem? :rolleyes:


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[quote name='txdinghysailor' post='1795467' date='Mar 2 2009, 08:28 PM']But how is that intelligence displayed except by the questions that are asked of people?[/quote]

Knowing answers to questions is knowledge. Intelligence is when you figure out the answers. That's why IQ tests are composed of different types of puzzles that require different skill sets.

For example, you can learn how to play chess from a book and it would help your game, but you won't beat a great player without a certain level of intelligence. I could read about music, how it's written and different songwriting techniques, but if I'm not gifted with intelligence in that field my ability to play or write music will be limited compared to someone who has that gift.

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[quote name='txdinghysailor' post='1795591' date='Mar 2 2009, 09:48 PM']No physics. I'm talking about people who couldn't understand simple algebra! Physics is tough, but if you can't do the algebra to solve for even one unknown, you're just dumb.[/quote]

There was a girl in my high school pre-calculus class who is almost certainly the most intelligent person I've ever known. Learning languages wasn't challenging enough, so she created her own. We once watched her compute the square root of a five digit number faster than our teacher punched it into her calculator. She even knew the punch lines to jokes by figuring them out before you'd tell it.

However, she couldn't tell a joke to save her life (at least not one anybody in western Kentucky would recognize as a joke!). She didn't have any friends at school because she was completely incapable of relating to anyone... other intelligent students looked dumb next to her, but at least they could socialize. Her valedictorian speech only displayed how she was completely in her own little world. One time she made a reference to male cows and after finding out there is no such thing, she broke down crying.

Obviously she was incredibly intelligent in many areas, but she was so severely lacking in communication skills that you almost had to feel sorry for her, and it goes to show how people can be very intelligent in some ways and not so bright in others.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1795959' date='Mar 2 2009, 11:32 PM']There was a girl in my high school pre-calculus class who is almost certainly the most intelligent person I've ever known. Learning languages wasn't challenging enough, so she created her own. We once watched her compute the square root of a five digit number faster than our teacher punched it into her calculator. She even knew the punch lines to jokes by figuring them out before you'd tell it.

However, she couldn't tell a joke to save her life (at least not one anybody in western Kentucky would recognize as a joke!). She didn't have any friends at school because she was completely incapable of relating to anyone... other intelligent students looked dumb next to her, but at least they could socialize. Her valedictorian speech only displayed how she was completely in her own little world. One time she made a reference to male cows and after finding out there is no such thing, she broke down crying.

Obviously she was incredibly intelligent in many areas, but she was so severely lacking in communication skills that you almost had to feel sorry for her, and it goes to show how people can be very intelligent in some ways and not so bright in others.[/quote]
I know what you mean.

I know someone now who reminds me of this. It isn't as extreme in some ways, but in other ways maybe it's worse.

This guy is pretty uber intelligent, but he also has [b]zero[/b] social skills or any social conscience in regards to personal relationships.
I guess I feel sorry for him (at least I want to) but it just isn't healthy to be around him.

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Just to continue these last two posts... I'm sure we all know that super intelligent person with no social skills...

I had a friend in grade school like this. I moved away and went to a different high school and college, but our moms were friends and kept in touch. Turns out he wanted those social skills and probably more social acceptance that he just started ignoring school work. He turned to drugs and alcohol to fit in, failed out of a pretty good university. He came home, caused problems there - ended up working at Subway then later at Papa John's. I'm pretty sure he still works there?

His mom wrote in a Christmas card one year "[My Son] is serving as a great role model to my other son's on what not to do in life"

This year his mom wrote "[My son] officially has more tattoos than brains"

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[quote name='rkwright' post='1796131' date='Mar 3 2009, 08:44 AM']His mom wrote in a Christmas card one year "[My Son] is serving as a great role model to my other son's on what not to do in life"

This year his mom wrote "[My son] officially has more tattoos than brains"[/quote]

What a terrible thing to say about your child, especially on a Christmas card to a family friend.

That reminds me of Christmas cards as Christmas "letters" - my older brother always complains about them. You know, where the relative you barely hear from fills up the card with their accomplishments and how great they are. ;)

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1796182' date='Mar 3 2009, 11:56 AM']That reminds me of Christmas cards as Christmas "letters" - my older brother always complains about them. You know, where the relative you barely hear from fills up the card with their accomplishments and how great they are. ;)[/quote]

My aunt does that about her kids. Really ticks off my mother.

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[quote name='IrishSalesian' post='1796187' date='Mar 3 2009, 11:02 AM']My aunt does that about her kids. Really ticks off my mother.[/quote]

Adam. :love: Booth. :evil:

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You simply lack the understanding of what intelligence really is :), there is more than one kind.
My son has a form of dysgraphia - he can dictate a term paper, or explain a concept, but cannot write it because he leaves out too many of the words. So he can explain the entire French revolution with who did what and why - all the details - but he cannot write it out. He can also do just about any kind of math, and has an IQ of 150. Would you claim him he is dumb?

There is a blog online of an autistic woman who can barely move, has no power of speech at all, she can only use a keyboard, but is one of the best and clearest writers on the internet. Would you call her dumb?

Just because you cannot do math doesn't mean you lack intelligence.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1796182' date='Mar 3 2009, 11:56 AM']What a terrible thing to say about your child, especially on a Christmas card to a family friend.

That reminds me of Christmas cards as Christmas "letters" - my older brother always complains about them. You know, where the relative you barely hear from fills up the card with their accomplishments and how great they are. ;)[/quote]

My part of our yearly Christmas letter was one sentence long... lol

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