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Latin Mass


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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1794638' date='Mar 1 2009, 09:32 PM']I think he was insinuating that some Masses he has been to were questionable (i.e. liturgical abuse).[/quote]


But never with a Latin Mass. That is one def. positive for Latin Mass is you hardly ever hear of any problems liturgically with the Latin Mass.

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Archaeology cat

I've never been to a TLM, as there isn't one available in my diocese. However, the Cathedral has a Latin NO Mass which I have attended on occasion. It's beautiful. :)

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1794583' date='Mar 1 2009, 08:54 PM']I have never been to Mass in Latin - extraordinary or ordinary. I guess some people have their preferences, but the Eucharist is the Eucharist.[/quote]
What's the difference between extroardinary or ordinary? Latin Mass is NOT boring! It's very interesting. In my opinion. :rolleyes: :saint: :topsy:

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"'The Mass is long,' you say, and I reply: 'Because your love is short'"

-St. Josemaria Escriva
The Way No. 529

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Love the EF. Would probably attend it every week if it were at a closer distance.

I attend the OF in English though as it is close by and the Mass my family attends.

:love: mass.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='RemnantRules' post='1795077' date='Mar 2 2009, 10:19 AM']:yes:

But never with a Latin Mass. That is one def. positive for Latin Mass is you hardly ever hear of any problems liturgically with the Latin Mass.[/quote]
Just throwing this out there, but I'd argue that it's because it's far less common, and generally only performed by priests less tolerant of today's culture.

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I wouldn't say that the EF is normally mainly said by priests less tolerant of today's culture, unless you mean the sinful aspects. I would argue that the lack of liturgical abuses is due to the fact that there are next to no options in the EF. Also, the fact that it is in Latin makes it practically impossible to improvise. And what is probably the largest factor is that those priests who celebrate the EF more than likely have a low tolerance for liturgical abuse in any Rite and are probably saying the EF in order to get away from the irreverence and liturgical abuse often found in the OF.

Edited by Resurrexi
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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1795633' date='Mar 2 2009, 08:20 PM']I wouldn't say that the EF is normally mainly said by priests less tolerant of today's culture, unless you mean the sinful aspects. I would argue that the lack of liturgical abuses is due to the fact that there are next to no options in the EF. Also, the fact that it is in Latin makes it practically impossible to improvise. And what is probably the largest factor is that those priests who celebrate the EF more than likely have a low tolerance for liturgical abuse in any Rite and are probably saying the EF in order to get away from the irreverence and liturgical abuse often found in the OF.[/quote]
SOrry, should have been more clear. I meant relativistic culture, not culture in general.

I'm scatterbrained now. :mellow:

So more or less what you said...

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[i]May 2008[/i][/center]
I go to the Extraordinary Form ([i]Missal of Blessed Pope John XXIII[/i]) in my area; it is been hosted by the Diocese Latin Mass Community, whom keep very close ties with the Bishop. Our new Bishop has come to visit us and hopes to visit us sometime during [b]Lent[/b] and [b]Advent[/b] on a regular basis. From what I understand our Bishop is very impressed with the Latin Mass Community, in fact it appears he refers people here when they have certain “[i]issues[/i]” with the Ordinary Form. Sunday mass attendance has seemingly increased, and there are in fact a lot of children/teenagers and young people there. They are all really friendly people, [i]a lot of cute girls go there too[/i], including Dust’s Sister since I have been taking her there.

The Extraordinary Form ([i]Missal of Blessed Pope John XXIII[/i]) in my area is said by Father Terra of the FSSP, stationed in Dallas, Texas. Father Terra is one of the few Priests I know who frequently and adamantly opposes Direct Abortion on the pulpit and in his life as a Priest. Also one of the fewer Priests who I have heard condemn from the pulpit pornography, and related sins. He is the only Priest I have heard speak about the grave dangers of socialism and communism in the modern world, Free Masonry, and preaches the message of Our Lady of Fatima. Quite honestly, I have heard him do sermons on some quite remarkable subjects, even one I had never even considered of gluttony, which was absolutely remarkable. He is also a very stern confessor, I sweat bullets every time I go to see him. He hears confessions for nearly thirty minutes before and after Mass.

[b]Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament every First Sunday![/b] :))

Its adorable watching him, come out of the confessional or after mass down the altar, walking along and seeing a little kid at [b]warp factor eight[/b] "[i]glomp[/i]" into him. He even blesses the children/babies as he walks by the altar or pews. Which honestly the first time I heard him preach, in his sermon, this little phrase he repeats sums him up. “[i]God does not demand much of us, He demands everything of us.[/i]”

We, [i]Dust’s Sister and I[/i], gave her brother (DuSt) a calendar from the Latin Mass Community, since the one from the dioceses we are not pleased with. We tried explaining it to him but he said the calendar wasn’t in Latin, so he didn’t believe us.

Edited by Mr.CatholicCat
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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1794768' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:35 PM']Pictures of [url="http://www.atonementonline.com/tour.php"][u]Our Lady of the Atonement Church[/u][/url][/quote]
That is soo awesome. Sort of how I envision a Latin Church interior.

[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1794782' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:46 PM']That is because those are the words that the Vatican approved for use in the Roman Rite in the United States.

That said, I wonder whether the Anglican Use parishes in the United States will alter the words of institution when the rest of the Roman Rite in America does in a couple of years.[/quote]
Whatever works. Sort of a "wait and see" I suppose. Personally, unless it's a big problem, I'd leave the Anglican Use translation alone for the sake of fluidness.

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It would probably make more sense the the Anglican Use to change the translation of the Words of Consecration (as well as the Offertory and Memorial Acclamation) along with everone else since it would probably flow better with the Elizabethan translation of the rest of their Mass.

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