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We Should Be Ashamed Of Our Hatred -mature Content!


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[quote name='bonkers' post='1790186' date='Feb 24 2009, 04:59 AM']If he was Catholic and denounced abortion, you would be saying he was the most fabulous actor on earth.[/quote]

but he didnt...
he supports gay marriage....

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1790186' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:59 AM']If he was Catholic and denounced abortion, you would be saying he was the most fabulous actor on earth.[/quote]


You have no basis for making this statement.

Whatever happened to atheists being logical and only believing things that are supported by scientific proof?

Oh...that's right...that's not an apt description of atheists at all!

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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1790223' date='Feb 24 2009, 05:26 AM']You have no basis for making this statement.[/quote]

Palin - it's funny how just about everyone thought she was an incompetent bimbo except for pro-lifers.

[quote]Whatever happened to atheists being logical and only believing things that are supported by scientific proof?

Oh...that's right...that's not an apt description of atheists at all![/quote]

Atheists are allowed to have opinions, we just don't proclaim them as the absolute and final truth and except everyone to mindlessly obey them.

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1790238' date='Feb 24 2009, 06:13 AM']Atheists are allowed to have opinions, we just don't proclaim them as the absolute and final truth and except everyone to mindlessly obey them.[/quote]

atheists offer nothing but despair and a blind alliance to satan.
at least you know the truth and might come back.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1790239' date='Feb 24 2009, 06:15 AM']atheists offer nothing but despair and a blind alliance to satan.
at least you know the truth and might come back.[/quote]

I'm completely fine with atheism. Granted, we don't get to believe in things like afterlife and grand reunions with long lost loved one's, but we know these things aren't true and it's worthless to believe in things which aren't true. Reality is always better than false hope. Are you suggesting that I secretely know Catholicism is the truth and am in some sort of denial or something? I find it amusing how you apparently know more about me than I do. I want to make it very clear, I find your dogma laughable and am perplexed how intelligent people can believe in any of this stuff. I'm not saying this to be offensive, it's what I genuinely beleive. I think beliefs are very odd.

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Life is a lot better when you're not constantly worrying whether you're going to burn forever. Fortunately I don't think there is a hell. As I said I think it's someting some people made up as a way of controlling the masses. What kind of good, loving god would create such a place anyway? I just find it really odd that god, out of his omni-goodness and love, would create a place of eternal fire and torture, because he loves us so much and he wants us to be able to choose this horrible place if we so wish, because he loves us so much. I find this so absurd, yet some people really believe in this stuff. Meh, maybe I'm just ignorant and lack the spiritual gifts and grace to see this morbid truth. Or, maybe I'm not intelligent enough to comprehend it. I don't think I will ever buy it though.

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1790252' date='Feb 24 2009, 08:12 AM']Life is a lot better when you're not constantly worrying whether you're going to burn forever. Fortunately I don't think there is a hell. As I said I think it's someting some people made up as a way of controlling the masses. What kind of good, loving god would create such a place anyway? I just find it really odd that god, out of his omni-goodness and love, would create a place of eternal fire and torture, because he loves us so much and he wants us to be able to choose this horrible place if we so wish, because he loves us so much. I find this so absurd, yet some people really believe in this stuff. Meh, maybe I'm just ignorant and lack the spiritual gifts and grace to see this morbid truth. Or, maybe I'm not intelligent enough to comprehend it. I don't think I will ever buy it though.[/quote]

If God is perfect he cannot be without justice. Angels and men alike decided that there should be a hell. They wanted it. He did it in his justice. Angels and man a like have turned away from him and wanted nothing to do with Him. He is a God of justice just as He is a God of love.

I find it very sad that you don't love our Lord. He loves you. :sadder:

Edited by TotusTuusMaria
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[quote name='Hassan' post='1789930' date='Feb 24 2009, 12:01 AM']I agree with him to an extent. Simply having a sexual ethics in which homosexuality is deemed morally wrong is a personal decision. However trying to use state law to block people from leading meaningful lives and having the same opertunities and rights as other Americans is wrong and I do think that those who voted against it should take a look at themselves in the mirror.

If you beleive that inter racial marriage is wrong that is fine, but please don't intrude into the lives of inter racial couples and block them from getting married.[/quote]

How are homosexual unions "inter-racial marriage"? Two gay men are not two different races.

[quote name='Winchester' post='1790078' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:42 AM']Must...not...make...obvious...joke...[/quote]

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1790242' date='Feb 24 2009, 07:51 AM']I'm completely fine with atheism. Granted, we don't get to believe in things like afterlife and grand reunions with long lost loved one's, but we know these things aren't true and it's worthless to believe in things which aren't true. Reality is always better than false hope. Are you suggesting that I secretely know Catholicism is the truth and am in some sort of denial or something? I find it amusing how you apparently know more about me than I do. I want to make it very clear, I find your dogma laughable and am perplexed how intelligent people can believe in any of this stuff. I'm not saying this to be offensive, it's what I genuinely beleive. I think beliefs are very odd.[/quote]

The reality is though, that God does exist. Heaven does exist. Hell does exist.

Intelligent people believe these things because... well, I chalk it up to their intelligence. :)

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[quote]Simply having a sexual ethics in which homosexuality is deemed morally wrong is a personal decision.[/quote]

:rolleyes: Unforunately for your argument, there is a such thing as truth so no matter if you want to believe in homosexuality being "morally wrong" or not, it is. Human beings are not made to have sexual relationships with persons of the same sex. It is, like it or not, perverse: contrary and counter

[quote]However trying to use state law to block people from leading meaningful lives and having the same opertunities and rights as other Americans is wrong[/quote]


What constitues a "meaningful life" ?

Just to clarify, people who suffer from SSA have the same rights and opprotunities as everyone else. They also even have the opprotunity to get married and have children (with a person of the opposite sex, as human beings, judging from how "sex" actually works, are made to do).

A homosexual civil union or "marriage" is not a "right"

A human right is based on the dignity of the human person and what we should and should not afford that human being in light of that dignity. Homosexual relationships are against the dignity of human persons. We are not made for such relations. In the end, homosexual marriage is not a "right" in the sense of something that a human being deserves in light of his human dignity, or something that society should legitimize.

[quote]I do think that those who voted against it should take a look at themselves in the mirror.[/quote]



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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1789965' date='Feb 24 2009, 02:26 AM']You will not get an apology from me, as it is not warranted, and really I think I might be able to request one from yourself, however, I will not be making such a suggestion nor a "demand."[/quote]

How noble of you. :rolleyes:

I agree with everyone else... that one post did not go along with the thread and everyone elses thoughts on people who suffer from homosexuality. No one here said they hated people with SSA. Wow.

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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1790074' date='Feb 24 2009, 03:37 AM']If you were asking what have you done that warrants an apology to me... making demands, wasting my time, implying that i was a liar would be a good place to start. However, like I said, I will not ask nor demand, nor do i desire such a thing.[/quote]

wasting your time? lol.

implying that you were a liar? :rolleyes:

Again, how noble of you. <_<

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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1789965' date='Feb 23 2009, 11:26 PM']Cute, but it ain't happening. The title of the thread is "we should be ashamed of our hatred". Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but Sean Penn never said you who disagree with me hate gays. He mentioned "the signs of hatred" that were being shown picketing the Oscars and then those whom voted against gay marriage should be ashamed.

Therefore, by posting in this thread and not denouncing the title, many have implied through sarcasm, or lack of stating, that they are not ashamed, and that the hatred is there. has anyone said hate? yes... it's in the title.

Now, if the title said: "Sean Penn says we should be ashamed of not allowing gay marriage" that would make sense. But it doesn't. It says "we should be ashamed of [u][b]our[/b][/u] [u][b]hatred.[/b][/u]

You will not get an apology from me, as it is not warranted, and really I think I might be able to request one from yourself, however, I will not be making such a suggestion nor a "demand."[/quote]

The inference can be drawn that we are accused of hatred by him. Anyone with a brain stem could figure that out. Nowhere on this thread are we attacking homosexuals or using hatred but the fact that we take the stance against homosexuality, not homosexuals, causes them to use those inflammatory terms with much fanfare from you and your ilk. To use the term hatred shows a deep ignorance of the Catholic stance on homosexuality and you my friend are mired up to your neck in it.

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