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We Should Be Ashamed Of Our Hatred -mature Content!


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Saint Therese

Did anyone see "Sam I Am". I wondered if that was the way he was in real life.
Now I know it is.

Edited by Saint Therese
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[quote name='BG45' post='1789946' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:13 AM']And as I said previously in this thread, I have [b]always[/b] thought his acting stinks. If you want to play troll tonight in the threads I post in, I don't have to play along anymore. :rolleyes:[/quote]

I'm not playing a troll, your claim just did not and does not make sense. You may have always thought his acting stinks but the idea that, as you suggusted, he needed to do this for attention is odd to say the least.

I don't have anything against you, I just think your theory is absurd.

Edited by Hassan
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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1789929' date='Feb 24 2009, 12:00 AM']Once again, where has anyone on this thread (or any regular board member) ever made fun of a gay Catholic. I don't just think an apology is order, I hereby demand one![/quote]

Cute, but it ain't happening. The title of the thread is "we should be ashamed of our hatred". Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but Sean Penn never said you who disagree with me hate gays. He mentioned "the signs of hatred" that were being shown picketing the Oscars and then those whom voted against gay marriage should be ashamed.

Therefore, by posting in this thread and not denouncing the title, many have implied through sarcasm, or lack of stating, that they are not ashamed, and that the hatred is there. has anyone said hate? yes... it's in the title.

Now, if the title said: "Sean Penn says we should be ashamed of not allowing gay marriage" that would make sense. But it doesn't. It says "we should be ashamed of [u][b]our[/b][/u] [u][b]hatred.[/b][/u]

You will not get an apology from me, as it is not warranted, and really I think I might be able to request one from yourself, however, I will not be making such a suggestion nor a "demand."

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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1789417' date='Feb 23 2009, 03:56 PM']They're our social betters. Their image gets shone on a big sheet, so obviously they know everything about everything.[/quote]

except for what they should have learned in kindergarten...

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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1789965' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:26 AM']Cute, but it ain't happening. The title of the thread is "we should be ashamed of our hatred". Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but Sean Penn never said you who disagree with me hate gays. He mentioned "the signs of hatred" that were being shown picketing the Oscars and then those whom voted against gay marriage should be ashamed.

Therefore, by posting in this thread and not denouncing the title, many have implied through sarcasm, or lack of stating, that they are not ashamed, and that the hatred is there. has anyone said hate? yes... it's in the title.

Now, if the title said: "Sean Penn says we should be ashamed of not allowing gay marriage" that would make sense. But it doesn't. It says "we should be ashamed of [u][b]our[/b][/u] [u][b]hatred.[/b][/u]

You will not get an apology from me, as it is not warranted, and really I think I might be able to request one from yourself, however, I will not be making such a suggestion nor a "demand."[/quote]


that seems a bit of a stretch

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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1789965' date='Feb 23 2009, 10:26 PM']You will not get an apology from me, as it is not warranted, and really I think I might be able to request one from yourself, however, I will not be making such a suggestion nor a "demand."[/quote]

What have I done to warrant an apology from you, good sir?

If you can't supply this information, that's three apologies that you owe me.

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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1789971' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:30 AM']What have I done to warrant an apology from you, good sir?

If you can't supply this information, that's three apologies that you owe me.[/quote]

How about you both just apologize to me?


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[quote name='T-Bone _' post='1789971' date='Feb 24 2009, 12:30 AM']What have I done to warrant an apology from you, good sir?

If you can't supply this information, that's three apologies that you owe me.[/quote]

What have you done to warrant (or get) an apology from me?... uh, nothing.

If you were asking what have you done that warrants an apology to me... making demands, wasting my time, implying that i was a liar would be a good place to start. However, like I said, I will not ask nor demand, nor do i desire such a thing.

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If we're going to start using the Bible as a tool to justify our positions or condemn others, I will say that Jesus Christ did use name calling (Mt 23:33 as one example). In this regard, since we are called to be "Christ-like" in our lives, I have this to say:

Sean Penn is a cry baby and an idiot.

I bet he's tearing down all the "Go Vote!" posters around California.

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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1789896' date='Feb 23 2009, 11:13 PM']put on a pair of their shoes and see how you can help them.[/quote]Must...not...make...obvious...joke...

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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1790074' date='Feb 23 2009, 11:37 PM']What have you done to warrant (or get) an apology from me?... uh, nothing.[/quote]

I don't need to do anything to get an apology from you. You have wronged me. That doesn't require anything on my part.

[quote]If you were asking what have you done that warrants an apology to me... making demands, wasting my time, implying that i was a liar would be a good place to start. However, like I said, I will not ask nor demand, nor do i desire such a thing.[/quote]

My only demand was for an apology for being wronged by you. (Well three...make that four.) That does not warrant an apology.

I have not wasted your time, so there's no apology there.

I have not implied that you are a liar unjustly. I have just asked that you prove your statements, which you have failed to do. Right now, I'm not [i]implying[/i] that you are a liar, I am flat out saying you are one. YOU ARE A LIAR! (By the way, you accusing me of implying that you are a liar warrants a fourth apology.)

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[quote name='Zoecool13' post='1789965' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:26 AM']Cute, but it ain't happening. The title of the thread is "we should be ashamed of our hatred". Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but Sean Penn never said you who disagree with me hate gays. He mentioned "the signs of hatred" that were being shown picketing the Oscars and then those whom voted against gay marriage should be ashamed.

Therefore, by posting in this thread and not denouncing the title, many have implied through sarcasm, or lack of stating, that they are not ashamed, and that the hatred is there. has anyone said hate? yes... it's in the title.

Now, if the title said: "Sean Penn says we should be ashamed of not allowing gay marriage" that would make sense. But it doesn't. It says "we should be ashamed of [u][b]our[/b][/u] [u][b]hatred.[/b][/u]

You will not get an apology from me, as it is not warranted, and really I think I might be able to request one from yourself, however, I will not be making such a suggestion nor a "demand."[/quote]

please read the subtitle, sir :mellow:

plus, from what i understand, mr. penn has implied that not allowing gay marriage is showing hatred toward them. if this is true, then, as Catholics, since we do not support gay marriage, he thinks that we are showing hatred toward gays. and he thinks that we should be ashamed of ourselves. if the title of the thread just came out of nowhere, that would be one thing. but it was just paraphrazing what mr. penn said about "yes on 8" people.

Edited by mcts
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[quote name='BG45' post='1789946' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:13 AM']And as I said previously in this thread, I have [b]always[/b] thought his acting stinks. If you want to play troll tonight in the threads I post in, I don't have to play along anymore. :rolleyes:[/quote]

If he was Catholic and denounced abortion, you would be saying he was the most fabulous actor on earth.

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