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Whos Job Is It To Prepare For Disaster...


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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1790149' date='Feb 24 2009, 01:18 AM']Yes, I'm a grammar Nazi.[/quote]

I'm just glad I'm not the only one... :saint:

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I'm fairly famine proof. All I have to do is find a place big enough to hide, and wait for you skinny folks to die of hunger, and then I'll have all the fresh meat I need.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1795346' date='Mar 2 2009, 03:04 PM']I carry Holy Water and a Rosary......and some STUNNING good looks and smooth charm.[/quote]
too bad you don't carry enough stunning good looks and smooth charm. :mellow:

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1795398' date='Mar 2 2009, 04:12 PM']I got you to like me, didn't I?

you sure about that?

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I've got episodes of Man vs. Wild to help train me for survival. Now if I could only eat a fraction of what Bear eats. ^_^

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It is the job of every citizen to be prepared for an emergency. At the very least a family should keep supplies for a 3 day cessation of every modern convenience we take for granted: food/clean water/shelter/electricity/and yes, security. My Father is chairman of our city's Emergency Preparedness Board, and has been for years. This board has DVD's they pass out any chance they get; the topics include emergency supplies, basic first aid training and necessary supplies, and another one which promotes the women's self defense program they host regularly. I can get these materials to anyone who is interested.

It is irresponsible for people to think that all they have to do is wait on their front porch for the army to come pick them up or drop off all the things they need.

Case-in-point is what happened after hurricane katrina. First of all the mayor of New Orleans was a piece of work, but that's a different discussion. People had no prepared supply kits at all, and then were [i]mad at the government [/i]because they weren't there within moments of the disaster. Do they have any idea what it takes to organize the manpower and supplies for hundreds of thousands of people, and then transport them to where they are needed? Obviously not by their childish reactions.

It's your job, not the government's. It's your job, not the city's. It's your job, not your neighbor's.

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