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[quote name='Didacus' post='1730519' date='Dec 17 2008, 03:27 PM']Well, I predict that in four years from now, in 2008, a black president will be elected.

I know its a long shot but I'm taking bets if anyone is interested.[/quote]


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Hey is the author of that site Kafka? Sounds like the same person.

I sure hope B16 lives longer than another year or two! I have a great deal of faith and expectation in our current Holy Father's ability to renew the Church, if he is given enough time to do it.

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I first learned about the site and author from a new age forum I stumbled upon after a google search. A poster claimed the author of the site predicted the Pope after HH JPII would be called Benedict XVI. Using the wayback machine, which is an internet archive, the poster demonstrated that this prediction was in fact true.

There are other predictions the author made which were incorrect, for example that Pope Benedict XVI would be Black.

Personally I have three concerns with the author. First of all he is establishing himself as an authority and guide, and has gained a decent number of people who follow him. Secondly, he has gone beyond speculative theology and has personally asserted that Mary was born of a virgin birth like Jesus, and that Mary will be returning with Jesus on Second Coming. Lastly, he argues against what he calls "Magisterianism," and says there are times when dissent is permitted.

These are my personal opinions and one is welcome to make their own, however it's for these reasons that I have lost a great deal of interest in the site.

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I do not like the site or the author because his view on women's roles are flat out wrong. Yep, I said it. And no, it is not my feminism talking :))

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Galloglasses' Alt

With consideration of what mortify has said about the predictions in this sight and how the author is using the unconfirmed validity of the predictions from Medugorje, I began to be a little dismayed about this site.

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I've known him for a few years. His writings are highly speculative and controversial. He has taught me a lot about the Faith, but I am by no means a follower of him.

As far as his predictions about the future are concerned, I dont know, we'll see.

I'm more interested in his insights into eschatology based on Sacred Scripture, and less interested with all his dates. I've made it a practice to expand on some fine points of his eschatology, since I think he has come up with the best insights of any Catholic theologian in this branch of theology. He also practices other branches of theology.

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[quote name='kafka' post='1731572' date='Dec 18 2008, 06:38 PM']He also practices other branches of theology.[/quote]

Such as?

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1731647' date='Dec 18 2008, 07:21 PM']Is this the dude who "prophesied" that Hillary would win in '08?[/quote]
Yes, in his [i]Furture Map - Part 1[/i] he predicts the following:

[quote]In the year 2009 A.D.

[indent]* U.S. President Hillary Clinton changes her mind about abortion and becomes prolife
* It is a year of great success for the prolife cause[/indent][/quote]

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[quote name='picchick' post='1731798' date='Dec 18 2008, 09:27 PM']Such as?[/quote]
Maybe . . . Alternate Universe Theology?

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I am not making fun of the guy. I think that he is faulty and his site, to me, reeks of arrogance. People can say that of me by judging my posts of course. I wouldn't mind because they probably do. However, his judgements on what women should and should not do and on how sex should and should not be are just really out there.

The fact that he has to approve you to join his forum also irks me a certain way. Why must people be approved? He claims so that no one is against the Church teachings. However, how do people grow in faith without questioning and turning stuff over in their heads? I get the feeling that the minute that someone states or questions something contrary to Church teaching...or more importantly HIS teaching and thoughts they are booted off the forum.

Something about this guy just does not sit well with me. This is my gut feeling though.

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[quote name='picchick' post='1731798' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:27 PM']Such as?[/quote]
Dogmatic Theology, Moral Theology, Speculative Theology. His articles and books often mix Dogmatic, Ordinary, and Speculative Theology. His books and articles include insights into the Trinity, Mariology, Tradition, Scripture, Magisterium, obviously Eschatology, Biblical Chronology, and some other areas. He is also translating the Bible from the Latin Vulgate.

As far as I know he has several more books lined up to be released for the future, including two more works of Eschatology.

[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1731809' date='Dec 19 2008, 12:05 AM']Yes, in his [i]Furture Map - Part 1[/i] he predicts the following:[/quote]
He publicly admits he was wrong, though this prediction of his wasnt based on Sacred Scripture, it was his interpretation of providence, of which was obviously wrong. As far as I know he still thinks Clinton will eventually become president.

His teachings on roles of men and women, and sexual ethics seem strict when compared to the standards of secular society and modern theological errors (now rampant in the Church), yet they reflect constant Church teaching through the ages, and in my opinion reflect sound reasoning concerning God's plan for society and the nature and purpose of marriage and sexual relations.

Here are some of my random reflections concerning Conte:

He is controversial figure. As time passes he might as well continue to be more and more controversial. He is not beyond criticism, yet at this point he is beyond ridicule. He is a deep thinker, with some profound, fresh, and groundbreaking insights into the Deposit of Faith who has been practicing theology for many years. His writings and teachings may contain some minor errors and faults here and there, yet after having read most of his works and known him for a few years, I cannot help but say that his writings are valuable to the Catholic Church and will be valuable for generations to come. That being said, I'm not from the future so only time will tell.

In the mean time if anyone decides to read his works read them with a critical mind, and always fall back on Tradition, Scripture, Magisterium. I dont care who the theologian is. Whether he is Aquinas, Augustine, etc. if a theologian (or anyone) teaches one thing and Christ and His Church teaches another thing, follow Christ, not the theologian. Aquinas and Augustine and many other theologians were wrong on some points.

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[quote name='kafka' post='1732175' date='Dec 19 2008, 05:22 PM']His teachings on roles of men and women, and sexual ethics seem strict when compared to the standards of secular society and modern theological errors (now rampant in the Church), yet they reflect constant Church teaching through the ages, and in my opinion reflect sound reasoning concerning God's plan for society and the nature and purpose of marriage and sexual relations.[/quote]

Again, not to beat a dead horse but this is not really what you think...because if that were true then you would not have been so inconsistent in your other posts when I confronting you about the same thing.

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