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Sspx: Jews Are 'our Elder Brothers


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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1768919' date='Feb 1 2009, 07:21 PM']I think she means the hostility with which they speak of the Jewish people. The following comes from their official website.

[b] It is indeed very sad that the post-Conciliar Church has forgotten the elementary distinction described by Father Fahey, namely between opposition to Jewish Naturalism and hostility to the race. The door was opened to this, and to the subsequent acceptation of Judaism as a legitimate religion in the Vatican II Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, Nostra Aetate. After correctly pointing out that the Jewish authorities pressed for the death of Christ, and that neither all Jews at that time, nor today "can be charged with the crimes committed during his Passion," it then continues with the outrageous statement, so contrary to Sacred Scripture, that "the Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from holy Scripture." (§4) It is consequently considered that since the Church reproves every form of persecution, then we must respect their false national religion, regardless of the fact that its very existence is the sign of the curse of the national naturalism that has fallen upon them. [/b]

The following is from their "theological conclusions" pertaining to the Jewish people.

[b][u]Sixth Conclusion:[/u] Under pain of sin, Catholics cannot hate the Jewish people, cannot persecute them or prevent them to live, nor disturb them in their private practice of their laws and customs. But, they must nevertheless preserve themselves from the danger they represent. Catholics are not to enter into commercial, social, nor political relations which are bound hypocritically to seek the ruin of Christendom. Jews must not live together with Christians because this is what their own Jewish laws ordain and also because their errors and material superiority have virulent consequences among other peoples. If the other peoples reject these precautions, they will invite upon themselves these consequences, namely, to serve the Jewish people to whom belongs superiority in the kingdom of the material.[/b]

And "Jewish and Christian People":

[b] The relations of Christians and Jews cannot be governed by the common law of Christians, but only by an exceptional legislation which takes count of the theological status of the Jewish people. The Catholic Church’s teaching is that they should neither be eliminated from among us (as antisemitism seeks) nor given equality of rights, which leads to their superiority (as is advocated by liberalism or philosemitism). [/b]

Some more friendliness towards the Jewish people:

[b] The Catholic Church perceives the deep desire of the Jewish people to impose its material superiority and the guilt of Catholics who seek this people to get material gain. The enslaving of Christians and Christian nations began by the fault of Christians.

If Christians wish to remain free, let them avoid entanglements with the Jewish people. It dominates in every branch of commerce and finance, in philosophy and the universities. Its action is felt in the consequences of the French Revolution, in the socialization of socialist countries, and in the slavery of Communism. If the Gentile people wishes for a civilization based on economic greatness and the comfortable life, with everything set at the epitome of organization and technical development–then it can have it, with the Jewish people as master and the all the rest as slaves.[/b][/quote]


First of all, thanks for your posts.

Secondly, can you give the link for the above material from the SSPX website?

(Maybe, it's been pulled--then again, maybe not!)

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1772561' date='Feb 5 2009, 12:31 AM']HisChild,

First of all, thanks for your posts.

Secondly, can you give the link for the above material from the SSPX website?

(Maybe, it's been pulled--then again, maybe not!)[/quote]

She can't - we do not link to SSPX sites.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1769286' date='Feb 1 2009, 11:20 PM']Yes which is why it is both. Also the Jews of today still reject Christ. And the Talmud mocks Christ, and Christian Doctrine.[/quote]

The Talmud does neither.

Here are some sources on the Talmud, for Gentiles, which specifically addresses the relationship between Jewish teachings and Jesus:



Here's a long list of lies, fabrications and distortions related to the Talmud:


Warning: these sites are scholarly, and long!

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1772577' date='Feb 5 2009, 12:42 AM']The Talmud does neither.

Here are some sources on the Talmud, for Gentiles, which specifically addresses the relationship between Jewish teachings and Jesus:



Here's a long list of lies, fabrications and distortions related to the Talmud:


Warning: these sites are scholarly, and long![/quote]

Thanks for the links-I had some questions about this myself as I never heard until thos board that the Talmud mocked Christianity. I'll check these out later today. -Katie

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1772584' date='Feb 4 2009, 11:46 PM']Rats!

Foiled again! ;)[/quote]

(It is from their official website...just Google.)

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1772577' date='Feb 5 2009, 12:42 AM']The Talmud does neither.

Here are some sources on the Talmud, for Gentiles, which specifically addresses the relationship between Jewish teachings and Jesus:



Here's a long list of lies, fabrications and distortions related to the Talmud:


Warning: these sites are scholarly, and long![/quote]

Thank you for these. It talked about one that I believed.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1772576' date='Feb 5 2009, 12:42 AM']She can't - we do not link to SSPX sites.[/quote]
Even when they're poised to be brought back into full communion any day now?

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1773323' date='Feb 5 2009, 08:30 PM']Even when they're poised to be brought back into full communion any day now?[/quote]
But they are not poised, that is the problem.

Vatican Secretariat of State: For a future recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, the full acknowledgment of the Second Vatican Council and of the Magisterium of Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and of the same Benedict XVI is an indispensable condition.

The removal of the excommunication released the four Bishops from an extremely grave canonical censure, but has not changed the juridical position of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, which, at the current moment, does not enjoy any canonical recognition by the Catholic Church. Not even the four Bishops, though released from the excommunication, have a canonical function in the Church and they do not exercise licitly a ministry in it.

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until they are regularized, the policy stands. it is possible that they would be made to take down some of the things from their site given regularization; or it's possible they won't. however, as soon as they are regularized and fully in communion, then we can consider their websites more kosher even if we still disagree with stuff they have on.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1773335' date='Feb 5 2009, 08:51 PM']But they are not poised, that is the problem.

Vatican Secretariat of State: For a future recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, the full acknowledgment of the Second Vatican Council and of the Magisterium of Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and of the same Benedict XVI is an indispensable condition.

The removal of the excommunication released the four Bishops from an extremely grave canonical censure, but has not changed the juridical position of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, which, at the current moment, does not enjoy any canonical recognition by the Catholic Church. Not even the four Bishops, though released from the excommunication, have a canonical function in the Church and they do not exercise licitly a ministry in it.[/quote]
Hmm. Ok.

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