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What's Worse?


What's Worse?  

45 members have voted

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I want to get everyone's opinion on this since this is a question that has been rolling around in my head for some time. Which is worse?

Someone who swears often but does not direct it to anyhbody, ex: That's bull-, what's up mother-, We were drivng so f- fast, My day was f- horrible. (I think everyone here can fill in the blanks)


So not swear but say hurtful things about others.

Which is worse? Is the first option even bad? If so, why?

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swearing is bad, because it can cause scandal to others (children, or if you are religious, your behavior is scandalous to those who might look up to you). more so if you are swearing at people (combining both your options!).

saying hurtful things: it depends. if they are hurtful but the truth, that's not bad. (you could need a lesson in tact and manners though). if you say hurtful things just to be spiteful though, i think that's worse than swearing.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1762555' date='Jan 26 2009, 03:28 PM']+J.M.J.+
swearing is bad, because it can cause scandal to others (children, or if you are religious, your behavior is scandalous to those who might look up to you). more so if you are swearing at people (combining both your options!).

saying hurtful things: it depends. if they are hurtful but the truth, that's not bad. (you could need a lesson in tact and manners though). if you say hurtful things just to be spiteful though, i think that's worse than swearing.[/quote]

but who deams what worse are considered swearing? cause on basic tv channels and radio stations, they use a lot of words that were considered bad, but obviously are no longer considered bad. so how is one to decide what words are bad and which ones are not?

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oops i meant to say that swearing all the time would be the better choice but that is not what the poll said. so minus one vote from A and put it in the B slot.

with time people can possibly lose respect for a man with a swear-tooth, but being deliberately hurtfull is another thing entirely.
one can expose others to unworthy things while the other is deliberate and damaging.

its like the difference between a guy with a sizeable, unfortunately placed hole in his pants and a guy who throws rocks at children.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1762562' date='Jan 26 2009, 10:33 PM']+J.M.J.+
any word philtered by phatmass is bad :))[/quote]

che[i][/i]ese is a bad word? :sadder:

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I'm not sure I should vote. I have driven confessors to drink over the years with my language. I grew up around soldiers and truck drivers. That's not an excuse, I know, but I never cuss at anyone.

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1762593' date='Jan 26 2009, 05:07 PM']che[i][/i]ese is a bad word? :sadder:[/quote]

Oh you are so clever! Now I know the way around the word fil[i][/i]ter ;).

My mother used to cuss all the time, whenever she was angry. So, we heard some pretty colorful stuff as young children. Over the years, she was able to cut it out (and curb the anger), so she's a much more pleasant person to be around now. Saying the rosary helped her to deal with her anger, and my father gave her an added incentive - if he ever heard any of the kids talking like that, he was gone (we didn't know this til we were much older, and they kinda sorta joke about it).

I never swear. I just...don't. Misbehaving technology is 'stupid' and that is about the extent of my frustration boiling over. I guess it's my response to what I grew up with. I have a good deal of sensitivity to it, though, so if other people start cussing and swearing (even if it's not at me), I am going to react. I can deal with movies that are rated R for violence no problem. But I [i]cannot[/i] tolerate the ones that get that rating for language. If I am going to watch them, I watch them on TV, where all that has been bleeped out to "forget you!" ;)

In other words, don't assume that just because it's not directed at anyone that it's not hurtful.

I think both things are wrong, and which is 'worse' will depend on the circumstances. Cussing and swearing can be a very bad habit though, and hard to break, so I try not to be judgemental.

Edited by MithLuin
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I said swearing was worse, but I meant saying hurtful things. :P
At least if you're swearing, but not at anyone, it's far more 'victimless'. Doesn't necessarily make it right, but not as bad as hurting people.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1762555' date='Jan 26 2009, 03:28 PM']+J.M.J.+
swearing is bad, because it can cause scandal to others (children, or if you are religious, your behavior is scandalous to those who might look up to you). more so if you are swearing at people (combining both your options!).

saying hurtful things: it depends. if they are hurtful but the truth, that's not bad. (you could need a lesson in tact and manners though). if you say hurtful things just to be spiteful though, i think that's worse than swearing.[/quote]


Havok: Swearing is only swearing if it demeans something Holy. Some words are taboo, but aren't really sins to say... our puritan society has made some words which are not sinful appear to be so, and this is bad for two reasons. It leads to scrupulousness, but it ALSO makes the idea of sin in words appear to be ridiculous. Some people think that ALL cussing is ok, just because society has it wrong on a couple of words.

Swearing is a greivous offence (if it is truly swearing), but saying hurtful things is not necessarily. Sometimes it is necessary to say hurtful things... Hurting people is sometimes necessary (if you need to break up with your significant other, it may be hurtful, for example).

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[quote name='aalpha1989' post='1762883' date='Jan 26 2009, 08:03 PM']Exactly.

Havok: Swearing is only swearing if it demeans something Holy. Some words are taboo, but aren't really sins to say... our puritan society has made some words which are not sinful appear to be so, and this is bad for two reasons. It leads to scrupulousness, but it ALSO makes the idea of sin in words appear to be ridiculous. Some people think that ALL cussing is ok, just because society has it wrong on a couple of words.

Swearing is a greivous offence (if it is truly swearing), but saying hurtful things is not necessarily. Sometimes it is necessary to say hurtful things... Hurting people is sometimes necessary (if you need to break up with your significant other, it may be hurtful, for example).[/quote]

Good point. Hurtful stuff can unfortantely have much bigger consequenses (sp??) than swearing too, it really depends who you are saying it to, why and how they take it, and also sometimes you don't mean to say it but it comes out cruelly.

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Some people swear so much that with such force of habit, that if you bleeped out the swear words they would not be able to have a conversation.

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"Cussing" isn't objectively sinful, but it would certainly be sinful if by cussing one blasphemed, or disrespected his parents, or caused scandal, etc.

So objectively, I would say that detraction, calumny, contumely, etc. are worse than cussing.

Hell, I cuss sometimes :D

Edited by Resurrexi
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