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Phamily Consensus Survey - 001


I get the impression that people are either extremely enthusiastic or are acutely afraid of the new administration.  

51 members have voted

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[size=4][quote][color="#FF0000"]Is Obama the Most Famous Living Person Ever?[/size]
by Dee Dee Myers
January 27, 2009, 12:47 PM
Barack Obama is the most famous living person in the history of the world.
I’m not trying to induce an acid flashback to John Lennon’s infamous 1966 comment, “The Beatles are more popular than Jesus.” But whether you measure fame in terms of saturation or sheer numbers, it seems indisputable to me that more people know at least something about the new American president than anyone alive, at this point—or any—in the planet’s existence. [/color][/quote]

"brainwashing for the weakminded"

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1763475' date='Jan 27 2009, 01:28 PM']He has the potential to become one of our greatest presidents.

However, he comes in at one of the worst economic times in our history, in what many are calling The Great Recession (after The Great Depression). That event, the Depression, didn't really end until World War II began in this country, on Dec. 7, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor, despite Roosevelt's doing a great deal --The New Deal, the WPA, to stop it. The outgoing administration left this country in one of its worst messes ever, two wars, the one of the worst recessions ever, the war in the Middle East, and our country's power, prestige and influence in a shambles. It will take heroic efforts by Obama, his capable staff and cabinet, and the (fortunately) majority Democratic Congress to restore America's economic and political leadership in the world.[/quote]

Please. Bush and the GOP did not get us into this recession. It was people who were given loans that should never had been given loans. Do I need to add this was Carter and Clinton that helped this?

Obama does not have the potential to be one of "our greatest presidents" when his faith is a joke and his moral ideas are.......well......not very positive for human life. Also the messiah wants the government to control your life. He IS a far left liberal. When has socialism worked in America?

The free market beats the government market overall.

Obama is a good speaker, but that's about it.

Oh and the New Deal did not get us out of the Great Depression. World War II did. I see Obama likes to hire people such as the person that wanted Teri Schivo to starve to death and that guy that didn't pay his taxes.

Oh yes, many think :bow: Obama is the new messiah, but he is not by even long shot.

[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1763549' date='Jan 27 2009, 02:13 PM']there was more wrong with George Bush's presidency than just economy, like getting us into wars, lying,removing privacy, etc.
now i know the reasoning, nothing can ever be as bad as abortion (except maybe the 35,000 children that die everyday in africa from starvation or AIDS) but a sin is a sin.
just because murderers are out there doesn't meant we can't decry the actions of theives and rapists.

end hijack
anyways, i am still on the fence, though facing towards enthusiastic.[/quote]

Another person who wants to jump on Bush about the economy. First off, the president does not have near the influence on the economy that you think he does. I could brag about how Bush kept the unemployment rate low but you'll ignore that. You rat on Bush for the wars yet you fail to criticize the Democrats who went with Bush on the war. And when the war was winning for us, those Democrats wanted defeat and refused to believe we could win.

Whose side are you on, and what kind of classes have you taken on economics?

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Edited by eagle_eye222001
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[quote name='Hassan' post='1764109' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:40 PM']WWI hadn't just ended.

So, now our criteria for a politician being "like Hitler" is promising hope to a nation and being "vibrant" while delivering their speeches.

wow :unsure:[/quote]

also he supports mass murder of innocent people.

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' post='1764299' date='Jan 27 2009, 09:23 PM']Another person who wants to jump on Bush about the economy. First off, the president does not have near the influence on the economy that you think he does. I could brag about how Bush kept the unemployment rate low but you'll ignore that. You rat on Bush for the wars yet you fail to criticize the Democrats who went with Bush on the war. And when the war was winning for us, those Democrats wanted defeat and refused to believe we could win.

Whose side are you on, and what kind of classes have you taken on economics?[/quote]

i am on the canadian side technically. and if you want to get picky, my post was more to do with pointing out other bad things GWB has been a part of than just the economy, it was another user who brought that up.

to answer your question though, yes i do believe that George W Bush and his administration are at least partially to blame for the economic downturn. which is a bigger fool, the person who gets a loan he cant pay back, or the guy that knows this and gives him the loan anyways?
regardless, blame rises to the top. it may not have been Bush's direct actions that caused the economy bust, but as the leader of an office responsible for looking over the economy, he and his administration are partially responsible.
obama would be just as responsible if he had been the president for the past 8 years while this happened. at least i would hold him as responsible.

i believe the liberals that were into the iraq war were more of an exception to the rule. kind of hard to blame them equally for what went down there. still, i see what you are getting at.

i won't ignore what you say, dont make that assumption as you have no prior experience with me to base it on. i am far from that guy who blames GwB for EVERYTHING, but there are a lot of things that he did, that were wrong or ill-conceived and carried out.

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[quote name='apparently' post='1763318' date='Jan 27 2009, 06:59 AM'][img]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/wisper3/survey.jpg[/img]
I stand corrected, as 23% phatmassers hold middle ground.

According to the latest Gallup Poll, Pres. O’s latest job approval rating is 68%. The phatmassers same approval rating is 13%

What a contrast![/quote]

How many phatmassers work for a living, ie., support themselves and their families?

How many have lost their jobs? Lost their pension or had them greatly reduced in value? Lost their health insurance? Been foreclosed or evicted? Declared-- or tried to declare--bankruptcy?

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1763126' date='Jan 26 2009, 11:10 PM']I suspect he's going to force me to accecpt Islam as has been his plan since he was born in Kenya and secretly brought to Hawaii so he could one day run for present and let the gays marry in his rabid quest to destroy the American family and ban the sale of pork which makes me afraid :unsure:[/quote]


good show!

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1764125' date='Jan 27 2009, 08:48 PM']My only solace is that perhapse, when the Muhammadan hordes force me to acecpt Islam, as Caliph Omaba commanded, I won't have to grow a beard


:bow: :bow: :bow:

Also, being the nefarious radical liberal that he is, I really don't want to be forced to mary another man. :surrender:

:juggle: :juggle: :juggle:
:numchucks: :numchucks:


:kitten: :kitten: :kitten:

I wonder if he will enact his agenda as a secret Muslims and make me accecpt Islam before his radical liberal agenda comes out and he makes me marry a man or the other way around :detective:[/quote]

Yes, yes!!

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1764420' date='Jan 28 2009, 01:58 AM']i am on the canadian side technically. and if you want to get picky, my post was more to do with pointing out other bad things GWB has been a part of than just the economy, it was another user who brought that up.

to answer your question though, yes i do believe that George W Bush and his administration are at least partially to blame for the economic downturn. which is a bigger fool, the person who gets a loan he cant pay back, or the guy that knows this and gives him the loan anyways?
regardless, blame rises to the top. it may not have been Bush's direct actions that caused the economy bust, but as the leader of an office responsible for looking over the economy, he and his administration are partially responsible.
obama would be just as responsible if he had been the president for the past 8 years while this happened. at least i would hold him as responsible.

i believe the liberals that were into the iraq war were more of an exception to the rule. kind of hard to blame them equally for what went down there. still, i see what you are getting at.

i won't ignore what you say, dont make that assumption as you have no prior experience with me to base it on. i am far from that guy who blames GwB for EVERYTHING, but there are a lot of things that he did, that were wrong or ill-conceived and carried out.[/quote]

I see what your saying. I am not attempting to paint Bush as an angel by any stretch, particularly his last several months of office, however, you have to admit, that a large majority of the blame put on Bush is unfair and slander and ignores the responsibility of the Senate.

Now, you ask me [quote]"which is a bigger fool, the person who gets a loan he cant pay back, or the guy that knows this and gives him the loan anyways?"[/quote]

Well, those fool were Jimmy Carter and Clinton. There is really no evidence to show that the wars have got us to where we are now. The sub-prime mortgage fiasco is the biggest culprit. Reagen ran up the deficit and America didn't fall into a recession.

You argue that [quote]i believe the liberals that were into the iraq war were more of an exception to the rule.[/quote] but how? They had a responsibility to understand what they were voting on and when it went wrong, they all pointed at Bush as if he solely decided to go to war. There are audio clips where Hillary Clinton explicity states that Saddam Hussein is dangerous and needs to be taken care, yet she never took responsibility for herself and just pointed her finger at Bush.

Not meaning to go on a big rampage here, although it seems like I kinda did. My main point is that it is unfair to blame Bush as much as he has been blamed by the media, and it is obvious that the media courts Obama as if he is the messiah. I mean, can Obama do anything wrong?

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[quote name='Lord Philip' post='1764778' date='Jan 28 2009, 02:17 PM']Killing the Unborn = Eternity in Hell

None of us can say that. Only God.

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' post='1764756' date='Jan 28 2009, 12:53 PM']I see what your saying. I am not attempting to paint Bush as an angel by any stretch, particularly his last several months of office, however, you have to admit, that a large majority of the blame put on Bush is unfair and slander and ignores the responsibility of the Senate.

Now, you ask me

Well, those fool were Jimmy Carter and Clinton. There is really no evidence to show that the wars have got us to where we are now. The sub-prime mortgage fiasco is the biggest culprit. Reagen ran up the deficit and America didn't fall into a recession.[/quote]
i wasnt aware of who started the problem, merely that in 8 years it hasnt been fixed while it built up to this econo-bomb. if you buy an ill maintained car, then continue the lack of maintenance and checkups, it is ultimately your responsibility when it blows up (even if it wasn't entirely your fault)
you are right, he doesnt deserve all the bad press he gets. for certain issues, he deserves much more (lying in court about a BJ got clinton impeached, lying in court about starting a war barely even got in the newspapers) and for some he is definitely taking more blame than is right.

[quote]You argue that but how? They had a responsibility to understand what they were voting on and when it went wrong, they all pointed at Bush as if he solely decided to go to war. There are audio clips where Hillary Clinton explicity states that Saddam Hussein is dangerous and needs to be taken care, yet she never took responsibility for herself and just pointed her finger at Bush.[/quote]

in general, i believe the democrats were against the invasion of iraq. not everyone, but most.
still, i give them some credit for having the brains to desert a sinking ship, even if they didnt have the honor to take their portion of the blame

[quote]Not meaning to go on a big rampage here, although it seems like I kinda did. My main point is that it is unfair to blame Bush as much as he has been blamed by the media, and it is obvious that the media courts Obama as if he is the messiah. I mean, can Obama do anything wrong?[/quote]

hehe i am used to big rampages! :)

it all depends where you are. as of yet, where i am the opinion is that he can probably do no worse than bush in terms of foreign policy, but if you try to put limits to the incompetence of politicians, you will only end up dissappointed. here, it often seems as if Obama can do no right. if you take a step back, you should be able to see the folly in both ends of the spectrum, ad meet somewhere inbetween.
it will happen. Obama will do some good. he will also do some bad. in what manner, only time will tell.

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[quote name='Lord Philip' post='1764778' date='Jan 28 2009, 04:17 PM']Killing the Unborn = Eternity in Hell[/quote]
I don't know if I'd say that.
Killing the Unborn = A hell of a lot to answer for when you meet Jesus.

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[quote name='Lord Philip' post='1764778' date='Jan 28 2009, 02:17 PM']Killing the Unborn = Eternity in Hell


It's interesting to observe how many posters on this forum relish the thought of those who disagree with them roasting in hell.

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1766067' date='Jan 29 2009, 08:04 PM']It's interesting to observe how many posters on this forum relish the thought of those who disagree with them roasting in hell.[/quote]
Oh? How many others have indicated relishing that idea?

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