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Phamily Consensus Survey - 001


I get the impression that people are either extremely enthusiastic or are acutely afraid of the new administration.  

51 members have voted

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I stand corrected, as 23% phatmassers hold middle ground.

According to the latest Gallup Poll, Pres. O’s latest job approval rating is 68%. The phatmassers same approval rating is 13%

What a contrast!

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[quote name='Ziggamafu' post='1763030' date='Jan 27 2009, 12:03 AM']I suppose I have more faith in hopeful Americans of today than in the hopeful Germans of yesterday. But I do know very well that Hitler rose to power in a similar fashion. In fact, Hitler actually DID come through and deliver a lot of genuine goods for his people. But at what cost? Yes, I know this rhetoric well and it bears a solid point. I suppose I'm just more optimistic; and again, it can't be denied that Obama's win has really energized our side to fight much, much harder.[/quote]

No he didn't. The conditions are not simmilar and unless Obama's rise was predicated an appointment to the Chancelorship and blaming a fire on communists then they did not rise to power is "a simmilar fashion".

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He has the potential to become one of our greatest presidents.

However, he comes in at one of the worst economic times in our history, in what many are calling The Great Recession (after The Great Depression). That event, the Depression, didn't really end until World War II began in this country, on Dec. 7, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor, despite Roosevelt's doing a great deal --The New Deal, the WPA, to stop it. The outgoing administration left this country in one of its worst messes ever, two wars, the one of the worst recessions ever, the war in the Middle East, and our country's power, prestige and influence in a shambles. It will take heroic efforts by Obama, his capable staff and cabinet, and the (fortunately) majority Democratic Congress to restore America's economic and political leadership in the world.

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on the other hand, when i first joined here(and from looking at older threads) you almost coudnt say anything wrong about george bush, because the majority of the forum liked him. that has definitely changed since then.
first impressions, hope and fears are not always correct

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1763509' date='Jan 27 2009, 12:48 PM']on the other hand, when i first joined here(and from looking at older threads) you almost coudnt say anything wrong about george bush, because the majority of the forum liked him. that has definitely changed since then.
first impressions, hope and fears are not always correct[/quote]

Sorry, but i think the problems PMers had with George W Bush (i.e. economic) don't even compare to the horrors (i.e. anti-life) Obama's reign is already bringing in.

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there was more wrong with George Bush's presidency than just economy, like getting us into wars, lying,removing privacy, etc.
now i know the reasoning, nothing can ever be as bad as abortion (except maybe the 35,000 children that die everyday in africa from starvation or AIDS) but a sin is a sin.
just because murderers are out there doesn't meant we can't decry the actions of theives and rapists.

end hijack
anyways, i am still on the fence, though facing towards enthusiastic.

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[quote name='Ziggamafu' post='1763030' date='Jan 27 2009, 12:03 AM']I suppose I have more faith in hopeful Americans of today than in the hopeful Germans of yesterday. But I do know very well that Hitler rose to power in a similar fashion. In fact, Hitler actually DID come through and deliver a lot of genuine goods for his people. But at what cost? Yes, I know this rhetoric well and it bears a solid point. I suppose I'm just more optimistic; and again, it can't be denied that Obama's win has really energized our side to fight much, much harder.[/quote]
My point was simply that a politician being popular and giving people a lot of warm fuzzy emotions says nothing about whether he will in fact be a good leader.
So far, this hysterical worship of Obama is based entirely on empty emotion, hype and hot air, not on anything real he has accomplished (and I suspect will evaporate once the honeymoon is over and harsh reality has had time to sink in).

The truth is there is nothing at all about Obama (nor the widespread mindless worship of him) to give me hope. Obama has made no secret of his radically pro-abortion agenda he is pressing, yet too many "pro-lifers" seem in a state of denial. Legislation like FOCA (which remains a very real possibility) and his Supreme Court nominees will have destructive impact which will long outlast his presidency.
And Obama's plans to "save" the economy are pure idiotic lunacy, which will in the long run do just the opposite. He plans to spend nearly a trillion (an unimaginably high number) of federal dollars to bail everyone out of the mess they got themselves in. Then he promises to somehow be able to cover this cost. [i]Where[/i] is all this money going to come from? Out of Obama's own backside?
The federal reserve printing worthless money not backed up by anything real and keeping interest rates unnaturally low was a large part of what got us into this mess.
While Obama promises "change," he offers merely more of the usual politician nonsense of recklessly spending monstrous amounts of money - but on a scale never seen before.
While some of the bleeding hearts on here were not afraid to castigate the Bush administration for reckless spending and bailouts, they have nothing but wild enthusiasm for Obama doing the exact same thing on an even more massive scale.

I do indeed hope that Obama's presidency does in fact energize our side to fight harder; however so far I'm seeing too little fight and too much making excuses for Obama. While we should all pray for his conversion, and that would be wonderful, let's not kid ourselves. Until he converts, this man is our enemy, and his agenda should be fought and resisted at every step of the way.

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1763475' date='Jan 27 2009, 02:28 PM']He has the potential to become one of our greatest presidents.[/quote]
I have the potential to become Superman.

[quote]However, he comes in at one of the worst economic times in our history, in what many are calling The Great Recession (after The Great Depression). That event, the Depression, didn't really end until World War II began in this country, on Dec. 7, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor, despite Roosevelt's doing a great deal --The New Deal, the WPA, to stop it. The outgoing administration left this country in one of its worst messes ever, two wars, the one of the worst recessions ever, the war in the Middle East, and our country's power, prestige and influence in a shambles. It will take heroic efforts by Obama, his capable staff and cabinet, and the (fortunately) majority Democratic Congress to restore America's economic and political leadership in the world.[/quote]
Nice recitation of the party line. I find it charming.

[quote]That event, the Depression, didn't really end until World War II began in this country, on Dec. 7, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor,[b] despite Roosevelt's doing a great deal --The New Deal, the WPA, to stop it.[/b][/quote]
Yes, Roosevelt's socialism did not end the depression, but prolong it, just as Obama's will.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1763351' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:44 AM']No he didn't. The conditions are not simmilar and unless Obama's rise was predicated an appointment to the Chancelorship and blaming a fire on communists then they did not rise to power is "a simmilar fashion".[/quote]

REALLY!? They both came to power by promising hope for a nation during a war (whether it is still going on or just ended) and being vibrant while delivering their speeches.

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Neutral, and Afraid.
Neutral, because I hold out hope that he will be able to do good things for our country; afraid for all those who are and will be in the womb for as long as his regime lasts.

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[quote name='Giolla' post='1764074' date='Jan 27 2009, 10:14 PM']REALLY!? They both came to power by promising hope for a nation during a war (whether it is still going on or just ended) and being vibrant while delivering their speeches.[/quote]

WWI hadn't just ended.

So, now our criteria for a politician being "like Hitler" is promising hope to a nation and being "vibrant" while delivering their speeches.

wow :unsure:

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My only solace is that perhapse, when the Muhammadan hordes force me to acecpt Islam, as Caliph Omaba commanded, I won't have to grow a beard


:bow: :bow: :bow:

Also, being the nefarious radical liberal that he is, I really don't want to be forced to mary another man. :surrender:

:juggle: :juggle: :juggle:
:numchucks: :numchucks:


:kitten: :kitten: :kitten:

I wonder if he will enact his agenda as a secret Muslims and make me accecpt Islam before his radical liberal agenda comes out and he makes me marry a man or the other way around :detective:

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Your right it really isn't enough. But both deny personhood of a group of people, and support the 'legal' termination of that group.

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