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Dutch Mp Tried For His Views On Islam


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[quote name='Socrates' post='1768028' date='Jan 31 2009, 10:48 PM']I wonder if someone were being tried for speaking out against Christians and the Bible, would the bleeding hearts be singing the same tune - or would they instead preach the importance of free speech, and how Christians need to tolerate it?[/quote]

If they made thoughtfull criticisms of Christianity and its impact on culture then yes. If like this fellow they were trying to ban the Bible and tried to rial up popular hatred against Christians and scapegoated them etc then I'd still say he shouldn't have done it but have little sympathy for the chap.

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Thanks, Hassan, for posting the words of someone who actually knows what it's like here. Lessens the hot air quotient :)

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1768374' date='Feb 1 2009, 03:25 AM']Thanks, Hassan, for posting the words of someone who actually knows what it's like here. Lessens the hot air quotient :)[/quote]

No problem :)

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1768003' date='Jan 31 2009, 06:59 PM']really, consequences wise formosus is right.

he shouldnt have been killed, it isnt a just punishment, but he did kind of bring it on himself.
if i went into a bar and started insulting some big dudes girlfriend, and i got the croutons kicked out of me, that would be because i brought it on myself, even if it was an illegal act to hurt me.

it isnt really blaming the victim, it is still the killers fault that he is dead, it is lamenting the victims stupidity in getting himself in such a situation.
you park your car in the bad part of town with the engine running, it is your fault that it gets stolen.[/quote]

yeah.well the analogy doesnt really work quite the same with everything. in this particular case i believe the guy went out of his way to invite danger unto himself. not like a girl who merely walks through a place, more like the white running into a prject and shouting racist stuff at every one (before you get started, i am not saying this is something most white guys like to do)

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1768398' date='Feb 1 2009, 06:09 AM']yeah.well the analogy doesnt really work quite the same with everything. in this particular case i believe the guy went out of his way to invite danger unto himself. not like a girl who merely walks through a place, more like the white running into a prject and shouting racist stuff at every one (before you get started, i am not saying this is something most white guys like to do)[/quote]

I agree, I was just saying it's a very slippery slope

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Madame Vengier

Very good perspective right here--from an ex-Muslim:

[quote][b]Wilders Prosecution is a Welcome Opportunity to Expose Islam[/b]

Prosecuting Geert Wilders, member of the Dutch Parliament, is a welcome opportunity to expose fascist Islam and radical Muslims. Wilders and his lawyers do not need to go far away to fetch crystal clear evidence that Islam, i.e. the Koran and Hadeeth incite to violence and hatred, and radical Muslims are behind numerous crimes against humanity.

A summary of quotations from the Koran which clearly incite to hatred and violence can be found in the following link:

There is an abundance of fatwas (religious edicts) by Muslim authorities inciting to genocide and suicide attacks against Christians and Jews. All these fatwas are based on the Koran and Hadeeth.

Ali Gom’a, the grand mufti of Egypt, the highest Muslim religious authority in the world, supports murdering non-Muslims. In the daily Al Ahram (April 7, 2008), he says, “Muslims must kill non-believers wherever they are unless they convert to Islam.” He also compares non-Muslims to apes and pigs, not only the Jews.

Muhammad Sayyid Al Tantawi, president of Al Azhar University also approves of killing and maiming Christians, Jews, and other infidels. He added, “This is not my personal view. This what the Shari’a Law says, the law of Allah, the only valid law on the earth.”

Yousef Al Qaradhawi, the spiritual leader of the fundamentalist organization, the Muslim Brothers, urged on Al Jazeera TV (Jan. 9, 2009) Muslims to kill the Jews, not only in Israel but also worldwide. He added, “No peace can be made between us (Muslims) and the non-believers. This what our holy book says. This what Allah says.”

Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammed al Sheikh said on Iqra’ TV channel, “Killing producers who show women unveiled is legal.”

The Saudi Sheikh Saleh Al-Lehadan, head of the Supreme Judiciary Council, told Al Watan daily, (March 25, 2008) “After getting rid of the Jews in our Arab land, we must turn to the Christians. They have three options: either they convert to Islam, or leave, or pay Jizia (protection taxes). Further, there is not such a thing as Shiites, Sufis, etc. There are only Sunnis. All these sects must renounce their pagan beliefs and return to Sunna, the right path of Islam.”

Most recently, demonstrators in Berlin and Munich, and elsewhere in Germany, raised banners reading, “Hamas! Hamas! Jews to the gas”. The police did not arrest anyone of them and nobody filed a court case against them for inciting to murder which in the German law is punishable.[/quote]

It's a long-ish article. The rest is here: [url="http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/8066"]http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/8066[/url]

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1769139' date='Feb 1 2009, 11:48 PM']Very good perspective right here--from an ex-Muslim:

It's a long-ish article. The rest is here: [url="http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/8066"]http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/8066[/url][/quote]

I see little reason to consider that article sound to be honest.

Edited by Hassan
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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Hassan' post='1769160' date='Feb 2 2009, 12:01 AM']I see little reason to consider that article sound to be honest.[/quote]

A predicatable response, Hassan. And the article wasn't posted just for you, so I don't really need your approval.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1769669' date='Feb 2 2009, 11:01 AM']A predicatable response, Hassan. And the article wasn't posted just for you, so I don't really need your approval.[/quote]

I didn't say you did, you're obviously free to post articles with whatever claims you want. It probably was predictable as you often post articles which make erratic, unsustainable claims. It's not as though there arn't legitimate criticisms against Islam to be made, why you must scoop the bottom of the barrel for nonsense I will never know.

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