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Ron Conte's Advice


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ron conte's advice...
just felt like poking fun at it, cause it's so ludicris. and he's a guy who's so narrow minded, his way or the high way folks. he's the sorta guy who rumminates on a topic, finds that he can't be wrong, and so makes suggestions like this...
notice the bolded part. a guy so filled with his delusions that he's suggesting things like that, whacky ideas actually starting to cause harm, etc.
course, we still don't know if his prediction that she'll change will come true, but.
(i think he mightve took it down from his website, but it's still worth making fun of him for)

[quote]The Next Prolife President of the United States

God has an interesting plan for the future of prolife politics.

For years well-meaning political activists have tried to change the political landscape in order to end abortion or to reduce the number of abortions. However, to a great extent, they have failed. Abortion is currently (2004) so thoroughly legal that a woman can get an abortion for any reason and even a minor can get an abortion without parental consent. Some people hope that abortion will become illegal again through a change to the Supreme Court or through a change in the laws. But God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways.

God will change the hearts and minds of most people to realize that abortion is a serious sin against God and to reject abortion. The courts and the legislatures will follow the hearts and minds of the people. The courts and the legislatures will decide to make abortion illegal, but only after people realize that abortion is evil. But many supporters of abortion will not want to give up the sin of abortion and the power that they get from it. It is for these hard-hearted supporters of abortion that God is setting an unusual trap.

In 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be elected President of the United States.

Now, all things being equal, she would not be God's first choice for president. She has many faults. She is not very religious. She was involved in some scandals during her husband Bill Clinton's administration. And she calls abortion a right. However, God will allow her to become President of the United States for one particular reason.

When she runs for president, her supporters will be very pleased with her candidacy. They will promote her candidacy enthusiastically and unreservedly. And when she wins the election, her supporters will be ecstatic. They will be so very happy to have a president who is the first woman president and a liberal democrat and a Clinton. They will be all the more pleased with her because they have endured eight years of a fairly conservative Republican administration. Hillary Clinton's supporters will be unrestrained in their happiness at her election and in their support for her. They will therefore want to cooperate with, support, and promote her entire political agenda.

Among those who will most strongly support the candidacy, election, and administration of Hillary Clinton will be those who strongly support legalized and unrestricted abortion. God allows her to become president precisely because her supporters include many people who are pro-abortion. This is God's way of reaching out to the very persons who most need to repent from the sin of abortion. He allows their most-favored candidate to be elected, so that someone whom they will be certain to listen to can point them in the right direction. If an older, more conservative, Republican male president were elected, he would not be able to reach out to liberal pro-abortion Democrats very well, especially on the issue of abortion. Pro-abortion women, in particular, will listen to the first woman president of the United States, Hillary Clinton, more than they would listen to a conservative male Republican president. People who are pro-abortion will support and follow Hillary Clinton enthusicastically.

And then, in 2009, Hillary Rodham Clinton will change her mind and become prolife.

She will support changes in the laws to make abortion illegal. She will ask her supporters to accept the prolife point of view. And her supporters, having been so unreserved in their support for her, will be hard pressed not to follow her request. They will not want to argue against her, nor reject any part of her political agenda. Many of them will have to come to terms with the prolife point of view. They will have to accept her prolife policies and support them. They will have fallen into God's trap, which the Almighty set for them for the sake of the unborn.

(Despite this, some abortion proponents will continue to promote the sin of abortion, rejecting her and her new prolife agenda. When God offers repentance and forgiveness, some people will reject this offer and turn towards even greater sinfulness.)
Now I will ask something unusual of those voters who are devout prolife Christians. Vote for Hillary Clinton. Vote for her even though she is far from the ideal Christian candidate. Vote for her even, though she is currently pro-abortion, because, after she is elected president, she will become prolife. Help God set His trap to ensnare those who support and promote abortion. Cooperate with God's plan by supporting a candidate that you would otherwise rightly eschew.[/b][/quote]

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I've seen him speculating about Hilary Clinton, yet I have never seen the above bolded advice (in the three years I've known him). Yet still, if he truly gave that advice, I truly say, he was very wrong to do such a thing.

And he is not beyond criticism, and not all of his predictions will become perfectly true. And he is just a man, and not Christ. And he is just a lay theologian (for you keeping score at home). And he is unique, like the rest of us are. And his writings are unique, unique as Origen's. And if you want to criticize him, criticize a complete work of his, as I have. And do not be mean, yes, do not be mean in the way in which you have Miss dairygirl.

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i got it from his website. a cache, but it was his website.
i was mean to him, cause i consider him to be mean, pretentious etc. the sin that i enjoy engaging in too much, is giving others what they give. it wasn't my intention to cross the line to sin here, just stating things i saw as my opionion, but i think i probably crossed the line here, or got close to it. my intentions were surely as mixed as what i said.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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eg i don't like it when he says things like "here's the test of your faith. if you don't believe me, you're a person of little faith", or knocks people off his website who aren't being mean but just disturbing his worldview, etc. i'm not the only one to think poorly of some of his character traits.
not that his character is totally bad. he's also admirable in many respects, i respect him.
and, also his predcitions, very impressively done. (many of em, anyway)

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1760671' date='Jan 24 2009, 10:22 PM']eg i don't like it when he says things like "here's the test of your faith. if you don't believe me, you're a person of little faith", or knocks people off his website who aren't being mean but just disturbing his worldview, etc. i'm not the only one to think poorly of some of his character traits.
not that his character is totally bad. he's also admirable in many respects, i respect him.
and, also his predcitions, very impressively done. (many of em, anyway)[/quote]
I've never seen him post in a manner of an "if this" "then that" type way.

I've seen him post at other websites, yet that was years ago.

And I have definitely seen him write in a stark way (as you said above). For example his teaching of mystical baptisim concerning infants. Read the last line of this article (very strict):

http://www.catholicplanet.com/Catholic Church/baptism-jesus-mary.htm

The last line of the article goes:

"If anyone claims that prenatals who die in the womb, or infants who die without baptism, are certainly sent to Hell, or to the limbo of Hell, by the Justice of God, as if the Justice of God were without Mercy, or as if the Mercy of God were separate from His Justice, may he be condemned to Hell by the Just Mercy of God for teaching abject heresy."

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I was a bit attached to Ron, for a couple of years. Incidentally, it was him, who taught me to be attached to no one except Jesus Christ. To search for truth, wherever it may be, in spite of all the ridicule, and all the criticism.

Still, this thread has brought up some profound questions, in the very core of my being. To be honest, I've never read, nor run into one who preaches the Gospel quite like Ron (not even Billy Graham), next to Christ Himself. It is so strange. After having read one of his articles, or one of his books, I want to be more like Christ, and Mary (although I have failed). Still in fact, Christ has become the beginning and end thought of all my days. Even everything I post, or write. And if it is not Christ, it is Mary. I really do not care about all of his eschatology, all his predictions. The truth is, there is so much more about him. Always more. Take a look at this article. I will post the end of it:


God and You

"If you are obedient to God, then God will be obedient to you. For in so far as you obey the commandments of God and the teachings of the Church, God will answer your holy prayers and give you what you ask of Him. The Virgin Mary was entirely obedient to God throughout every moment of her existence. Therefore, God gave the Virgin Mary everything she asked of Him. God was obedient to Mary because she was obedient to Him.

Therefore, O children of God, be obedient to God and He will be obedient to you."

what man has ever spoken like this other than Christ Himself? Who is bold enough to be Christ-like. I am. Because I've learned it.

I love my theologians: Would you like a list? Last names only. Merton, Kreeft, Lewis, Rahner, Aquinas, Augustine, La Grange, de Lubac, de Chardin, Dulles, Schillebeeckx, Kung, Congar, even Melville.

Yet still, I have never run into anyone who makes me love and want to be Christ-like as Ron does. This is not idol worship. It is an honest reflection. He even taught me to love the pope, when I was once a heretic and a schismatic.

And so, if you criticize him, please do so graciously. For I was never the same after having run into him. And this phorum is not the same (in spite of all my shortcomings and sins) after I joined you.

Grace and Peace to you:


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