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Man Drives Suv Into Planned Parenthood Clinic


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This doesn't really help though certainly I can understand his frustration in the matter.


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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1758552' date='Jan 22 2009, 12:12 PM']He could be a proabortionist trying to make us look bad.[/quote]
Yes, that's definitely what people spend their free afternoons doing...

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it's wrong, but understandable....

sometimes it makes my head spin when i think of the slaughter going on in those places....and when legislation doesn't help....what is there to do in terms of rescue???

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I read on Kare 11 that the guy backed up and rammed into the building two more times, then he got out and was shaking a crucifix. There were people protesting across the street I guess too. I wonder if he was with them or if he was just some extremist.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1758560' date='Jan 22 2009, 02:24 PM']Yes, that's definitely what people spend their free afternoons doing...[/quote]
Have you EVER stood outside an abortion clinic and listened to the things the prodeath crowd says to the people who are just silently praying rosaries. If you want to HEAR the voice of evil, try it. Until them don't underestimate what evil will do to secure its own.

Our luck though, its some deluded christian :(

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1758577' date='Jan 22 2009, 12:43 PM']Have you EVER stood outside an abortion clinic and listened to the things the prodeath crowd says to the people who are just silently praying rosaries. If you want to HEAR the voice of evil, try it. Until them don't underestimate what evil will do to secure its own.

Our luck though, its some deluded christian :([/quote]
Standing outside and yelling is one thing. Driving into a building and going to jail just to make your movement look bad is another thing.

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standing outside and screaming people doesnt help the cause either. peaceful demonstration and civil disobedience

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I think Julia on "Designing Women" did that a few times to a newsstand that had bondage magazines displayed. We all have that temptation, but in the long run, it doesn't help things.

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After speaking to a former doctor at an abortuary, he said that even one person praying outside their clinics makes those inside very nervous. Those who carry out violent acts only increase their resolve. Though he also mentioned those that had been personally threatened have quit because they felt it wasn't worth it for the money.

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Hmmm. When was the last time there was a shooting or bombing at an abortion clinic? Wasn't it a bunch of years ago - mid-90s or something? The timing, so shortly after Obama became president, is probably not incidental.

So sad. It's not enough just to believe in a good cause - you have to use good means to acheive it. Violence, being quick and easy, is not the true answer.

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I've often found it difficult to rationalize why violence is not justified in the case of the abortion mills. It would have been acceptable to use violence in Germany to shutdown Auschwitz, correct? How is this any different except that the numbers are higher, the victims are more innocent, and the damage more severe? I understand the repercussions of using violence, of course. I'm not advocating it; I'm merely asking the honest, sincere question of why, for some reason, the principles of just war / aggression are (seemingly) not employed in the case of the baby-murder mills.

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