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Is The Hysteria Over The Next President Elect Idol Worship?


Is the hysteria over the next president elect Idol worship?  

57 members have voted

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The Bible speaks much of idol worship. We think because we don't have a golden calf in the yard, that these Scriptures don't really apply to us.
Why is this insipid hype over this celebrity. Will he save the world from what we cannot understand?
Oh no, I don't believe it

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[quote name='apparently' post='1754244' date='Jan 18 2009, 08:42 AM']The Bible speaks much of idol worship. We think because we don't have a golden calf in the yard, that these Scriptures don't really apply to us.
Why is this insipid hype over this celebrity. Will he save the world from what we cannot understand?
Oh no, I don't believe it[/quote]

I believe you hit the nail on the head. He has been marketed and praised as if he is the next messiah of the American people. He promises change is coming and filling the hearts of the masses with false hopes. And yes I will say this his full name in fact has 18 characters (6+6+6) I feel the nation is heading down a bad slope and we can only pray that he does well but I'm not holding my breath.

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I don't have the answer to this question. It is a generalization, it probably involves reading or judging other peoples' souls, and I doin't know whether Obama supporters worship Obama or if the actually worship Christ, or if they just worship (as if were) liberalism,o r whatever. There are probably enough

But yes, Obama-mania can be seen as a form of false worship. Literally anything can be worshipped: internet/TV (graven images, anyone?), the human body, the Stanley Cup, the Philadelphia Eagles, false religions, atheism, even the deification of otherwise holy religious practices.

Bottom line: it's safe to say that this hysteria over Obama is unwarranted, because he has a horrendous voting record on moral issues. That's not to say that one has to like any of the GOP candidates, but one should not have a high opinion of Obama.

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I suppose your idolization of Bush and Palin for their anti-abortion policies might be construed as some as a form of idol worship. Also consider that most people don't pray to Obama, nor do they endow him with titles on par with 'queen of heaven', 'mother of god' and 'sinless'.

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1754315' date='Jan 18 2009, 10:44 AM']I suppose your idolization of Bush and Palin for their anti-abortion policies might be construed as some as a form of idol worship. Also consider that most people don't pray to Obama, nor do they endow him with titles on par with 'queen of heaven', 'mother of god' and 'sinless'.[/quote]
Who calls Palin "Quenn of Heaven"?

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1754353' date='Jan 18 2009, 12:05 PM']Who calls Palin "Quenn of Heaven"?[/quote]

Who calls Obama "sinless"?

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1754365' date='Jan 18 2009, 12:51 PM']Who calls Obama "sinless"?[/quote]
The straw man you've created.

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I think that people's feelings about Obama can be summarized as the platform he ran on: "HOPE AND CHANGE".

--Hope for a better president and presidency than the previous catastrophic 8 years, which got us into two wars, one which Bush lied us into starting, spending hundreds of billions of dollars on, which killed and maimed tens of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, which we didn't win; NOT finding bin Laden; and not engaging sufficiently in the second war, in Afghanistan, where the real enemy lies; deregulating the economy, to 'bring on' a MAJOR depression, the worst since the Great Depression, and one which may eventually rival it; turning a [i]billion dollar surplus[/i] (under Clinton) in domestic spending into a [i]trillion dollar deficit[/i] , let alone the skyrocketing [i]trade[/i] deficit and our plummeting standing in the world, which is probably irreparably damaged.

In view of all of this, people in the US don't hope much for Obama. Just a second chance at regaining our preeminence in the world and new leadership to recover after one of the worst and [i]most catastrophi[/i]c presidencies in our history.

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I think a lot of the hype is because this was a historical election [b]and[/b] because a lot of young adults voted for him.

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1754372' date='Jan 18 2009, 11:11 AM']I think that people's feelings about Obama can be summarized as the platform he ran on: "HOPE AND CHANGE".

--Hope for a better president and presidency than the previous catastrophic 8 years, which got us into two wars, one which Bush lied us into starting, spending hundreds of billions of dollars on, which killed and maimed tens of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, which we didn't win; NOT finding bin Laden; and not engaging sufficiently in the second war, in Afghanistan, where the real enemy lies; deregulating the economy, to 'bring on' a MAJOR depression, the worst since the Great Depression, and one which may eventually rival it; turning a [i]billion dollar surplus[/i] (under Clinton) in domestic spending into a [i]trillion dollar deficit[/i] , let alone the skyrocketing [i]trade[/i] deficit and our plummeting standing in the world, which is probably irreparably damaged.

In view of all of this, people in the US don't hope much for Obama. Just a second chance at regaining our preeminence in the world and new leadership to recover after one of the worst and [i]most catastrophic[/i] presidencies in our history.[/quote]

i am with this guy here.

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He's not just being idolized in the US. For the last several days that's all that's been on our news as well. Stories about people here who got tickets or are taking chartered buses down to see the inauguration.

The problem with putting people on pedestals is that they often don't stay there. When you are only human, you make mistakes. Right now, I don't know how much room the US, and the world for that matter, has for him to learn on the job.

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[quote name='jkaands' post='1754372' date='Jan 18 2009, 01:11 PM']I think that people's feelings about Obama can be summarized as the platform he ran on: "HOPE AND CHANGE".

--Hope for a better president and presidency than the previous catastrophic 8 years, which got us into two wars, one which Bush lied us into starting, spending hundreds of billions of dollars on, which killed and maimed tens of thousands of Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, which we didn't win; NOT finding bin Laden; and not engaging sufficiently in the second war, in Afghanistan, where the real enemy lies; deregulating the economy, to 'bring on' a MAJOR depression, the worst since the Great Depression, and one which may eventually rival it; turning a [i]billion dollar surplus[/i] (under Clinton) in domestic spending into a [i]trillion dollar deficit[/i] , let alone the skyrocketing [i]trade[/i] deficit and our plummeting standing in the world, which is probably irreparably damaged.

In view of all of this, people in the US don't hope much for Obama. Just a second chance at regaining our preeminence in the world and new leadership to recover after one of the worst and [i]most catastrophi[/i]c presidencies in our history.[/quote]
Clinton underspent and ignored world problems, putting us into a position of overspend to catch up and to fight two wars which are not over. You have zero concept of history and cause and effect. You just parroted the typical media line, which ignores the actions of previous administrations, the reality of war and the fact that the president is not an autocrat.

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Fidei Defensor

I hope and pray that OBAMA saves my poor wretched soul and brings me to everlasting happiness. Thank OBAMA for this election.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1754403' date='Jan 18 2009, 01:55 PM']I hope and pray that OBAMA saves my poor wretched soul and brings me to everlasting happiness. Thank OBAMA for this election.[/quote]
Good one, Abe.

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