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Hi everyone, my name is Anna, I'm new here :)

I'm still not sure that Our Lord wants me to be a Sister or Nun, and first I am going to attend college, but I am eager to do His will. I have looked at and contacted a few communities, both contemplative and apostolic. I have recently met with a wonderful Discalced Carmelite community to whom I've been writing for several months and I hope to have the opportunity to stay there for a weekend sometime in the future.

I was just wondering, more out of curiosity than anything else, if the following communities are still in existence (I have a great devotion to Saint Philomena, and the first two are associated with her):

-The Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother or the Oblates of Our Lady of Sorrows(?), founded by Mother Maria Luisa of Jesus, the Neopolitian nun who was granted the most detailed vision of St. Philomena's life (the one you normally read in books and on websites).
-The Little Sisters of Saint Philomena--I'm reading [i]Saint Philomena, Powerful with God[/i] right now, and these Sisters are mentioned--don't know anything else about them though.
-The Little Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows, founded by St. Cloelia Barbieri.

Anyway, I was just curious if these Orders are still active, since I can't find much about them on the Internet besides histories about the people mentioned. Are any of them in the US? Thank you for your help and may God bless you all!

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the lords sheep

[quote name='FiereMargriet' post='1751567' date='Jan 15 2009, 04:47 AM']Hi everyone, my name is Anna, I'm new here :)

-The Little Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows, founded by St. Cloelia Barbieri.[/quote]

Hi Anna! Welcome to Phatmass Vocation Station!

I found this [url="http://www.parrocchiadibazzano.it/parrocchia/minime.php"](click here)[/url]about the Sisters founded by St. Cloelia Barbieri. Apparently, she was the youngest foundress in church history. Anyway, it's in Italian, but it's worth a peek. If I get a chance, I'll try to do a quick translation for you.
Again, welcome to our phamily (and we are a family: sometimes we quarrel, but in the end, we all love and pray for each other :)

In Christ,

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Hello Anna, and welcome to the Vocation Station :)

I don't know about your communities. I [i]am[/i] curious about your username - is your family Dutch? (Anna is also a fairly common name in the Netherlands, which is illustrated by the fact that 100% of the Dutch nationals on this forum are called that.)

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Thank you so much! The article looks really interesting. I don't know Italian but I've taken French so I think I could understand some of it. Do they run schools? And it sounds like they have sisters in India, Brazil, and Tanzania too--that's awesome!

I remember coming across the biography of St. Cloelia in one of my saint books. I think she started youth groups at her parish when she was really young, and eventually founded her religious order. She sounds like a remarkable person.

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My family's not Dutch, but I was just an exchange student in Flanders for 4 and a half months, hence Fiere Margriet (I lived near Leuven). I also work at a restaurant so I particularly liked her story. (I'm always on the lookout for patron saints of restaurants--so far I've come up with Saint Martha of Bethany, Saint Ursula Ledochowska [her order ran a restaurant at one point], and Saint Bona of Pisa [patroness of hostesses].)

I miss Belgium so much, it's such a beautiful country. I'm glad to be back with my family though. And I'm always looking for people to speak Dutch with so I don't forget!

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[quote]I miss Belgium so much, it's such a beautiful country. I'm glad to be back with my family though. And I'm always looking for people to speak Dutch with so I don't forget![/quote]

On your Belgium kick, did you ever run into the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. They were founded in France, but their foundress took her community to Belgium because that's where she felt Jesus was leading her. Her name was St Julie Billiart.

Sorry to go off topic... Good luck in your search. Keep open.

Anne, PND

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[quote name='FiereMargriet' post='1752183' date='Jan 15 2009, 11:53 PM']I miss Belgium so much, it's such a beautiful country. I'm glad to be back with my family though. And I'm always looking for people to speak Dutch with so I don't forget![/quote]

Oooooh..... :evil:

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[quote name='moon_child_anne' post='1752523' date='Jan 15 2009, 10:59 PM']On your Belgium kick, did you ever run into the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. They were founded in France, but their foundress took her community to Belgium because that's where she felt Jesus was leading her. Her name was St Julie Billiart.

Sorry to go off topic... Good luck in your search. Keep open.

Anne, PND[/quote]

Unfortunately I never saw any of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur--I would have loved to though! I did spend a wonderful retreat weekend with the Community of Tiberiade in Lavaux-Sainte-Anne ([url="http://www.tiberiade.be"]Tiberiade[/url]) and I met some Missionary Sisters of Christ the King in Brussels. I saw that you are a postulant with the Sisters of Notre Dame in Kentucky--that's wonderful! Are they part of the same family as the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur? It sounds like your order has many great apostolates as well. I've felt drawn to teaching lately, but I'm still not sure where God is calling me. <_<

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the lords sheep

[quote name='FiereMargriet' post='1752843' date='Jan 16 2009, 04:18 PM']I've felt drawn to teaching lately, but I'm still not sure where God is calling me. <_<[/quote]

Hang in there. You'll find where God wants you to be. Just keep your heart open and ask "is [i]this[/i] what you want me to do?" God will answer you eventually. I never would have thought that I would be ending up where I have ended up now and where I hope to be going next, but that's the fun of following God's will!
He has greater things in store for you that even you can imagine! :love:

In Christ,

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Laudem Gloriae

In Ireland, there is the order of "Sisters of Mary Immaculate and St. Philomena" at [url="http://www.catholic-church.org/hermitage/"]http://www.catholic-church.org/hermitage/[/url]

I don't know anything about them other that what the website says and that they are cloistered.

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Laudem Gloriae

Few links on St. Philomena for anyone new to her:

Bio video on YouTube: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ar-y810wS8&NR=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ar-y810wS8&NR=1[/url]

A Novena to her on YouTUbe: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-JfWP8k-E8&NR=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-JfWP8k-E8&NR=1[/url]

Websites for prayers, novenas and Litany: [url="http://www.philomena.us"]http://www.philomena.us[/url] , [url="http://www.saintphilomena.com/index.html"]http://www.saintphilomena.com/index.html[/url]

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[quote name='Laudem Gloriae' post='1754423' date='Jan 18 2009, 02:27 PM']In Ireland, there is the order of "Sisters of Mary Immaculate and St. Philomena" at [url="http://www.catholic-church.org/hermitage/"]http://www.catholic-church.org/hermitage/[/url]

I don't know anything about them other that what the website says and that they are cloistered.[/quote]
Actually this community hasn't been around for a while, although the website is still up. They look like they could have been really beautiful though. I'm pretty sure they weren't totally in union with the Church though :/ [url="http://www.independent.ie/national-news/nun-forced-to-abandon-nineyear-project-on-silent-religious-colony-335050.html"]http://www.independent.ie/national-news/nu...ony-335050.html[/url]

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[quote name='FiereMargriet' post='1752843' date='Jan 16 2009, 10:18 AM']I saw that you are a postulant with the Sisters of Notre Dame in Kentucky--that's wonderful! Are they part of the same family as the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur? It sounds like your order has many great apostolates as well. I've felt drawn to teaching lately, but I'm still not sure where God is calling me. <_<[/quote]

The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are our "cousins". Some of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur founded the Sisters of Notre Dame in Holland and then those Holland Sisters founded the German Notre Dames. The ones on Kentucky to which I belong are a part of the German ones.

We have a teaching apostolate, but it's not the only one we have.

Good luck in your journey. I just got back from a formation gathering. There were 4 other postulants there too! It was a joy!

Anne. PND

Edited by moon_child_anne
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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1755391' date='Jan 19 2009, 03:34 PM']Actually this community hasn't been around for a while, although the website is still up. They look like they could have been really beautiful though. I'm pretty sure they weren't totally in union with the Church though :/ [url="http://www.independent.ie/national-news/nun-forced-to-abandon-nineyear-project-on-silent-religious-colony-335050.html"]http://www.independent.ie/national-news/nu...ony-335050.html[/url][/quote]

Oh, that's too bad. I had a look at their website and it seemed to be a beautiful community. However I did have doubts about their being in union...well, if God wills the order to be, someday perhaps they can flourish.

Thank you so much to everyone for all of your help and kind words! It's so nice to have found a place where I can look for such information and meet such nice people!

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