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Did Birth Control Help Or Hurt The Feminist Movement?


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Just curious after reading the huge thread on the "feminist movement" and all the talk about roles and such,just wondering where you stand on the subject.

My opinion is that birth control helped the feminist movement, and that movement has in turn lost what it is to be a woman,thus throwing the family out with it. Destroying the very thing that God had intended to be Sacred and Holy. Let the battle begin!

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Gospel According to Saint Luke Chapter 23:28-29

28 But Jesus turning to them, said: Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over me; but weep for yourselves, and for your children. 29 For behold, the days shall come, wherein they will say: Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that have not borne, and the paps that have not given s[color="#000000"]u[/color]ck.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='Arpy' post='1744618' date='Jan 6 2009, 07:02 PM']Oh dear. The autocensor...Heh.[/quote]


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[quote name='jckinsman' post='1744601' date='Jan 6 2009, 05:50 PM']My opinion is that birth control helped the feminist movement, and that movement has in turn lost what it is to be a woman,thus throwing the family out with it.[/quote]

Real feminism is about equality (and being proud to be a woman), not superiority or domination or anti-men.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1744860' date='Jan 6 2009, 11:46 PM']Real feminism is about equality (and being proud to be a woman), not superiority or domination or anti-men.[/quote]
Doesn't this depend on how you define equality?

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birth control has not helped anyone...

...ironically, it has given birth to all the ills of society and how men and women view each other....

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1744862' date='Jan 6 2009, 10:47 PM']Doesn't this depend on how you define equality?[/quote]

As the phrase goes, "equal with different roles." I am speaking of equal opportunity anyway. You know, the reason why feminism was born.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1744867' date='Jan 6 2009, 11:50 PM']As the phrase goes, "equal with different roles." I am speaking of equal opportunity anyway. You know, the reason why feminism was born.[/quote]

I don't understand this. To say something is "equal but different" is logically incoherent. If it is equal then, by the definition of the word, it cannot be different.

The principals of indiscernibles as expressed in second order logic is very clear. For all 'x' and all 'y' if 'x' is equal to 'y' then for all predicates 'P', 'P' is a predicate of 'x' if and only if 'P' is a predicate of 'y'.
Notationally expressed as

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1744876' date='Jan 6 2009, 11:02 PM']I don't understand this. To say something is "equal but different" is logically incoherent. If it is equal then, by the definition of the word, it cannot be different.

The principals of indiscernibles as expressed in second order logic is very clear. For all 'x' and all 'y' if 'x' is equal to 'y' then for all predicates 'P', 'P' is a predicate of 'x' if and only if 'P' is a predicate of 'y'.
Notationally expressed as

The Church teaches that men and women are equal (equal persons ; equal in dignity ; etc.) but that women are generally more prone to nurture and that men are generally more prone to leadership. And there is a distinction between roles within marriage. (As you will see on the other thread.)

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1744880' date='Jan 7 2009, 12:06 AM']The Church teaches that men and women are equal (equal persons ; equal in dignity ; etc.) but that women are generally more prone to nurture and that men are generally more prone to leadership. And there is a distinction between roles within marriage. (As you will see on the other thread.)[/quote]
I understand that is the claim, but logically it makes no sense as far as I can tell. Simply because something is not equal does not mean it is any more of less valuable though.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1744876' date='Jan 6 2009, 11:02 PM']To say something is "equal but different" is logically incoherent. If it is equal then, by the definition of the word, it cannot be different.[/quote]
A dollar bill and 100 pennies are equal amounts of money, yet they are different from each other. One is a bill, the other is a collection of coins.

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I don't know about all of that algebrathat Hassan wrote, math is one of my weaknesses, but I think it's important that women have equal rights as men. I don't think it's fair to discriminate based on sex.

However, I am a very strong supporter of feminism in its true form, being feminine. I think women should embrace their abilities and skills as women. God gave women different gifts than he gave men, they tend to be more caring, loving, doting, etc. ("motherly" traits). I've found that great happiness can be found in being feminine. So much of the "feminist movement" is about man-hating, or trying to be like men. I think that is unfortunate since it goes against God's plan for women and the natural tendencies of feminitiy. I have traditional views on marriage and motherhood, but still feel that women should get equal rights in the workplace for example, if that is their desire.

But birth control... I have seen a woman on EWTN a few times dicussing the evils of the BCP and how negatively it has affected our culture, women, and relationships. I wish I could remember her name! She is very well educated and has studied the subject extensively. She was brilliant and brought up great points about how the BCP affects human physiology, judgement, and the cultural affects of BCP. She was on The Abundant Life with Johnette Bencovich and also on a show with Scott Hahn taped at Stubenville. Man, I wish I could remember her name!! Anyone know?

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[quote name='Era Might' post='1744888' date='Jan 7 2009, 12:14 AM']A dollar bill and 100 pennies are equal amounts of money, yet they are different from each other. One is a bill, the other is a collection of coins.[/quote]

I'll put this on the thread I made.

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[quote name='Snowflake3981' post='1744890' date='Jan 7 2009, 01:15 AM']But birth control... I have seen a woman on EWTN a few times dicussing the evils of the BCP and how negatively it has affected our culture, women, and relationships. I wish I could remember her name! She is very well educated and has studied the subject extensively. She was brilliant and brought up great points about how the BCP affects human physiology, judgement, and the cultural affects of BCP. She was on The Abundant Life with Johnette Bencovich and also on a show with Scott Hahn taped at Stubenville. Man, I wish I could remember her name!! Anyone know?[/quote]

It would probably be Janet Smith. She is brilliant.

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