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U S Healthcare Needs Fixed!


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1742397' date='Jan 3 2009, 11:06 PM']Really? You obviously have no clue, do you...
Hospitals routinely discharge people including children when their insurance runs out. They are told to come back if they can arrange coverage.
If you are on medicare/medicaid you have coverage. But if you have a job and have no insurance [ the working poor -47 MILLION ] one accident or one illness can lead to bankruptcy and ruin. People are choosing between food and co-pays or food and their medicine. Pepole are letting their teeth rot in their mouth because the have NO insurance.[/quote]
47 million is a gross exaggeration, for instance, its common practice in my region for elderly to transfer there home and assets to there children to qualify for Medicare. On paper these people are destitute, I suspect millions of people use this tactic to milk the system, when they if fact have the money. You may call it compassion, I call it stealing.

This abuse of the assistant programs available for the truly needy is a sin and creates a good portion of the artificial welfare state.
If this kind of abuse didn’t take place the numbers of working poor (without insurance coverage) would be far, far less.
signed: clueless

Edited by apparently
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[quote name='apparently' post='1742598' date='Jan 4 2009, 06:13 AM']47 million is a gross exaggeration, for instance, its common practice in my region for elderly to transfer there home and assets to there children to qualify for Medicare. On paper these people are destitute, I suspect millions of people use this tactic to milk the system, when they if fact have the money. You may call it compassion, I call it stealing.

This abuse of the assistant programs available for the truly needy is a sin and creates a good portion of the artificial welfare state.
If this kind of abuse didn’t take place the numbers of working poor (without insurance coverage) would be far, far less.
signed: clueless[/quote]

I remember my grandmother milked the system like that. She had a broken hip at 82 and needed to go to a nursing home. She made $600 on Social Security and the nursing home was $1200. Her savings were wiped out by my grandfather's last illness. All she had was this magnificent house. She couldn't sell it because it was falling down, but it was worth too much for her to qualify for medicaid. She also didn't want to sell it philosophically because she wanted to have the hope that she would be able to come out of the nursing home after rehabbing her new hip. She didn't know that she was also dying of colon/liver cancer at the time. Back then you could rent the house out, which she did to one of my cousins for $200/month, allowing her to qualify for assistance. I think my cousin was being over charged at the time, since after my grandmother died 8 months later, the house was torn down by the church next door to add to their parking.

I had lots of clients over the years in similar situations that I helped milk the system for all it was worth. All of my food stamp using Cadillac driving clients. I guess I'll have to answer to the Lord someday for helping poor people take advantage of the system.

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Oh, I almost forgot my biggest sin. I forgot to charge those folks, driving 30 year old Cadillacs with no back bumper, any fees.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1742616' date='Jan 4 2009, 11:14 AM']Oh, I almost forgot my biggest sin. I forgot to charge those folks, driving 30 year old Cadillacs with no back bumper, any fees.[/quote]
that's not what I'm saying, at all. wealthy people do this scam, all the time, it's very common. the people you referenced should and it sounds like are being covered. i wholeheartedly support and believe Medicare and Medicaid for all people in need, however fraud is all to common by people who can afford to pay, thereby hurting the very people like you mentioned.

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[quote name='apparently' post='1742695' date='Jan 4 2009, 03:23 PM']that's not what I'm saying, at all. wealthy people do this scam, all the time, it's very common. the people you referenced should and it sounds like are being covered. i wholeheartedly support and believe Medicare and Medicaid for all people in need, however fraud is all to common by people who can afford to pay, thereby hurting the very people like you mentioned.[/quote]

You have to transfer your house and assets YEARS ahead of time for this to happen, so no it really doesn't happen all the time. Fraud is not quite as common as you seem to hope.

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As someone who works in healthcare I can tell you that there is something that will happen if everyone gets "free" healthcare. There will be much more waste of medical resources than there is already. Our hospitals are already clogged with people who aren't truly sick yet call 911 regularly. If medical care is cost free to the individual then more of that will occur.

Still, I recognize that universal coverage would give access to medical services to people who don't currently have the means to pay for it and who suffer because of that fact.

So, I'm torn on the universal healthcare issue.

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I trust and believe in all the dedicated hardworking healthcare providers, I also hope all people are cared for fairly and honestly regardless of there ability to pay.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1742397' date='Jan 3 2009, 11:06 PM']Really? You obviously have no clue, do you...
Hospitals routinely discharge people including children when their insurance runs out. They are told to come back if they can arrange coverage.
If you are on medicare/medicaid you have coverage. But if you have a job and have no insurance [ the working poor -47 MILLION ] one accident or one illness can lead to bankruptcy and ruin. People are choosing between food and co-pays or food and their medicine. Pepole are letting their teeth rot in their mouth because the have NO insurance.[/quote]

It's stunning isn’t it? I mean it's not like we are ranked 2nd and we can dispute that really it's better than on paper we are 37th in health care.

I will set this again as no one has really addressed it.

To make it very clear and simple

[size=7]We do [u][i] [b]NOT[/b][/i][/u] have the best health care in the world[/size]

[size=7]We have the 37th best health care in the world[/size]

[size=7]To be clear, not 1st but 37th[/size]

[size=7]That is 36 places below the best health care is the world[/size]

[size=7]France has the best health care system in the world[/size]

So let's rehash what we have learned here

[size=7]In terms of health care[/size]


[size=7]United States=#37[/size]

What is unclear about this? Individuals can chant as much as they please that we have the greatest health care system in the world. Just like I can chant over and over again that I have $5,000 in the bank. However in both cases chanting and will do not alter reality. We do not have the best health care system in the world. Such a charge does not simply strain credulity, but rather is a near total divorce from reality.


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[quote name='apparently' post='1742757' date='Jan 4 2009, 05:12 PM']I trust and believe in all the dedicated hardworking healthcare providers, I also hope all people are cared for fairly and honestly regardless of there ability to pay.

That hope is contrary to all empirical reality. I’m sorry to say this. It’s not that anyone here wants America to have such lackluster health care, but that is simple the only honest conclusion one may derive from the empirical data.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1742826' date='Jan 4 2009, 07:13 PM']That hope is contrary to all empirical reality. I’m sorry to say this. It’s not that anyone here wants America to have such lackluster health care, but that is simple the only honest conclusion one may derive from the empirical data.[/quote]

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[quote name='apparently' post='1742695' date='Jan 4 2009, 01:23 PM']that's not what I'm saying, at all. wealthy people do this scam, all the time, it's very common. the people you referenced should and it sounds like are being covered. i wholeheartedly support and believe Medicare and Medicaid for all people in need, however fraud is all to common by people who can afford to pay, thereby hurting the very people like you mentioned.[/quote]

Truly wealthy people wouldn't step foot in a nursing home that accepts medicaid patients. The smell would knock them right out of the door. If you know of someone who is defrauding the system, report them immediately. There's a reward for the information. If you don't actually know of someone who is defrauding the government, then where are you getting your information? Grumbling about paying taxes and people cheating the system is every tax payers right, but a Christian shouldn't make accusations they can't back up by first hand knowledge. All the years I worked as an attorney or advocate, I never met, or even heard of someone cheating the system in the way you say is so common. I guess that could have been because I only worked with people who couldn't afford an attorney. I knew I should have become a mobster attorney. Pay probably would have been better too.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1742849' date='Jan 4 2009, 07:41 PM']Truly wealthy people wouldn't step foot in a nursing home that accepts medicaid patients. The smell would knock them right out of the door. If you know of someone who is defrauding the system, report them immediately. There's a reward for the information. If you don't actually know of someone who is defrauding the government, then where are you getting your information? Grumbling about paying taxes and people cheating the system is every tax payers right, but a Christian shouldn't make accusations they can't back up by first hand knowledge. All the years I worked as an attorney or advocate, I never met, or even heard of someone cheating the system in the way you say is so common. I guess that could have been because I only worked with people who couldn't afford an attorney. I knew I should have become a mobster attorney. Pay probably would have been better too.[/quote]

Hmm, honestly I worked at a nursing home that accepted both Medicare and private pay patients and it wasn't perfect but it was a really great facility overall. The administration-yeah they definitely brownnosed the private pay patients to some extent because nursing homes are, after all, a business, but I have to say that I think the medical care given and overall attention was definitely equal. I live in New York State and I must say, though I hated the inspections, the department of health did a pretty good job of making sure Medicare/Private Pay was a balanced ratio and that care was good for both.-Katie

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[quote name='Tinkerlina' post='1742861' date='Jan 4 2009, 07:57 PM']Hmm, honestly I worked at a nursing home that accepted both Medicare and private pay patients and it wasn't perfect but it was a really great facility overall. The administration-yeah they definitely brownnosed the private pay patients to some extent because nursing homes are, after all, a business, but I have to say that I think the medical care given and overall attention was definitely equal. I live in New York State and I must say, though I hated the inspections, the department of health did a pretty good job of making sure Medicare/Private Pay was a balanced ratio and that care was good for both.-Katie[/quote]
thank you, i was beginning to wonder if anybody else was listening.

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It will be interesting to see how the nation handles the retirement of the 79 million babyboomers, which began this year. At the present time an average of 10,000 babyboomers retire each day, and that figure will grow in the coming years.

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