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Lifeteen Founder Excommunicated


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And here is what they say about this on the Praise and Worship Center Website:

[quote]On Monday, December 15, 2008 we learned that Bishop Thomas Olmsted had issued a decree of excommunication against us. The information was given to us via a friend who had received an email from the Diocese. Later that morning, we opened a letter that had been sent to a post office box earlier in the week.

We were deeply saddened to learn of this action. Excommunication is comparable to capital punishment in the Catholic Church. It is the ultimate penalty. According to the Diocese, our “sin” has been holding unauthorized prayer meetings. We want to be clear that we hold the Roman Catholic Church in great respect and we have nothing but love and gratitude for the Catholic community of Phoenix.

Since we have had no contact with Bishop Olmsted, it is hard to understand his action. However, it is our intention to pray for him, our many friends in the Catholic Church, and for the universal mission of love and reconciliation that Christ gave the church. It is also our intention to be faithful to the Lord and to continue to grow the ministry of the Praise and Worship Center. We ask for your prayers.

The mission statement of the Praise and Worship Center remains the same. May we serve God well, with passion and integrity.

We invite you to reflect on the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola, “Every good Christian ought to be more eager to put a good interpretation on a neighbor’s statement than to condemn it: but that is not enough. One should search out every appropriate means through which, by understanding the statement in a good way, the opinion and the relationship, may be saved.”

With love,
Mark Dippre
Dale Fushek

Dear friends,

[b]Nothing has changed.[/b] We will be praying together on Sunday morning at 10:00. This fourth Sunday of Advent will present the final piece of the nativity: Mary.

We hope you will join us for our time of prayer, community support, and the joy of being together as sisters and brothers.

We look forward to seeing you.

Mark and Dale[/quote]

I'd say they are of the opinion that they did nothing wrong. If so...the excommunication is likely to stand.

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