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Veggie Tales

Mateo el Feo

What do you think of the Veggie Tale products (for consumption by Catholic kids)?  

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Veggietales are great!

I watched Jonah with the sisters when I went to visit.

"We are the pirates, that don't do anything..." :D

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My three-year-old brother walks around the house singing "Com- PASSION and MER-cy from me to you and you to me" all the time. I don't think he quite knows what he's singing, but it's good. :)

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Colleen, totally off the subject, but is your new avatar that girl from "Pride and Prejudice"? I love that production! I got it for Christmas. :D

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:: runs into thread singing ::

If my lips ever left my mouth, packed a bag and headed south,

I'd be so sad!

I might get mad!

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Brother Adam

[quote name='foundsheep' date='Mar 17 2004, 08:38 AM'] I wish they would start focusing on the New Testament. [/quote]
They have both the star of Christmas and the Easter Carol out, so there is some NT stuff. You have to remember though there isn't a whole lot they can touch on without ending up offending. And that is something they work hard to stay away from as an Entertainment company. They even go so far as to NEVER mention the name of Jesus. Remember- entertainment.

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Veggie Tales Rocks the Party, and just for the kids. I have the sing a long tape. Man, thanks for reminding me to break it out again.

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Years ago, my family, some friends and I got to go the the animation studio (Big Idea) down in Chicago (they've since moved to the suburbs and subsequently been bought)... but at that time, they were in the story board stage for Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed. We got to take a tour and even met Mike Newrocki (I always spell that wrong!).... He's the voice of Larry and many others. He started talking to my then 3 year old and, well, she was freaking out a little to see a man talking like Larry! He grabbed a Larry puppet and conversed with her that way. She was the oldest child on the tour. It was really fun. Mike even sang a little bit of "the hairbrush song" for us...


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[quote name='foundsheep' date='Mar 17 2004, 08:38 AM'] I wish they would start focusing on the New Testament. [/quote]
Oh, when we took the tour, we asked about that. They said that they tend to shy away from NT stuff because they don't want to offend... not that they don't want to share the Gospel-- not at all! They just aren't sure how people would respond to a vegetable Jesus.

They could do some more of the parables, though. They've done The Good Samaritan....

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My kids watch 'em. So far they haven't been indoctrinated into protestentism.
For good Catholic indoctrination you should check out CCC films. We love Prayers for Little Children. :whistle: Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory. Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory........

My kids just love when I wake them up with that song!!!!


Larry Boy isn't really condusive to wake up music.

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[quote name='thedude' date='Mar 21 2004, 05:07 PM'] The Wiggles should be crushed and melted. Thats all I have to say. [/quote]
I personally prefer tarred and feathered. :rolleyes:

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I say kill your TV. But if you can't, then restrict usage to movies. For the record, I let my kids watch veggie tales, but as rare treat not everyday entertainment. Furthermore, during Lent and Advent the TV gets put in the closet. TV is OK I think if it is used rarely. But extremely dangerous if used all the time. I think it smells of elderberries people brains right out their heads.

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