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I live in Rochester, NY and I recently found out about this "church". I guess there was a schism within my diocese. The ordain women as "priests", "marry" Gays. They believe that when they say their mass it is the body and blood of Our Lord. To me this is the greatest form of heresy to date.

Just wanted to get you view on this.


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These kinds of schisms have come up repeatedly over the last 2000 years. There are always going to be people who think that their judgments are better than the Church's. I got fooled by one of those kinds of churches years ago, and felt pretty stupid afterwards. I should have known there was something wrong when the Eucharistic Minister hugged everyone and prayed over them.

I've got a big brother who works in Syracuse and lives in Skaneateles. I'll have to warn him.

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A friend of mine has just entered into the diocese of Rochester and is studying for the priesthood. He's told me a few horror stories from the Rochester diocese. He is a very very solid Catholic and will do some good.

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don't they all believe they are "truly Catholic"?

I haven't met a schism group that didn't believe they were "truly Catholic".

But they are sneaky. Until they say the Pope is the Anti-Christ or something bizarre like that.

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This group is not a schismatic group, as they ordain women. They are a heretical group for supporting the heresy of presbyterial ordination of women.

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[quote name='Formosus' post='1729312' date='Dec 16 2008, 01:48 AM']This group is not a schismatic group, as they ordain women. They are a heretical group for supporting the heresy of presbyterial ordination of women.[/quote]

One can be both; it's not "either/or" in this situation but rather "both/and."

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[quote name='Giolla' post='1728863' date='Dec 15 2008, 08:28 PM']I live in Rochester, NY and I recently found out about this "church". I guess there was a schism within my diocese. The ordain women as "priests", "marry" Gays. They believe that when they say their mass it is the body and blood of Our Lord. To me this is the greatest form of heresy to date.

Just wanted to get you view on this.


I like Rochester a lot, but... unfortunately, this doesn't surprise me. Saw quite a few parishes there that were a bit flakey, over the years.

Their "history" page is like a real-world demonstration of the slippery slope. Man.

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[quote name='Giolla' post='1728863' date='Dec 15 2008, 08:28 PM']I live in Rochester, NY and I recently found out about this "church". I guess there was a schism within my diocese. The ordain women as "priests", "marry" Gays. They believe that when they say their mass it is the body and blood of Our Lord. To me this is the greatest form of heresy to date.

Just wanted to get you view on this.


Very interesting. After looking briefly at their website, and seeing how members of the church there donate cars and houses to the church in droves leaves me thinking if we are missing something in Roman Catholicism.

I look at their mission statement and at their pastors comments and wonder if they can be right. It sounds so good....so perfect.........

..............but is it?

When I run into some cult or church or offshoot of Christianity or even some wayeward Catholics, I consder their position for a minute, and ponder. Are they right? Am I wrong?

However, there is something that always reminds me of why I stand where I stand.

[size=4][b]"So I now say to you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church. And the gates of hell will not prevail against it."

- Matthew 16:18[/b][/size]

For me, it begins there. :sword:

Now playing: [url="http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/the+daughters+of+st+paul/track/carol+of+the+bells"]The Daughters Of St Paul - Carol Of The Bells[/url]
via [url="http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/"]FoxyTunes[/url]

Edited by eagle_eye222001
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i doubt they think "you are peter" isn't as equally as applicable to them.
but, eagle eye never, imo, one to truly consider views in opposition to traditional catholic apologetics.

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They were part of a church called Corpus Christi. But when the priest started to marry Gays Ordain women they were Excommunicated. I think for the most part the DOR is fine but we like everywhere else are struggling to ordain new priests. Luckily we have 5 guys in seminary and a bout 10 guys (including yours truly) who are either looking into it or studying to become a priest. From what I can see they are a group great Orthodox guys so it looks promising.

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[quote name='Giolla' post='1728863' date='Dec 15 2008, 09:28 PM']To me this is the greatest form of heresy to date.[/quote]

Really? :) I can come up with better heresies in my sleep!

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1729536' date='Dec 16 2008, 10:58 AM']Really? :) I can come up with better heresies in my sleep![/quote]

Ya. alright one of the greatest heresies.

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[quote name='Giolla' post='1729540' date='Dec 16 2008, 10:13 AM']Ya. alright one of the greatest heresies.[/quote]

In all honesty, I would have to say that Arianism, Pelagianism, Nestorianism, Iconoclasm and Protestantism (not to mention the countless other heresies that have plagued the Church over the centuries) are all much worse heresies...

Edited by Resurrexi
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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1728868' date='Dec 15 2008, 08:39 PM']I should have known there was something wrong when the Eucharistic Minister hugged everyone and prayed over them.[/quote]

WOW! Sorry but found that hilarious! :lol_pound:

But seriously :mellow: I emailed them an email -can't wait to get an answer and hear what they have to say!

Edited by princessgianna
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