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Rocks my socks. :detective:

It's one of the last free radio stations in Russia.

I think they have an english version. If you can find it you may wish to listen to it.

What foreign media do you all listen to?
(BBC included)

Do you think it is valuable to listen to foreign media?

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I like to watch BBC news, and have been known to listen to Radio Free Cuba. I like the idea of seeing other view points. CBC news is still practically foreign to me.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1727432' date='Dec 13 2008, 11:36 PM']I like to watch BBC news, and have been known to listen to Radio Free Cuba. I like the idea of seeing other view points. CBC news is still practically foreign to me.[/quote]

cool. Do you speak Spanish?

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1727441' date='Dec 13 2008, 09:46 PM']cool. Do you speak Spanish?[/quote]

I used to speak Spanish and French. After the head injury, I can no longer speak them, or understand them when spoken to me. I can still read them, which is kind of weird. The neurologist said I must have stored the written and oral in different places in my brain. It certainly affected me in class this year. Pastoral Theology didn't have a text book, so everything was based on class lecture by a professor whose native language is Vietnamese and who also spent the last 6 years in Rome speaking Italian. That made for a very difficult English accent to listen to and try to digest. Then he sat an oral exam. This was the first time I realized how damaged the oral processing parts of my brain really are. The Dean of students told me I could request a take home exam in the future due to my disability, but I passed. I don't want special privileges just because I fell on my head.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1727455' date='Dec 14 2008, 12:04 AM']I used to speak Spanish and French. After the head injury, I can no longer speak them, or understand them when spoken to me. I can still read them, which is kind of weird. The neurologist said I must have stored the written and oral in different places in my brain. It certainly affected me in class this year. Pastoral Theology didn't have a text book, so everything was based on class lecture by a professor whose native language is Vietnamese and who also spent the last 6 years in Rome speaking Italian. That made for a very difficult English accent to listen to and try to digest. Then he sat an oral exam. This was the first time I realized how damaged the oral processing parts of my brain really are. The Dean of students told me I could request a take home exam in the future due to my disability, but I passed. I don't want special privileges just because I fell on my head.[/quote]

CatherineM. I don't know you very well, but if you don;t mind me asking what happened? I mean with reguards to your head injury. You have mentioned it a few times but I've always been hesitant about asking you.

If you'd prefer not to o into it I'd absolutly understand

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1727464' date='Dec 13 2008, 10:12 PM']CatherineM. I don't know you very well, but if you don;t mind me asking what happened? I mean with reguards to your head injury. You have mentioned it a few times but I've always been hesitant about asking you.

If you'd prefer not to o into it I'd absolutly understand[/quote]

I don't mind talking about it. It's obviously not secret since I wrote a book about it. I testified against the head of a white supremacist group, he took it personal, and sent someone to kill me. The women in my family are dang hard to kill. I only ended up dented. It's technically a traumatic brain injury from the impact, an acquired brain injury from the interruption of oxygen to my brain, and post concussion syndrome because that wasn't the first time I fell on my head (climbing onto box cars isn't as safe as they make it look on TV). It's why I can't practice law anymore. The Bar Association objected to my not being able to remember my clients' names.

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Dutch news media is much too "Ach, het moet maar kunnen"* for my tastes, so I also watch German and French news/tv. Belgian if I'm in a masochistic mood ;) I'm on a semi-boycott of the BBC (anti-Christian, anti-Catholic retards), so I avoid BBC News - on tv as well as the website - most of the time.

For news from MME** I generally read local news websites. Occasionally I'll listen to Vatican Radio.

I'd love to get some tv channels from Scandinavia though :smokey:

* "Het moet maar kunnen" or "Alles kan" are phrases that examplify the Dutch [i]laissez faire[/i] attitude. I take the mick out of it regularly.

** Merry Mother England.

Edited by puellapaschalis
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Ash Wednesday

Being that I live overseas, my media is almost always foreign. Sometimes I log on to u.s. news sites just to remember what that is like! Usually I listen to the BBC though I do listen to Sveriges Radio mostly when I need to improve my Swedish.

I know for a while there, they actually broadcast the Catholic mass in Stockholm on the radio on Sundays and they actually have some religious programming. It's funny because the Swedes are pretty irreligious but they don't seem to fuss about their tax dollars going towards that. :huh:

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1727470' date='Dec 13 2008, 11:31 PM']I don't mind talking about it. It's obviously not secret since I wrote a book about it. I testified against the head of a white supremacist group, he took it personal, and sent someone to kill me. The women in my family are dang hard to kill. I only ended up dented. It's technically a traumatic brain injury from the impact, an acquired brain injury from the interruption of oxygen to my brain, and post concussion syndrome because that wasn't the first time I fell on my head (climbing onto box cars isn't as safe as they make it look on TV). It's why I can't practice law anymore. The Bar Association objected to my not being able to remember my clients' names.[/quote]

your brain injury sure didn't destroy your wit, your sense of humor and your wisdom...

i absolutely love your posts! and where can i get a copy of your book?

Edited by dominicansoul
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[quote name='dominicansoul' post='1727761' date='Dec 14 2008, 01:47 PM']your brain injury sure didn't destroy your wit, your sense of humor and your wisdom...

i absolutely love your posts! and where can i get a copy of your book?[/quote]

The book isn't being distributed in the US because the content could potentially open me up to lawsuit and/or further attack. I'm not afraid, but everyone else seems to be. You can PM me your address, and I will have the publisher here mail you out one with an invoice. You can pay by US check or paypal. The discount I worked out for people on Phatmass is $25 postage paid. The cover price is something outrageous otherwise because all the profits are going to a fund to publish the works of schizophrenic authors who can't get their work published otherwise. I think it has already published one novel, and several short story collections.

Last I checked, it had sold over 5000, which is just kooky talk to me. Honestly, if I'd known this many people were going to read the silly thing, I'd have edited some of the more personal stuff out. The diocesan Catholic Women's League picked it for their book club meeting next month, and I have to make an appearance. I always get really weird questions at signings. I actually have had more than one woman want to see the scars on my knuckles from where I cut my fist on the guy's teeth. Didn't see that one coming. The scars spell out the letter G in Morse code. I never thought about it being female empowering. I thought it made me look like a ding bat. The FBI guys sure had fun laughing at me.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1727785' date='Dec 14 2008, 04:31 PM']The book isn't being distributed in the US because the content could potentially open me up to lawsuit and/or further attack. I'm not afraid, but everyone else seems to be. You can PM me your address, and I will have the publisher here mail you out one with an invoice. You can pay by US check or paypal. The discount I worked out for people on Phatmass is $25 postage paid. The cover price is something outrageous otherwise because all the profits are going to a fund to publish the works of schizophrenic authors who can't get their work published otherwise. I think it has already published one novel, and several short story collections.

Last I checked, it had sold over 5000, which is just kooky talk to me. Honestly, if I'd known this many people were going to read the silly thing, I'd have edited some of the more personal stuff out. The diocesan Catholic Women's League picked it for their book club meeting next month, and I have to make an appearance. I always get really weird questions at signings. I actually have had more than one woman want to see the[size=5][b] scars on my knuckles from where I cut my fist on the guy's teeth.[/b][/size] Didn't see that one coming. The scars spell out the letter G in Morse code. I never thought about it being female empowering. I thought it made me look like a ding bat. The FBI guys sure had fun laughing at me.[/quote]

That made me smile. Glad to see you gave him some back.

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1727917' date='Dec 14 2008, 07:34 PM']That made me smile. Glad to see you gave him some back.[/quote]

I got some licks in, but in all fairness, he did win the fight.

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