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Can We Dissent From The Magisterium?


Is dissent ok?   

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and the pope supporting unions
[quote]30. These teachings were issued indeed most opportunely. For at that time in many nations those at the helm of State, plainly imbued with Liberalism, were showing little favor to workers' associations of this type; nay, rather they openly opposed them, and while going out of their way to recognize similar organizations of other classes and show favor to them, they were with criminal injustice denying the natural right to form associations to those who needed it most to defend themselves from ill treatment at the hands of the powerful. There were even some Catholics who looked askance at the efforts of workers to form associations of this type as if they smacked of a socialistic or revolutionary spirit.[/quote]

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If you want to be Catholic, you follow the magisterium. If you don't want to follow the magisterium or you don't follow it, you are not Catholic. Do not refer to yourself as Catholic, do not teach YOUR version of God's truth to anyone and say it is Catholic, do not sit and whine about all the things you can't do and still be Catholic. Just because you go and sit in a Catholic Church for an hour once a week does not make you a Catholic anymore than sitting in your garage for an hour a week makes you a car.

If you cannot hack being a member of the Church that Jesus Christ gave us or live by the Word he gave us, go, just quit whining about how you can't be your own God and belong to the Catholic Church too.
There are 30,000 protestant communities out there and surely one will let you do whatever it is you specifically want to do that is against the magisterium, the Catholic Church and God. That is why they are there. You will still be a member of the body of Christ by your baptism so you can work out your version of following God directly with him and well, pray for the best. Heck, go start your own church, everybody is doing that now days.

Do I sound unchristian like and harsh? Today, I am. I am so tired of pseudo-catholics (small c}presenting their warped and blasphemous beliefs to the world and then proclaiming they are Catholic. THEY ARE NOT. Quit leading everyone astray. You know what Jesus had to say about that. If you don't, go read the bible.

As far as being gay. I am sorry. You aren't a quadrapalegic. You aren't blind. You aren't deaf. You have your arms. Every one has a cross to bear. If having sex is the only thing that defines a human, we are all so, well, you know.
I am not gay. I am not married. I do not have a sexual relationship with myself or anyone else. Get over it. We all have our crosses to bear. Just because society tells you that sex is the most important thing to every human and you will die without it, guess what, IT IS BULL. A close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the full working of the Holy Spirit within you and a devotional love of GOD is the most important thing for every human being. The touch of God compared to sex? Please, there is no comparison. If you ever let yourself give yourself completely to the Lord, surrender all you are and all you will be, the Lord will touch you. When he does, you will wonder why anyone would care about sex. Heaven is going to blow your mind. There isn't even a frame of reference for what it is to be "in the love of God."

Quit trying to have heaven on earth. It is never going to happen. This is a test. This is a test. This is our cross and our journey to gain entrance to eternity. ETERNITY!!! Please, folks. Make that your goal. Our lifetime is a blink in the eyes of God. Is this such a hard concept? A blink here or eternity in heaven? Which do you think is worth the concentrating of your time and the devotion of all you are?

Follow the magisterium? Yes, all the way to the cross my Lord died on. If you aren't willing to die for the teachings of our Church. You don't belong here. I pray every day for the conversion of all sinners and also the conversion of all believers. Oh, that not a soul would be lost is my desire. My prayers alone can't do that. I sure wish they were that powerful. Give in, give all, give to God. There isn't anything you can't give up if you ask the Lord to hold you and guide you. He loves each one of us so very much and he is calling to us every minute of every day. Follow the magisterium, pray unceasingly, receive the sacraments worthily, mean that confession, beg for the courage to keep that vow to sin no more. God will reward you.
I pray all will find the sweet love of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus name. Amen

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saintwannabe 777

[quote name='Deb' post='1827136' date='Apr 6 2009, 11:29 PM']I thought I was going to get royally bashed for that outburst. :blowkiss:[/quote]

I totally agree and there's times when I go on this rant, but of course you know what Older Brother Yeshua says...

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[quote name='saintwannabe 777' post='1827147' date='Apr 6 2009, 11:32 PM']I totally agree and there's times when I go on this rant, but of course you know what Older Brother Yeshua says...[/quote]

Does he say.....you are suspended? I have only heard it once, but I don't think it was from Him.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Deb' post='1827165' date='Apr 6 2009, 10:37 PM']Does he say.....you are suspended? I have only heard it once, but I don't think it was from Him.[/quote]
Aw, well I don't think you broke any rules. At least this time.
No idea what it was last time. :saint:

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Canon 750 – § 1. Those things are to be believed by divine and catholic faith which are contained in the word of God as it has been written or handed down by tradition, that is, in the single deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and which are at the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn Magisterium of the Church, or by its ordinary and universal Magisterium, which in fact is manifested by the common adherence of Christ’s faithful under the guidance of the sacred Magisterium. [b]All are therefore bound to avoid any contrary doctrines.
§ 2. Furthermore, each and everything set forth definitively by the Magisterium of the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals must be firmly accepted and held; namely, those things required for the holy keeping and faithful exposition of the deposit of faith; therefore,[b] anyone who rejects propositions which are to be held definitively sets himself against the teaching of the Catholic Church.[/b]

Can. 752 Although not an assent of faith, a religious submission of the intellect and will must be given to a doctrine which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops declares concerning faith or morals when they exercise the authentic magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim it by definitive act; therefore, [b]the Christian faithful are to take care to avoid those things which do not agree with it.[/b]

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1827371' date='Apr 7 2009, 12:56 AM']Aw, well I don't think you broke any rules. At least this time.
No idea what it was last time. :saint:[/quote]

I didn't do anything last time. I think it was a mistake. The person who caused it ended up being banned for life. I quietly did my time though and was so happy to come back. :lol_roll:

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In a word, No.

Millenia of Christian scholarship and discernment reside with the Magisterium. They are the experts, the Special Forces if you will.

If you have a problem with your plumbing, you call a plumber.
If you have an electrical problem, you call an electrician.
If you have a spiritual question, consult the Magisterium and its duly licensed theologians.

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A few questions regarding 2 posts...
[quote name='Theoketos' post='1728838' date='Dec 15 2008, 07:59 PM']That is simply not true. There are some levels of the Magisterium which we only assent of Mind and Will toward. These levels are fallible and have sometimes been dreadfully wrong.[/quote]
What does "assent of mind and will" mean? How can one have "assent of mind and will" and disagree with something that is "fallible and have sometimes been dreadfully wrong"?

[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1827914' date='Apr 7 2009, 04:08 PM']Canon 750 – § 1. Those things are to be believed by divine and catholic faith which are contained in the word of God as it has been written or handed down by tradition, that is, in the single deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and which are at the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn Magisterium of the Church, or by its ordinary and universal Magisterium, which in fact is manifested by the common adherence of Christ’s faithful under the guidance of the sacred Magisterium. [b]All are therefore bound to avoid any contrary doctrines.
§ 2. Furthermore, each and everything set forth definitively by the Magisterium of the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals must be firmly accepted and held; namely, those things required for the holy keeping and faithful exposition of the deposit of faith; therefore,[b] anyone who rejects propositions which are to be held definitively sets himself against the teaching of the Catholic Church.[/b]

Can. 752 Although not an assent of faith, a religious submission of the intellect and will must be given to a doctrine which the Supreme Pontiff or the college of bishops declares concerning faith or morals when they exercise the authentic magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim it by definitive act; therefore, [b]the Christian faithful are to take care to avoid those things which do not agree with it.[/b][/quote]
This is more basic... but I always forget
but under 750 §1 what is the difference between by something revealed by the solemn Magisterium and something revealed by the ordinary universal Magisterium?

Under §752 what does it mean to exercise the authentic magisterium?

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Is the chart on this wiki page accurate? Its about half-way down...


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Guest Bruno

Obey all that is not sinful. If someone in Authority orders us to do something sinful or to reject what The Church has always believed - then in that case, the Authority speaks only for himself and not for The Church. They have no Authority to teach something that is opposed to what The Church has always taught on matters of Doctrine.

We not only have a right but also a duty to resist obvious evil. In case of doubt, we must try to resolve the doubt (i.e. talk to a holy Priest) and always rely on what Saints have always done and not venture into questionable areas of behavior.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Bruno' post='1828947' date='Apr 8 2009, 01:33 PM']Obey all that is not sinful. If someone in Authority orders us to do something sinful or to reject what The Church has always believed - then in that case, the Authority speaks only for himself and not for The Church. They have no Authority to teach something that is opposed to what The Church has always taught on matters of Doctrine.

We not only have a right but also a duty to resist obvious evil. In case of doubt, we must try to resolve the doubt (i.e. talk to a holy Priest) and always rely on what Saints have always done and not venture into questionable areas of behavior.[/quote]
The authority of the Magisterium cannot direct us to do evil. It's simply not possible.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1827015' date='Apr 6 2009, 10:35 PM']If you want to be Catholic, you follow the magisterium. If you don't want to follow the magisterium or you don't follow it, you are not Catholic. Do not refer to yourself as Catholic, do not teach YOUR version of God's truth to anyone and say it is Catholic, do not sit and whine about all the things you can't do and still be Catholic. Just because you go and sit in a Catholic Church for an hour once a week does not make you a Catholic anymore than sitting in your garage for an hour a week makes you a car.

If you cannot hack being a member of the Church that Jesus Christ gave us or live by the Word he gave us, go, just quit whining about how you can't be your own God and belong to the Catholic Church too.
There are 30,000 protestant communities out there and surely one will let you do whatever it is you specifically want to do that is against the magisterium, the Catholic Church and God. That is why they are there. You will still be a member of the body of Christ by your baptism so you can work out your version of following God directly with him and well, pray for the best. Heck, go start your own church, everybody is doing that now days.

Do I sound unchristian like and harsh? Today, I am. I am so tired of pseudo-catholics (small c}presenting their warped and blasphemous beliefs to the world and then proclaiming they are Catholic. THEY ARE NOT. Quit leading everyone astray. You know what Jesus had to say about that. If you don't, go read the bible.

As far as being gay. I am sorry. You aren't a quadrapalegic. You aren't blind. You aren't deaf. You have your arms. Every one has a cross to bear. If having sex is the only thing that defines a human, we are all so, well, you know.
I am not gay. I am not married. I do not have a sexual relationship with myself or anyone else. Get over it. We all have our crosses to bear. Just because society tells you that sex is the most important thing to every human and you will die without it, guess what, IT IS BULL. A close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the full working of the Holy Spirit within you and a devotional love of GOD is the most important thing for every human being. The touch of God compared to sex? Please, there is no comparison. If you ever let yourself give yourself completely to the Lord, surrender all you are and all you will be, the Lord will touch you. When he does, you will wonder why anyone would care about sex. Heaven is going to blow your mind. There isn't even a frame of reference for what it is to be "in the love of God."

Quit trying to have heaven on earth. It is never going to happen. This is a test. This is a test. This is our cross and our journey to gain entrance to eternity. ETERNITY!!! Please, folks. Make that your goal. Our lifetime is a blink in the eyes of God. Is this such a hard concept? A blink here or eternity in heaven? Which do you think is worth the concentrating of your time and the devotion of all you are?

Follow the magisterium? Yes, all the way to the cross my Lord died on. If you aren't willing to die for the teachings of our Church. You don't belong here. I pray every day for the conversion of all sinners and also the conversion of all believers. Oh, that not a soul would be lost is my desire. My prayers alone can't do that. I sure wish they were that powerful. Give in, give all, give to God. There isn't anything you can't give up if you ask the Lord to hold you and guide you. He loves each one of us so very much and he is calling to us every minute of every day. Follow the magisterium, pray unceasingly, receive the sacraments worthily, mean that confession, beg for the courage to keep that vow to sin no more. God will reward you.
I pray all will find the sweet love of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus name. Amen[/quote]


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