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Abortion Not Seen Linked With Depression (msnbc)

Paladin D

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[quote name='apparently' post='1731274' date='Dec 18 2008, 01:08 PM']If you were <NOT> once an embryo, were did you come from?[/quote]

You might as well get to the point.

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[quote]The complexity of an orgnanism doesn't alone determine if something is human, or if it has human form, or if we give it rights. Ants are also complex but doesn't mean they're human.
People are infinitely more complex than an embryo. Can embryo's think, feel, experience, love, forgive, communicate? I argue these things are important in considering whether something has rights and if so, what rights should be given to it.[/quote]
My point is a embryo is every bit as complex as people (human beings) from a genetic standpoint.
your name calling, changing of the subject when losing, questioning motives, citing of irrelevant facts or logic, and last but not least stating false premise, you have demonstrated your losing of this argument.
You yourself were once an embryo; yet you can not you answer my simple question; [quote]If you were <NOT> once an embryo, were did you come from?[/quote]
Doesn’t a embryo grow?, grow independently?, grow from a DNA script inherited directly from a man and a woman into a human being with specific predetermined, inherited attributes?

So, If you were <NOT> once an embryo, were did you come from? and please don't change the subject, again.

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1731224' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:15 AM'][i]"Yeah, those women who have been brainwashed into thinking that there's actually something wrong with crushing a child's skull and sucking it's brain's out, or burning it to death with chemicals!"[/i]

Is not cheap, emotional rhetoric? :mellow: I don't think the word "murder" is any less cheap or emotionally charged than the word "brainwashed".[/quote]
But since abortion takes an innocent human life, an accurate one.
You have no right to barge in here calling women who are against abortion "brainwashed," then complain about "bias" and "emotionally charged words."

[quote]The complexity of an orgnanism doesn't alone determine if something is human, or if it has human form, or if we give it rights. Ants are also complex but doesn't mean they're human.
People are infinitely more complex than an embryo. Can embryo's think, feel, experience, love, forgive, communicate? I argue these things are important in considering whether something has rights and if so, what rights should be given to it.[/quote]
An unborn human being is a human being, not an ant.
The offspring of a human mother and human father is another human being. From conception, the embryo has all the genetic code to grow into an adult man or woman. A human embryo has never been known to grow into an ant, dog, chimp, or any other creature. It is human; end of story. To say anything else would be contrary to scientific biological fact.

And physical and mental/emotional complexity is beside the point.
You've admitted that a newborn baby is human, yet a newborn is very "simple" and undeveloped compared with an adult human being, and cannot do most of the things an adult human can. It can't walk, talk . . . or do much at all beside cry, feed, sleep, and produce excrement.
A baby (born or unborn) is not considered human with a right to life as a reward for its cognitive or other abilities, or for being "complex," but because it is a member of the human race, and thus its life has inherit dignity and worth.

In the same way, if someone is in a deep sleep or drugged so that he has no consciousness, and cannot at the time think, feel, experience, love, forgive, or communicate, does that mean we have the right to kill him so long as he is in such a state?

No, human life has inherit dignity, and must not be willfully killed for another's convenience.

[quote]I'm not the one comparing abortion with slavery.

And my point was to show you the emptiness and foolishness and hypocrisy of dismissing anyone who disagrees with you as baby killers or advocates for it. If you can't take criticism, stop dishing it out on everyone around you.[/quote]
Let's get this thread back on track, please.

[quote]That wrongdoing often linked with guilt and that guilt is often linked with depression is not objective and unbiased? I demand to be proven wrong.[/quote]
There have been plenty of cases of murderers, rapists, and committers of other foul crimes who've displayed no guilt or remorse for their crimes.

Subjective feelings of guilt or depression cannot be used as the primary means of determining the morality of an act.

If Hitler or Charles Manson displayed no remorse for their acts, would this make their murderous actions any less wrong or evil?

There have been many cases of kiddie-rapers who apparently feel no remorse about their acts. Does this mean what they do is right, and should be legalized?

And, of course, even if women do feel guilt or depression after having an abortion, it merely proves to you that said women have been "brainwashed," so it seems pointless to argue this with you anyways.

[quote]Ad hominen. You're like a little priest who goes around rebuking others and belittling their arguements but then offers nothing of substnace or value to your own postings.[/quote]
No, [i]ad argumentum[/i].

If you come up with an actual argument, let me know, but I'm through wasting time with your foolish games.

Edited by Socrates
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[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us_y9GP_-DA&eurl"]This of is a description of Dismemberment Abortion - The most common form of abortion in the 2nd trimester[/url]

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all you have to do is go to silentnomore.com and priestsforlife.com and see the hundreds of stories of women (and a few men) who have been effected (or affected I can never remember which one to use haha) by their abortion. Like it was stated in the beginning there is a fine line between depression and clinical depression. Wherever a woman is in those def. they still need our love, support, and prayers.

God Bless
Jason Gregory

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[quote name='RemnantRules' post='1734359' date='Dec 23 2008, 12:32 PM']all you have to do is go to silentnomore.com and priestsforlife.com and see the hundreds of stories of women (and a few men) who have been effected (or affected I can never remember which one to use haha) by their abortion. Like it was stated in the beginning there is a fine line between depression and clinical depression. Wherever a woman is in those def. they still need our love, support, and prayers.

God Bless
Jason Gregory[/quote]

All those testimonies invoke use of the word 'God', so the link with depression only applies to thsoe who are religious and suffering from a guilt complex, not the whole population.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1734707' date='Dec 24 2008, 02:53 AM']You've read them all?[/quote]

I scanned through many. Actually couldn't find one transcript that didn't use the word 'god' or 'lord'. :topsy:

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1734726' date='Dec 24 2008, 08:03 AM']You said all now you say many which is correct?[/quote]

Both. It's like eating from a pack of chips. If the first 20 chips you eat are chicken flavoured, it logically follows the rest of them will also be chicken flavoured. What exactly are you trying to prove anyway?

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Most women are only invoking the word "God" or "Lord" b/c of the after-effect of the abortion. The women that look to God afterwards is because that is what they were raised to look at for comfort when their is some trouble in their life. It can be the same way when we run to our parents when we were little and we had some trouble.

I pulled up another website www.gargaro.com/regrets where half of the testimonies that I read on their never used the word "God" or "Lord" in their statements. In fact there was one women who is still Pro-Abortion, but regrets her abortion for the fact of listening to her ex-boyfriend.

Again though, whether they believe in God or not if they have any type of depression and need some counseling, then let us not make light of their situation.

God Bless
Jason Gregory

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[quote name='RemnantRules' post='1734800' date='Dec 24 2008, 12:57 PM']I pulled up another website www.gargaro.com/regrets where half of the testimonies that I read on their never used the word "God" or "Lord" in their statements. In fact there was one women who is still Pro-Abortion, but regrets her abortion for the fact of listening to her ex-boyfriend.[/quote]

There are only nine testimonies there (half invoke god), it's hardly a case.

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[quote name='bonkers' post='1734775' date='Dec 24 2008, 11:48 AM']Both. It's like eating from a pack of chips. If the first 20 chips you eat are chicken flavoured, it logically follows the rest of them will also be chicken flavoured. What exactly are you trying to prove anyway?[/quote]

Either you read all or you didn't. You didn't but you said you did. Until you read all and actually confirm all invoke the word "God' your just talking. Anyway doesn't matter just because someone says "God' does not devalue everything else.

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