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News From St. Cecilia's


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St. Cecilia's Abbey ([url="http://www.stceciliasabbey.org.uk/"][b]http://www.stceciliasabbey.org.uk/[/b][/url]) send out an update ("The Chronicle") twice a year, and today the Advent/Christmas 2008 edition arrived on my doorstep :)

Some noviciate news:
[b]Helen[/b] entered in January (on the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas) and in September became a novice, taking the name [b]Sr. Mary Thomas[/b].

[b]Sr. Mary Antonia[/b] moved over to Community for the final year before her [b]solemn profession[/b].

[b]Sr. Elizabeth[/b] will make her [b]first profession[/b] on [b]8th December[/b].

Please keep them and all the sisters at St. Cecilia's (around 30 of them) in your prayers :)

Edited by puellapaschalis
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You're welcome :japanese: I'd scan in the photos in the booklet but they're small and grainy, I don't have a scanner at home, and it's not really in keeping with the whole schwing of St. Cecilia's, I don't think.

It's interesting though - on other threads there's been lots of discussion about the extent to which a cloistered monastery "should" interact on the internet. Personally I'm of the "let them decide" camp, although I love seeing photos. And here's St. C's which just doesn't :P

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St Cecilia's are a wonderful community! As to cloistered nuns and the internet, this foum would be a bit thinner on material, wouldn't it, if none of us engaged with the web?

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[quote name='Digitaldame' post='1716433' date='Dec 2 2008, 10:58 AM']St Cecilia's are a wonderful community! As to cloistered nuns and the internet, this foum would be a bit thinner on material, wouldn't it, if none of us engaged with the web?[/quote]

Absolutely, Dame, St.C's rocks my socks.

I think when talking about St.C's and the internet it's more a case of where do they find the time? It's a big place with lots of stuff to do: full office (dude, they even have [i]Prime[/i]), big building, big enclosure, big community so lots of people to look after, cook for and so on.

I get the impression from the "online sisters" I know (not just at St.C's) that whilst they have time in the day where they could access the internet, that time is a) teeny weeny compared to the rest of us and b) used really efficiently. It's a much different kind of "being online" than we would think of.

Anyway, I don't really want to derail this. Let's just post about how cool St.C's is :)

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[i]Anyway, I don't really want to derail this. Let's just post about how cool St.C's is smile.gif[/i]

Good idea. I think it's one of the prettiest websites I've ever seen, and I love the tour! I love that when Rumer Godden was doing her research for In This House of Brede, the Ryde abbey was part of that.

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Wasn't it Stanbrook, of which Rumer was for many years an oblate? Actually, I must confess, I used to live in the next village along from St Cecilia's before I became a nun and got to know and love the then community.

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St. Cecilia's Cool Fact #94821: they have supported and continue to support [i]enormously[/i] the fledgling [url="http://gospeloflifesisters.wordpress.com/"]Sisters of the Gospel of Life[/url] in Glasgow. Any lady considering consecrated pro-life work should get in touch with them! :saint:

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[quote name='Digitaldame' post='1717255' date='Dec 3 2008, 10:06 AM']Wasn't it Stanbrook, of which Rumer was for many years an oblate? Actually, I must confess, I used to live in the next village along from St Cecilia's before I became a nun and got to know and love the then community.[/quote]

Godden used Stanbrook Abbey in her research. She lived in the guest house, became and oblate there, etc, but she also used bits and pieces of St. Cecilia's Abbey and specifically mentions the nuns at Ryde in her acknowledgements, as well as the Benedictines at Talacre.

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They have another lady lined up to enter, in January. If I'm in the right gossip circle, that is :)

I hope to visit St. Cecilia's soon (and often). But they're not getting me. Waaay too much black cloth :)

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1718831' date='Dec 4 2008, 10:37 PM']They have another lady lined up to enter, in January. If I'm in the right gossip circle, that is :)[/quote]
:secret: :whistle: :ninja:

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1721841' date='Dec 8 2008, 01:11 AM']:bump:

Sr. Elizabeth makes her first profession on Monday!! Please pray for her :saint: :sign:[/quote]

AWESOME day for it. :)

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Fun fact (don't know how widespread it is): at St. C's the only (normally visible) difference between a novice and a junior is the length of the scapular. Noticeable at [i]statio[/i] but nowhere else. Unless of course you [i]know[/i] the sister personally :topsy:

The black veil is given (granted? taken? imposed? VOCAB FAIL) at the profession of solemn vows.

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