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Conscience Vs Church


Follow Conscience or Church?  

55 members have voted

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If one's conscience tells him to do something which the Church believes and teaches to be gravely sinful, that person's conscience is malformed.

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[quote name='mortify' post='1715464' date='Nov 30 2008, 08:21 PM']What say you?[/quote]
your second option should be: Follow Church teaching, since their conscience is [b]ill-formed[/b]. and that's what my opinion would be.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1715490' date='Nov 30 2008, 11:30 PM']+J.M.J.+
your second option should be: Follow Church teaching, since their conscience is [b]ill-formed[/b]. and that's what my opinion would be.[/quote]

I said the conscience would be "informed" because the person knows what the Church teaches.

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My answer depends (maybe) on some details that aren't quite clear in the original. Are we speaking of simply choosing to do something because the person in question doesn't see it as wrong, despite Church teaching?


Are we talking about someone whose conscience tells them they [i]must[/i] do something, even though the Church says it's wrong?

I assume you mean the former, but I can't tell for sure.

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[quote name='mortify' post='1715494' date='Nov 30 2008, 08:33 PM']I said the conscience would be "informed" because the person knows what the Church teaches.[/quote]
that kind of makes sense. :)

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[quote name='philothea' post='1715517' date='Nov 30 2008, 08:58 PM']My answer depends (maybe) on some details that aren't quite clear in the original. Are we speaking of simply choosing to do something because the person in question doesn't see it as wrong, despite Church teaching?


Are we talking about someone whose conscience tells them they [i]must[/i] do something, even though the Church says it's wrong?

I assume you mean the former, but I can't tell for sure.[/quote]
agreed with philothea here.

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I think it would be close to impossible to determine if the act would meet the conditions for mortal sin if the person had serious doubts about it being a mortal sin. My issue is more with the Church allowing something that I have a problem with. -Katie

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good poll.

I sorta can relate to this. I have been informed here that masturbation is a mortal sin and I can see why it is wrong. Although when confessing this a mortal sin to a priest I have been sort of "laughed" at ( i dont think laughed at is the right word buy anyway) and been told while it is sinfull it is not a mortal sin and I am not cutting myself off compelty from God. Note that I am not here to argue masturbation is not a mortal sin. Although it does make it more convientent for me to accept this as a veniel (sp) sin and not have to go to confession for it. It is embarresing to confess this sin and sometimes I miss mass and confession because I really dont want to go confess this sin again.

I know the obvious answer is " dont masturbate". And ya that probally is the right answer although it is tough. Ive been celibet for over two years and sometimes I have a real problem with thinking masturbation completly cuts me off from God and I would go to hell if I died before going to confession. Ok sorry for hijacking the thread but I think what I typed related to what you asked.

So I guess I would like to vote for the first choice although the second choice is probally the correct answer.


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Wow, I totally give you props for being so honest about this. Masturbation is a venial sin, but I think (and I could be wrong, I'm not for sure!) that you are supposed to confess venial sins too (although you can still go to Communion as long as you're not in mortal sin), sorry if I'm wrong. But you are doing the right thing trying to stop. If you slip up sometimes, God will forgive you, I'm sure He recognizes your efforts. -Katie

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[quote name='Tinkerlina' post='1715628' date='Dec 1 2008, 01:56 AM']Wow, I totally give you props for being so honest about this. Masturbation is a venial sin, but I think (and I could be wrong, I'm not for sure!) that you are supposed to confess venial sins too (although you can still go to Communion as long as you're not in mortal sin), sorry if I'm wrong. But you are doing the right thing trying to stop. If you slip up sometimes, God will forgive you, I'm sure He recognizes your efforts. -Katie[/quote]

Whats up Katie
Thanks, Im hiding behind my computer screen. I think its sorta gross to talk about but yet I have seen it brought up alot here so Im comfortable bringing it up. I know I have read over and over here that its a mortal sin. I was under the impression you didnt have to go to confession for venial sins.
So I dunno. I would like to be able to go to communion without having to confess this sin to a priest. I would be really content with getting on my knees at mass and telling God im sorry for this. Esspially since the priest dont even find it to be a mortal sin. I am just really intimated of getting communion when I could possibly have a mortal sin on me. That being said I also dont like telling a grown man that im sorry for masturbating.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1715638' date='Dec 1 2008, 02:05 AM']Whats up Katie
Thanks, Im hiding behind my computer screen. I think its sorta gross to talk about but yet I have seen it brought up alot here so Im comfortable bringing it up. I know I have read over and over here that its a mortal sin. I was under the impression you didnt have to go to confession for venial sins.
So I dunno. I would like to be able to go to communion without having to confess this sin to a priest. I would be really content with getting on my knees at mass and telling God im sorry for this. Esspially since the priest dont even find it to be a mortal sin. I am just really intimated of getting communion when I could possibly have a mortal sin on me.[/quote]

Yeah, I totally don't blame you for not wanting to confess that. And like I said I could totally be wrong about venial sins-I think you don't have to confess them before getting Communion but if you are going to confession I think maybe you confess all you can think of? Not sure, maybe there's someone here who knows for sure. Confession can be scary. I'm scared of it myself! -Katie

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[quote name='Tinkerlina' post='1715641' date='Dec 1 2008, 02:08 AM']Yeah, I totally don't blame you for not wanting to confess that. And like I said I could totally be wrong about venial sins-I think you don't have to confess them before getting Communion but if you are going to confession I think maybe you confess all you can think of? Not sure, maybe there's someone here who knows for sure. Confession can be scary. I'm scared of it myself! -Katie[/quote]

Ya the only reason I go to confesion is when mortal sin is involved. If I can just tell God im sorry on my knees im all for that. 100 percent all for that. But like missing mass is a mortal sin that I commit. I know there is no excuse but I do so ya. And Ive read here repeatedly that masturbation is a mortal sin. So that really ties right into what mortify was talking about. In my mind I dont really feel like im commiting a mortal sin yet the church teaches that I am. I mean I do my best not to have sexual realtions with females( again im celibet and proud of it), I cant help though that I have the desire for sex or masturbation . Again im sorry if this sounds gross or whatever but im being honest. And I find it really troubling that I have to go tell a grown man that im sorry for masturbating ( a mortal sin) before I can recieve communion. Even though after talking to the priest he tells me it isnt a mortal sin.

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[quote name='philothea' post='1715517' date='Nov 30 2008, 11:58 PM']My answer depends (maybe) on some details that aren't quite clear in the original. Are we speaking of simply choosing to do something because the person in question doesn't see it as wrong, despite Church teaching?


Are we talking about someone whose conscience tells them they [i]must[/i] do something, even though the Church says it's wrong?

I assume you mean the former, but I can't tell for sure.[/quote]

The former is what I had in mind.

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