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Nunsense Entered The Edmonton Carmel 11/16/08

Laudem Gloriae

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Laudem Gloriae

[quote name='EJames2' post='1719444' date='Dec 4 2008, 11:36 PM']wow, thats excellent, thanks be to God. there are pics of that Carmel in a thread buried in here somewhere.

Are there? Where are they?! Anyone know? I only have the few that are in this article on them: [url="http://www.wcr.ab.ca/news/2001/0924/carmelitemonastery092401.shtml"]http://www.wcr.ab.ca/news/2001/0924/carmel...ery092401.shtml[/url]

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Guest phatdaddy

[quote name='Laudem Gloriae' post='1719636' date='Dec 5 2008, 12:40 AM']Are there? Where are they?! Anyone know? I only have the few that are in this article on them: [url="http://www.wcr.ab.ca/news/2001/0924/carmelitemonastery092401.shtml"]http://www.wcr.ab.ca/news/2001/0924/carmel...ery092401.shtml[/url][/quote]


You don't by any chance have their physical address? Oh, and thanks for posting.
Mr. Ray

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Thank you for posting about this. I also really enjoyed Nunsense, and knowing that she is Sister Michael now, I will be praying for her.

Just for the record, I was really interested in a community - or thought I was - until I realized that they pretty much live their entire vocation on their internet. I was really taken aback by the blog, and personally, I felt it didn't really do much to improve one's desire to be fully taken by the Lord if every moment is captured on camera. Also, I felt and still do, that part of the sacrifice of enclosure or cloistered life has to do with the very essence of sacrifice and some of that means (to me at least) staying away from every new fad, one of which is blogging.

Now, I have seen some excellent blogs and some really wonderful websites that are spiritually enriching. Some are produced by the nuns or monks that are enclosed and I believe that is most likely part of their vocation. I am not talking about those kind which can do nothing but lead one closer to God. I am talking about the other kind.

I will admit that I am very curious about religious life, especially cloistered because it is mysterious. I have enjoyed looking at some of the websites but I have realized that the ones that are over zealous in giving a look into the Monastery and the personal lives of the Sisters are not the Monasteries for me. When I join religious life, I want to give myself fully to God and be HIS alone. I don't want strangers who are probably weirdos watching me, knowing where I live and what I am doing. I want to give my heart to HIM and HIM alone, and I don't want an audience.

In my search for the right community, I have encountered some really weird people, including that group that "pretends" to be nuns and another group that gives spiritual direction and yet another that wants your phone number before you can join. I have come to see that the internet, while in some ways good, can be really scary. I'm glad Nunsense found a community that is serious and will protect her privacy!

Just my two cents for what it is worth.


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Laudem Gloriae

Katherine, you said it very well and much better than I have! I feel the same way - if you've seen and read my posts! Why everyone thinks these internet surfing and forum surfing/reading/posting nuns is ok is beyond me. She some orders have blogs - but the few good ones post rarely and instead use it as a way to post their community's newsletters as opposed to time consuming envelope stuffing and cost of postage.

The one community and blog I mean is the PCCs of Barhamsville, VA and their blog - [url="http://www.pcmonastery.blogspot.com/"]http://www.pcmonastery.blogspot.com/[/url] - that is updated 3-4 TIMES A YEAR! Not numerous times a day or countless times a week. Their last entry was August 3, 2008! And it is their newsletter.

Nunsense has told me she is of the same mind on this topic. It's sad that one thing after another many orders let in and take over, they get lax over with the attitude of "it's ok" and doesn't see the harm of it. It's like you give the devil an inch and he takes a yard - and we all know the devil doesh't have to do or inspire out right evil to ruin good and holy things.

How many times have is a post read that upsets, worries or even makes you laugh? You're thoughts are on this post, your answer (whether you already answered or plan to), if you are irriated, upset, etc. even once in a day - never mind many times - when as a nun in a monastery those few seconds should be on God, Our Lady, your sisters, your duties, prayer, etc. NOT such worldly and secular things. We are human and it happens and perhaps without us really realizing. Many times you see a sister writing a blog apologizing for not posting and it's not to far fetched to imagine the thoughts occurring to her "oh I have to get on and post about this or that - people will be wondering where I am or waiting for the next post" or whatever. Once again her time, thoughts, energy, etc. is taken up with this unnecessary nonsense and not God, etc. and surely not the realize why she entered the monastery to begin with - hopefully! Hopefully women and men aren't looking to enter the religious life to begin famous bloggers and look to win those yearly blogging awards, etc. which you can't take with you when you die. God won't say, "Your blog won numerous yearly awards for 5 yrs running! You can skip Purgatory and come staight in to Heaven! I don't think so!

I just finished reading a few books on St. Margaret Mary - in one of them is noted how God sounded chastised her for letting her mind, conversation and energy wonder onto wordly things and people and NOT Him and other things that pertained to her consecration to Him as His spouse, prayer, her duties, etc. Yes she is a saint but the as we are called to imitate them and BE a saint, we, too, can take this advice! What would God think about or say to a nun wanting to spend time blogging, internet surfing, forum posting?

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[quote name='Laudem Gloriae' post='1712053' date='Nov 27 2008, 02:06 AM']I could post a ton more of such things from other orders and even the Popes but for those who think nuns and sisters should spend time on the internet and NOT live their consecrated lives to God in giving up all for Him, striving to live every second in His presence and would rather talk to a fellow sister in person instead of strangers or old friends on the web, then there is nothing more to say.

I just wouldn't want to be them when they die and go before God to explain why internet surfing and forum reading and posting was more important than being with Him in silence and prayer and their sisters in community.[/quote]

I do not know any cloistered nuns who are running around the internet outside their duty. That is, the responsibilities that the superior has charged them with. If the Superior asks you to do your duty, and it includes the internet, then doing things on the internet is obedience to the known will of God, and its definitely living a consecrated life for God, living in His presence, and giving it all up for Him. I think if a Sister who uses the internet were to die and see God, He would probably say to her, well done, good and faithful servant.

I think there are a number of enclosed Sisters who keep up blogs and even post here on this board, and for you to go on about how you "wouldn't want to be them" on their Judgment Day seriously wants for tact.

It its totally legit for you to know that you don't want to join a community that uses the internet. It is totally not legit for you to go on implying that cloistered communities, or individual Sisters that do are somehow "less than" or "not giving it all up" to God.

There are many, many good things about not using the internet at all in cloistered life. It is possible to talk about the virtue of the things you like without demeaning everything else. This is a life skill with exciting applications. It is extremely useful for practicing charity.

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P.S. Why was it necessary to bring up a subject that has been controversial on phatmass on Sister's entrance announcement? Why was it necessary to not only point it out but sigh loudly about it? I think its really sad that a post which should be full of congratulations and prayers is being used for kvetching. I don't think Sister would be pleased.

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Personally I think Our Lord will judge sins of pride and lack of charity with a little more severity than a Sister using the Internet. In fact if she blogs at the request of her superior she will probably gain many graces, even more if it is not her own inclination.

We all need to learn a little humility and none of us should be too quick to compare our souls favorably to others - I myself know that my particular judgment is not going to be a walk in the park :saint: so I certainly wouldn't go post or go up to the temple saying "‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, the unjust, adulterers, or even like this cloistered nun who used the Internet! Thank God I am not like her! I wouldn't want to be her, standing before You on the last day! I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get, and if I was in a monastery I would never "break enclosure" that way."

I don't think we need to waste our time doing that anyway. Eyes on the prize phamily!

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[I don't want strangers who are probably weirdos watching me, knowing where I live and what I am doing...'

Considering everyone posting here likely peruses these blogs from time to time, we're all weirdos? ;-)

The Holy Spirit uses everything available to reach those whom He would draw.

It is possible, I suppose, that God might meet the departed Sr. Blogger and say, "hey, even though it brought some of my brides to me, as I had planned, and it was under obedience, you spent a little too much time on the internet. It's a little purgatory time for you."

Then, of course, he will turn to those who sneered at her on earth and say, "and you - what were you doing judging her, which is my job? Why were you taking your eyes off of me to look at what she was doing and judge it? You go over and sit next to her, in purgatory."

Humility...it's not just for blogging nuns, anymore! :-) We could all use a dose of it.

I wonder if Mother Angelica will do time in purgatory for breaking enclosure.

Edited by DameAgnes
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I would like to clarify something from my own perspective. Maybe this thread about Sister Michael has taken a turn, but the truth is, Dame Agnes, that as I have been in discernment with a couple of orders and also been using the internet, I HAVE come across some really weird things. One thing I found when I searched for "nuns/religious life" etc., on yahoo groups was a group of women who PRETEND to be nuns but in reality are not nuns, don't give vocation or spiritual direction or even legitimate sharing and are in fact "role playing" !!! I left that one immediately. I have also found a lot of groups on yahoo for example that are dedicated to people who don't have vocations but are really interested in religious life or the habit, for unsavory and bizarre reasons. Speaking for some of them, there are men on these groups and I don't think their intentions are really that great. I could give examples, but for the sake of modesty, I will not. Use your imaginations and I think you will get my drift. I happen to agree totally with Laudem in everything she said, and if you read my post thoroughly, you will see that I even accused myself of adding to this "problem" because in my discernment I have been very interested in learning as much as possible about different communities. I don't consider myself a weirdo, or any of the other legitimate phatmassers who are faithful (even those who might not have a vocation but pray for them) but I definitely think a man who is on a yahoo group dedicated to the habits of nuns is a weirdo! Even one man emailed me and asked me if he could be my "Spiritual Guide" and give me penances to perform! Trust me, there are weirdos out there who are attracted by nuns! Especially nuns in habits. I think a group of non-Catholics who pretend to be nuns are weird! I believe that blogs like the ones that Laudem (and me!) have a problem with just feed the fire, and there is such a thing as "spiritual voyeurism." All I said is that I agree with Sister Michael in what she was looking for! When I enter a cloistered monastery, I want to have my privacy protected. I don't want my picture and name all over the internet, and I really would not want everybody in the world to know if I left the monastery unless I told the world myself. I personally think there is an aspect to cloistered life that is hidden, at least maybe in the Carmels, which is the direction I am going. I don't know what Mother Angelica's vocation or ministry is, but obviously she was entrusted with something specific to do for the Lord. That is very different than writing about every visitor, posting silly songs and showing private pictures. Updates, prayers, writings, spiritual counsel are all things I believe are appropriate. When I enter, like Sister Michael, I want it to be private, solemn and very much hidden in the heart of my Mother, the Church.

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+Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

My dear Katherine,

A public response: Thank you for sharing your experiences and your wisdom in what you have encountered. It is for some of the very reasons you mentioned I carefully restrict our children and monitor their internet access. Alas, religious life (and maybe religion in general) seems to attract a certain element of the population that is not quite as wholesome as one would hope.

I remember donating money to a Monastery that publicly appealed for funds so a young interested person could visit. Alas, it seems as if the sizable amount of money that was collected was for naught and the Monastery, in modern language, was "scammed" though they did not own up to the fact publicly. I felt very disappointed that the Monastery used their blog, this website and other facets to ask for money, posted the person's face and story and then did not give the sad outcome the same amount of attention. I *personally* believe this would not have happened (either the loss of money on my part nor the scamming of the Monastery) if they did not have such a strong internet presence. Unfortunately, it made them a very easy target.

I believe it is quite foolish to think the internet a safe place, for it is not, and though we have a wonderful phatmass phamily here, there are predators who await any opportunity for havoc. Religious, most of all! the very heart of the Church, should be protected and cared for with the utmost of caution.

I am quite happy for Sister Michael and will send her and her community appropriate greetings through the post. In the meantime, may your search for the right community be a time of grace for you. We know part of Sister Michael's vocation is to pray for the world, I have no doubt her prayers will reach heaven on your behalf and bless you abundantly.


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Saint Therese

I think its up to the individual order/monastery to decide in what context internet use is okay for them.
Seriously, its not for us to judge them when we don't know the whole situation.

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