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Jack wakes up at 8pm Sat nite. Elvis and Chuck are staring at him and they have a case of Corona.

"Let's go mess with Sally," says Chuck.

"We're gonna...*snicker, snicker, snicker* praaaank *snicker, snicker, snicker* caaaalll herrr!!! *snicker, snicker, snicker*" says Elvis.

"I don't know," says Jack. "She might be my girlfriend."

Jack and Elvis get drunk off like 2 beers and a grinning Chuck says, "more for me!"

They call Sally, but Elvis totally ruins the call with his snickering.

Sally walks in holding her cordless phone and glares at them all. Then she smiles and starts drinking. They play Twister and listen to 'We Are Family' and act generally cheesy.

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Elvis tries to impress Sally with some guitar, but she sits next to Jack and holds his hand.

Chuck sits back smiling, drinking and thinking he is the stuff.

Elvis bravely plays on with "Suspicious Minds" fighting back tears and then he goes to the potty for like 20 minutes.

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While Elvis said he would only be in "the potty" for 20 minutes, an hour had already gone by, and the bathroom door was still closed with the King inside. Jack thought perhaps he should check on him to make sure he hadn't passed out from Vegas Nerve syndrome while on the toilet, a condition that can be fatal, but he also figured if Elvis had beaten death once he could do it again if he really wanted to.

It suddenly dawned on Jack that if he had been in a coma since April 18, 1775 there was no way he could possibly know who Elvis was, yet somehow he did. That also made him 233 years old, despite the fact that he didn't appear or feel but a day older than when he had driven into a coma. He suddenly saw all of American history that he had been sleeping for flash before his eyes like a long movie. The American Revolution, the passing of the Constitution, 1812, the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Trans-Atlantic cable (the first unsuccessful attempt at one, and the actual successful line), the Great Depression, Two World Wars, the Cold War, Elvis, Korea, JFK (a Catholic President? Holy cow!), Vietnam, Reagan, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction.

He wondered how this could be, and why did he mysteriously know who Elvis was before anything else of American history? But the thing that creeped him out the most was who he saw had just been elected President of the United States...Barrack. Hussien. Obama.

Edited by Justin86
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Jack keeps his wits about him even tho his imagination went crazy earlier. After all, whose mind doesn't take some strange turns? Jack's sure does and he was born in 1944 and bludgeoned in 1975. How about that?

Chuck passes out some more drinks to keep everybody's buzz up. Elvis goes on to sing 20 encores while Sally starts thinking some marriage.

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Everybody passes out except Chuck who wanders the halls eating ill-gotten snacks and listening to Coast-to-Coast AM on his cart-radio.

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Jack sits back and thinks... "hmm... if they're all in this room right now partying... I could make my break for it... I'll need to make a recon. though... maybe I'll get Chuck to give me a 'tour'"

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1714363' date='Nov 30 2008, 12:48 AM']and then Jeff and Cat kissed.[/quote]

we did?




Edited by missionseeker
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And then aliens turned them into powder.


And I ran to the hills.


Only to meet a terminator who killed me.


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