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Unchaste Movies



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[quote name='Slappo' post='1709781' date='Nov 24 2008, 02:30 PM']I voted 2-2-3.
Why not allow humor and bedroom scenes but allow nudity? I don't think the question gives a good enough context to say objectively sinful or not.

There is Catholic art that displays nudity such as the Sistine Chapel. The Mission, a movie about Jesuit missionaries has topless natives that are being evangelized, yet I would say it is a very uplifting and inspiring movie.[/quote]

According to moral theology, the breasts of a woman are not considered private, but semi-private parts of the body, and to commit a grave sin by looking at the semi-private parts of the opposite sex one would have to look at them for a good length of time (without necessity, of course). Thus, I would not consider them nudity any more than I would consider the arms and legs (which are also semi-private parts) nudity.

And though I find the paintings in the Sistine Chapel beautiful and moving, one can commit a grave sin by looking at nudes in art if one stares intently at the depictions of the genitals (this is also from a Catholic moral theology book with an imprimatur). However, I think that nudity in movies and photos is much different than nudity (and by that I mean private, and not semi-private parts) in art as it is basically like really seeing it in real life.

Edited by Resurrexi
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thankfully the only part of Titanic i ever saw or had any desire to see was the ship sinking scene.
and not cause i dislike "unchaste" movies, many of my favourite movies are unchaste, but cause titanic is LAME!

ever after, walk to remember(a bit cheesey) and especially The Princess Bride were completely awesome movies, though!

oddly enough, if you want a "chaste" movie, the second Conan movie "conan the destroyer" has absolutely no sex scenes (unlike the first movie :blink: ) and also happens to be sweet to watch!

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The question I have is not a generalized thing, but more of a single person. The question is, is nudity always a sin or is it only a sin if it brings with it lust for the individual. Meaning if someone watches a movie with nudity in it, looks at art with nudity in it, reads a magazine with it in it, but the person is not lusting after said image, is it a sin? Is nudity always a sin, or is it only a sin when it brings with it lust for the individual?

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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria']I think also it is worded wrong. I think what might be an interesting question to ask is: Is watching a movie with sexual "humorous" references pure and chaste? Does it aid one in the struggle to achieve those virtues? Certainly not.[/quote]
[size=3]That is true! When we love God with our whole hearts we only have room for the things that help us to love Him and our fellow man more. I answered "no" on all three: none of these things I believe are morally wrong, at least in terms of just watching them, but we should always be careful. [/size]

[quote name='TotusTuusMaria']I mean, the title of thread is: "Unchaste Movies." It looks like the conscience is already telling us that the movies are not for the good of our souls. [b]If it isn't a chaste movie then why spend time watching it? Is it a sin? I think so, especially if you already know what kind of movie it is.[/b][/quote]
[size=3]I do have a small problem with this statement. Just because we are wary of doing something does not mean the holy Spirit is telling us not to do it. There are many factors, like society, and ignorance, that may lead our hearts astray from what our conscience is truly telling us. I bring this up because you are not the only person I have heard say this. I have read it in a few religious book as well.

Christ said his yoke was easy and his burden light. I see many -- far too many -- Christians loosing the fight because they are wrestling with phantom devils. A poem comes to mind by [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/42873250@N00/3024383820/"]William Watson[/url]:

"Shall we perturb and vex our soul
For "wrongs" which no true freedom mar,
Which no man's upright walk control,
And from no guiltless deed debar?
What odds though tonguesters heal, or leave
Unhealed, the grievance they invent?
To things, not phantoms, let us cleave--
The things that are more excellent."

In times of doubt, let the love and freedom of God guide you![/size]

[quote]But if you go back to see that movie because of the scene, there's something wrong.[/quote]
[size=3]I almost forgot... Something may be wrong, but it may not be sinful. We live in a fallen world... There is so little intimacy between people now, so little love. Also, our culture does not often show how a person should act. Sometimes people who truly want to do good do not know how to express their feelings in a good, healthy, appropriate way. So I would not condemn even someone who went to those scenes again. Perhaps they just want to soak up the intimacy in them. It is sad, but there is much sadness in this world. Even though we are Christians that does not mean we will always know how to act.[/size]

Edited by Augustine
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You know what, there are not really any chaste movies out there?
it is one thing to not show or portray sex scenes, or to imply a sex scene (although it is not condoned). Whatever.

Point being, there are no movies that actually deal with and/or promote the Catholic Church's teaching on chastity...

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