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How Long Have You Been Discerning?


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I have been for a very long time. I started to feel a tug in my heart towards the religious life practically seven years ago but didn't accept it until over five years ago.

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Thanks. That's giving me an idea how much I need to be patient. :) I thought about religious life in the last 2 years but had never taken any step towards it because I was in a relationship. Until recently, I decided to end the relationship for discernment. It is hard and sometimes I even felt like why I am going through all this but there's always peace in my heart that I am doing the right thing.

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Maria Faustina

Well, I have known I had a vocation since I was in 4th grade. However, I did pay attention to it until 7th grade, so I've been discerning for 2 years, and I am like 99.9% I have a vocation.

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My discernment has taken me 2 1/2 years. Now I play the waiting game. It seems that some people take only a few months and others take 10 years to discern God's call. What I've learned is that God works in His own time frame, not mine. Be patient and persevere.

Edited by Mari Therese
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the lords sheep

I began to feel a tug over 8 years ago, and began looking around (talking with Sisters, going to a vocation prayer group for women) about 7 years ago.
Be patient. It's really hard, but God will let you know what He wants when he knows that you're ready.
God bless!

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According to my dad, I talked about it before I was even baptised (my parents were of the "let them make their own decisions"-school), but I don't remember anything about that.

I started looking into it with wildly differing enthusiasm about three years ago, and hope to enter July 2009 (after I've finished my degree).

I get the feeling that my discernment was pretty short!

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I've been discerning for almost a year now. I have accomplished a lot in this past year, which makes me think that my calling to the cloister will progress much quicker than originally anticipated. I believed, early on, that I had a calling to the active/contemplative life but it turns out Jesus wants me to be completely contemplative. I discovered that I am called to the order of the Discalced Carmelite nuns, and I couldn't be more joyful!

I just finished up my diploma to be a Certified Nursing Assistant (I graduate on the 17th, YAY!), so I am looking for a job to pay off my debts, and get ready for when Jesus calls me to come away from the world and enter seclusion with the other nuns.

I have not yet figured out where I am called, but I have some good ideas of monasteries that I want to check out in the next year. I am progressing as slow as I can, but some days it's all I can do not to rush into it. I know that I am not ready yet, so I want to be patient.

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[quote name='water' post='1700245' date='Nov 12 2008, 02:42 PM']Thanks. That's giving me an idea how much I need to be patient. :) I thought about religious life in the last 2 years but had never taken any step towards it because I was in a relationship. Until recently, I decided to end the relationship for discernment. It is hard and sometimes I even felt like why I am going through all this but there's always peace in my heart that I am doing the right thing.[/quote]

It's alright. I've "broken up" with Our Lord three or four times, though one of those may have just been "taking a break." (Sounds lame doesn't it, but it's true.) I'm really not ready to enter at this moment since I'm undergoing maturity and I've got a long way to go. I have sooooo many communities that I have in mind.

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