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Should We Vote Republican Solely


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should we vote republican just because abortion is wrong? homosexuality? etc?

is it our moral obligation to never vote for a democrat because he/she supports abortion being legal? do you honestly believe that democrats who support legal abortion believe that its ok to have an abortion? perhaps they believe that it should be legal because people will do it anyways even if it is not legal. theres a thought. furthermore, what did the bush administration do about legalized abortion? other than say that they didnt support it. did they even attempt to get rid of legalized abortion? what was the results if so? just some questions to ask yourselves. id appreciate if someone could give me some solid answers to these questions. thank you.

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Throughout my life I have voted for Republican candidates, American Independent Party candidates, and candidates from the Constitution Party, because those parties officially promote the right to life in their political platforms. That said, I have never voted for a pro-abortion candidate from any of those parties, or any other political party for that matter, since I gained the right to vote in 1981.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1699740' date='Nov 11 2008, 07:36 PM']Throughout my life I have voted for Republican candidates, American Independent Party candidates, and candidates from the Constitution Party, because those parties officially promote the right to life in their political platforms. That said, I have never voted for a pro-abortion candidate from any of those parties, or any other political party for that matter, since I gained the right to vote in 1981.[/quote]

who did you vote for in this election?
did you ever vote for a candidate that supported abortion in cases of rape and incest?

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[quote name='flip' post='1699759' date='Nov 11 2008, 06:04 PM']who did you vote for in this election?[/quote]
An African American who lost.

[quote name='flip' post='1699759' date='Nov 11 2008, 06:04 PM']did you ever vote for a candidate that supported abortion in cases of rape and incest?[/quote]
In the 1980s, while I was still a Protestant I did at the Presidential level, and I voted for Bush in 2004, because I felt as a Catholic that John Kerry (a pseudo-Catholic) had to be defeated, but I have never voted for a congressional candidate that supports abortion in any case.

Edited by Apotheoun
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[quote name='infinitelord1' post='1699722' date='Nov 11 2008, 07:11 PM']should we vote republican just because abortion is wrong? homosexuality? etc?

is it our moral obligation to never vote for a democrat because he/she supports abortion being legal? do you honestly believe that democrats who support legal abortion believe that its ok to have an abortion? perhaps they believe that it should be legal because people will do it anyways even if it is not legal. theres a thought. furthermore, what did the bush administration do about legalized abortion? other than say that they didnt support it. did they even attempt to get rid of legalized abortion? what was the results if so? just some questions to ask yourselves. id appreciate if someone could give me some solid answers to these questions. thank you.[/quote]

You cannot just vote for one party.

While it may seem that the GOP is against abortion and Democrats are for it, and the same of homosexuality, you really can't do this as there are candidates on both sides of the aisle who do not follow this generalization.

You really have to judge candidates on a case-by-case basis.

The Bush administration appeared to do nothing, yet they definitively did something.

While the partial-birth abortion has been cried out to be worthless, it has made a step in the right direction as it blankly tells society that we prohibit this abortion. The next step is to ask why it is okay for other abortions but not partial birth ones. It's a stepping stone so to speak.

Another important thing is the fact that Bush helped get Alito to the Supreme Court. An important step is getting pro-life judges on the bench if we want to get anywhere with the pro-life crusade. It's worthless passing bills banning abortion if the justices stamp it down.

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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' post='1699774' date='Nov 11 2008, 06:30 PM']You really have to judge candidates on a case-by-case basis.[/quote]
The platform of the party needs to be taken into account as well, and that is why I have never voted for a Democrat, because I cannot support a person who runs as a member of a political party that officially endorses the murder of the innocent.

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I am a pro-life Democrat that only votes for candidates that are pro-life, so its been awhile since I have voted for anyone in my own party.

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The only time I get to vote for a Democrat is when it is something that can not in any way influence life issues, so their views on the subject aren't even known. Such as County Court Clerk, Treasurer, or Country Appraiser.

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My parents were Democrats, but when I registered to vote in 1980/81 I could not bring myself to register as a Democrat because the party supported abortion, but I must also admit that I was turned off by the ineptitude of Jimmy Carter.

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Moral issues should always have first priority for the Christian/Catholic voter.
This does not mean necessarily that one must always vote Republican, but it certainly means that no one should vote for candidates (like almost all the Dems) who directly support abortion, and oppose any pro-life legislation.

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[quote]do you honestly believe that democrats who support legal abortion believe that its ok to have an abortion? perhaps they believe that it should be legal because people will do it anyways even if it is not legal. theres a thought.[/quote]

Stealing is illegal but people still do it, so should we legalize it? Maybe we should have each town purchase a warehouse, use public funds to throw items in it, and allow thieves to legally steal from it under certain circumstances, like every first day of the month. I'm sure such a controlled environment will reduce the number of thefts... Or maybe it will only increase the number of thieves?

Pretty stupid logic, eh?
[quote]furthermore, what did the bush administration do about legalized abortion? other than say that they didnt support it. did they even attempt to get rid of legalized abortion? what was the results if so? just some questions to ask yourselves. id appreciate if someone could give me some solid answers to these questions. thank you.[/quote]

Sounds like an excuse one of the 54% of Catholics that voted for a pro-abortion, pro-infanticide candidate would use to justify themselves. All I have to say is I hope these Catholics really thought out their vote because every policy that this President alters that allows the greater destruction of human life will fall on their heads... they will share in the responsibility of life lost.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1699764' date='Nov 11 2008, 09:20 PM']An African American who lost.[/quote]
Considering that the AIP has only ever had one candidate, and has only been in existence for one election, I don't think that leaves a lot of question. ;)

By the way, had I been two years older, my vote would have been cast for the same fellow.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' post='1699722' date='Nov 11 2008, 07:11 PM']should we vote republican just because abortion is wrong? homosexuality? etc?

is it our moral obligation to never vote for a democrat because he/she supports abortion being legal? do you honestly believe that democrats who support legal abortion believe that its ok to have an abortion? perhaps they believe that it should be legal because people will do it anyways even if it is not legal. theres a thought. furthermore, what did the bush administration do about legalized abortion? other than say that they didnt support it. did they even attempt to get rid of legalized abortion? what was the results if so? just some questions to ask yourselves. id appreciate if someone could give me some solid answers to these questions. thank you.[/quote]

When judging "morality" regarding democrats & republicans, I think many folks have not given this subject the careful & thoughtful consideration it deserves. If, as the republicans say, taking life is "immoral", or against their political & religious philosophy, then how can the death penalty, torture, killing of thousands of innocent men, women & children throughout the world possibly be justified ?

Personally, I do not believe abortion is a good choice. I am an RN. Having viewed life and death intimately on all areas of the spectrum, nothing is ever that simple, or black & white. The republicans can base how they vote solely on the "rights of the unborn," but in no way want to support early childhood education, healthcare & social programs for these wed or unwed mothers. As Christians I believe we have an obligation to respect the life and dignity of ALL.

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