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Well, I just want to thank everyone who prayed for me and who pray for all those discerning vocations.

I went to the Dominican nuns in Farmington Hills, MI at the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament. They are such a joyful group, wear the habit, practice silence, have adoration, and pray even the little hours of the Diving Office.

I arrived a few days before Sr. Mary Pauline made her solemn profession. It was so beautiful and I could feel grace overwhelming all of us. Right away I felt completely at home and at peace. I had made an aspirancy with another group, but kept feeling very uncomfortable even though I loved so many aspects of their life and charism. Many people tried to convince me that it was just because I was taking such a big step and being overly analytical, which is in my nature. But, I decided to try a few more monasteries. I am so glad I did!

I was also in time for the Rosary Triduum. Fr. Farrell, the friar provincial for England, did the preaching and gave us talks on I and II Corinthians. I was in heaven. Everything seemed to fit my spirituality--in other words I felt my soul coming alive, being nurtured and drawing ever closer to Christ.

I will tell all of you who are discerning, this is a group of woman who love the Church and desire to follow the Church's teachings. As in any group I have visited--monastic or active--there are women who hold views I disagree with. This is part of community life. What I think is important is to look at who is in leadership, what the overall outlook of the community is, and how they are at loving each other despite differing views. But, beyond all of these considerations, ask God to give you the "peace beyond understanding" when you visit the group He thinks is best for you. Then follow that peace!

I hope to go back permanently in late January, so I ask you all to please continue to keep me in prayer that I not falter, that everything goes smoothly, and that my family will be at peace with my decision. I will keep all of you in prayer as well.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for all of your advice and prayers.

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Praise God! I'm so happy it was a joyful and peaceful time for you! I know those Sisters very well and I love them very much and I can agree with everything you have said about them! Congratulations! You are always in my prayers!

I was at Sr. Mary Pauline's profession as well! :)

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What a wonderful post. Your joy and peace come through your words. I am so very delighted that the church will be blessed with your "fiat" to your religious call. God Bless You.


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[quote name='toservelove' post='1699611' date='Nov 11 2008, 04:57 PM']Well, I just want to thank everyone who prayed for me and who pray for all those discerning vocations.

I went to the Dominican nuns in Farmington Hills, MI at the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament. They are such a joyful group, wear the habit, practice silence, have adoration, and pray even the little hours of the Diving Office.

I arrived a few days before Sr. Mary Pauline made her solemn profession. It was so beautiful and I could feel grace overwhelming all of us. Right away I felt completely at home and at peace. I had made an aspirancy with another group, but kept feeling very uncomfortable even though I loved so many aspects of their life and charism. Many people tried to convince me that it was just because I was taking such a big step and being overly analytical, which is in my nature. But, I decided to try a few more monasteries. I am so glad I did!

I was also in time for the Rosary Triduum. Fr. Farrell, the friar provincial for England, did the preaching and gave us talks on I and II Corinthians. I was in heaven. Everything seemed to fit my spirituality--in other words I felt my soul coming alive, being nurtured and drawing ever closer to Christ.

I will tell all of you who are discerning, this is a group of woman who love the Church and desire to follow the Church's teachings. As in any group I have visited--monastic or active--there are women who hold views I disagree with. This is part of community life. What I think is important is to look at who is in leadership, what the overall outlook of the community is, and how they are at loving each other despite differing views. But, beyond all of these considerations, ask God to give you the "peace beyond understanding" when you visit the group He thinks is best for you. Then follow that peace!

I hope to go back permanently in late January, so I ask you all to please continue to keep me in prayer that I not falter, that everything goes smoothly, and that my family will be at peace with my decision. I will keep all of you in prayer as well.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for all of your advice and prayers.[/quote]

Thank you for sharing this important part of your journey! I don't know if you have completed the application process yet, but I will be praying for you. The nuns look so beautiful and full of peace on their website photos. If this is truly the place that God is calling you, He will give you the graces necessary to complete His request. I will pray for your family to have peace in accepting your calling. May God bless you as you surrender your will to Him and become Jesus' bride. Peace be with you!

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I couldn't remember your name, but I've keeping "the one doing her aspirancy at Farmington Hills" in my prayers. I'm glad to know that you had a good experience. From here on out I'll pray for "the one considering Farmington Hills."

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Sister Rose Therese

Will pray for you.
I think you have said something important regarding the "How do I know if this is the right one?" question.
[quote]Right away I felt completely at home and at peace.[/quote]
Being at home, feeling like family, they're subtle things, you can't pin it to the presence of any particular feature. For myself and most of the sisters I know that was a major indication that they were in the right place. Not that the community is perfect or exactly what I was looking for, but that it is a community where you fit in like family. Not uniformly, but like family members.

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It is always so heartening when someone fells the "call", checks it out and thinks it is for them. There is still a road ahead, but know that P'mas are praying for you and support you in your quest.

Best wishes on your journey


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