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Conclusive Proof That Polar Warming Is Being Caused By Humans

Fidei Defensor

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1697775' date='Nov 9 2008, 03:04 AM']So the smart thing to do it assume the the best possability will come to pass. :huh:[/quote]
OR is the smart thing to do is believe someone every time they come up to you wanting your money just because they're a scientist? Just say'n...

Edited by Justin86
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Interesting. I don't profess to be a scientist but I do think it's pretty clear from what I do know that humanity has most certainly caused global warming. The jump in industrialization in the last century is unprecedented, and you don't throw noxious chemicals into the air and land without reaping what you sow. However, my best friend is a biologist and her biggest issue is making sure people don't make it into a "doom and gloom" thing and realize that we can at least stagger some of the damage and improve things. What's done is done, let's acknowlege what went wrong and move on to what we can do right. -Katie

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1699229' date='Nov 10 2008, 11:19 PM']OR is the smart thing to do is believe someone every time they come up to you wanting your money just because they're a scientist? Just say'n...[/quote]

yes, because the scientists want me to give them my money.

Enviormentalism is a net positive thing. Even if global warming is totally bunk better enviormental programs will only help.

One the other hand if Global warming is real and we do nothing it is a net loss

Seriously, its Pascals wager for enviormentalism.

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[quote name='Tinkerlina' post='1699239' date='Nov 10 2008, 11:28 PM']Interesting. I don't profess to be a scientist but I do think it's pretty clear from what I do know that humanity has most certainly caused global warming. The jump in industrialization in the last century is unprecedented, and you don't throw noxious chemicals into the air and land without reaping what you sow. However, my best friend is a biologist and her biggest issue is making sure people don't make it into a "doom and gloom" thing and realize that we can at least stagger some of the damage and improve things. What's done is done, let's acknowlege what went wrong and move on to what we can do right. -Katie[/quote]
Oh, there's really little doubt that we have had some type of impact on the earth, especially since the industrial revolution. The scientific questions are what type of impact, how much is actually ours, and what should we normally see? We can't really improve things if we don't know what's what.
I think the main "ugh" feeling really is articles titled like this... Notice it does not reflect the actual article's title, mainly because in science you don't claim something as "conclusive proof", as there is always a margin of error. As from the actual article, their research used simulated models, which generally have their own margin of error, variability, ect...

And still haven't had time to read their paper... Busy writing my own at the moment.

Also, I'm a scientist... Send me your monies!

Edited by CatholicCid
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[quote name='CatholicCid' post='1699285' date='Nov 11 2008, 12:10 AM']Also, I'm a scientist... Send me your monies![/quote]


....well....I can't hardly refuse can I :annoyed:



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I don't see how the picture of the starving kid is funny.

Read The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism. I've been saying all along there's a Big Science and they use science they like and anyone who breaks through with contradictory info. gets bullied--and some wonder why we, who belittle macroevolution, do so. They have become the magisterium of what's real and not for those who lost faith in their respective churches. Pope Pius X fought to keep out Freemasonic infiltrators, but, according to a diary by a communist John Doe, as read by a nurse, it says they did get it done [of course, unlike the Chinese Patriotic Church priests, they have valid holy orders and saying "I absolve you" would get you absolved and "This is my Body" would give you Jesus (provided you're honest in the first case and the matter is there in the last case, unless doing something to invalidate the Mass beforehand would prevent it from happening), so it's not like they could undo the Church, but if they taught liberation theology, they could undo people's faith]. I'm sure they became ministers as well. I'm not saying to wonder if an irregularity in Mass or the removal of the altar rail is a sign your priest might be a commie, as some were confused, weak, whatever drove Jesuit, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, etc---but I digress.

The fact is, that temperature stations have been put by streets, black trashbags and other conduits of heat (I saw pictures on a Hannity show or one like it once) and temperature stations were closed down in Russia about the time global warming became a big thing. Ice is retracting. I'm no scientist, but perhaps, most the moisture has been sucked out of the break-aways. The sun is just in a hotter phase and other planets are warming up too. We may have contributed to more warming, but it was warmer than now for a time in the Middle Ages.

I believe there are many using environmentalism to get rid of people as threats. It keeps the overpopulation myth alive. Some cities may be overpopulated, but not the Earth. We buy all kinds of stuff in plastic containers, whereas 3rd world people, who the elitists have been wanting to get rid of for centuries, live off the land.

We need to stick it to Big Science that Al Gore is their modern day Piltdown Man forger. Wikipedia has an article about that story and it says they were looking for that something like that to prove their preconceived idea as well as satisfy nationalism and/or racism.

[quote name='Hassan' post='1699290' date='Nov 10 2008, 11:15 PM']:shock:

....well....I can't hardly refuse can I :annoyed:



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[quote name='eagle_eye222001' post='1696265' date='Nov 6 2008, 10:36 PM']WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE........................FLY FOR IT![/quote]
nice :mellow:

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I have problems because I get chewed out by some people i know about this HOWEVER when they finish talking they get into their mini van and drive off. I agree with we need to take care of our planet though the way some people talk to me, they chastise me for not doing enough (i recycle for what it is worth) and I try to limit how much i get in the car). Then they get in their car and drive off to soccer games and parties and they take vacations and so forth.

just what i see.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1697373' date='Nov 7 2008, 10:30 PM']Depends on what the models are based on. It's called extrapolation.[/quote]
It's called [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIGO"]GIGO[/url].

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1697770' date='Nov 8 2008, 01:02 PM']this is exactly what I am talking about with this "pro-life" hypocracy. An African woman haveing an abortion is a horrid moral wrong, but if our industrial pratices cause an ecological disaster that will cause that child to die a slow, painfull death a few years later in the resulting famine then that's just fine.[/quote]
Do you really believe there was no starvation prior to the industrial revolution? It seems someone has been drinking too much Al Gore Kool-Aid.

If you think our production of so-called greenhouse gases are really the cause of starvation in the world, then why don't you practice what you preach and turn off your computer forever? How much CO2 is spewed by your electric company to power your computer and access to the internet? How much to store your messages?

How about real solutions to starvation? Ever hear of Catholic Relief Services? It's an organization of 5,000 people helping 80 million people in 100 countries. It's one of many numerous assistance organizations solving the problem you identify right now. No need to wait for global warming policies. You can do something right now. What are you doing?

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[quote name='kamiller42' post='1699371' date='Nov 11 2008, 03:41 AM']Do you really believe there was no starvation prior to the industrial revolution? It seems someone has been drinking too much Al Gore Kool-Aid.[/quote]

And someone's been ripping of O'Reilly lines :detective:

I've never watched Al Gore's movie, nor have I ever watched him speak, nor have I read any book about him. I was in 6th grade when Bush got elected, I don't remember Gore as vice president, nor do I really care about Al Gore.

[quote]If you think our production of so-called greenhouse gases[/quote]

you're "so called"

[size=4][u][i][b]OH SNAP![/b][/i][/u][/size]


[quote]are really the cause of starvation in the world[/quote]

I would not say "are" but ecological damage inflicted on the atmosphere will cause greater famine, water sortage, etc particularly in the third world region

[quote]then why don't you practice what you preach and turn off your computer forever?[/quote]

I have to have the internet. If it were seriously contributing to pollution and we were aked to cut back to cause less pollution as part of some overarching effort to reduce such gasses I'd be happy to.

[quote]How much CO2 is spewed by your electric company to power your computer and access to the internet? How much to store your messages?[/quote]

no idea.

[quote]How about real solutions to starvation? Ever hear of Catholic Relief Services? It's an organization of 5,000 people helping 80 million people in 100 countries. It's one of many numerous assistance organizations solving the problem you identify right now. No need to wait for global warming policies. You can do something right now.[/quote]

I know about them, and I never claimed nothing was being done at the moment. And that has very little to do with the substance of my point.

[quote]What are you doing?[/quote]

I'm being charming on the internet when I should be getting ready for class :mellow:

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