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Do You Think Praying And Fasting For Someone's Conversion Can Help


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why not praying and fasting for Obama's conversion ?
At the present stage of things, I tend to think this has more chances to " work " than praying for his defeat...
Btw, what would you prefer : his conversion (I mean : becoming a real Christian) or his defeat ?

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Archaeology cat

And then some of us pray for both. ;) No, really, I do pray for his conversion, and I also pray for God's will to be done with the election.

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[quote name='hérisson' post='1682765' date='Oct 21 2008, 06:18 PM']why not praying and fasting for Obama's conversion ?
At the present stage of things, I tend to think this has more chances to " work " than praying for his defeat...
Btw, what would you prefer : his conversion (I mean : becoming a real Christian) or his defeat ?[/quote]

This question is above my pay grade.

Pray for both, and let God do what He wills.

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[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1683316' date='Oct 22 2008, 02:45 AM']And then some of us pray for both. ;) No, really, I do pray for his conversion, and I also pray for God's will to be done with the election.[/quote]

Ditto here.

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[quote name='Majella' post='1684234' date='Oct 23 2008, 04:57 AM']First pray for his defeat, THEN pray for his conversion![/quote]

Yeah, let's makes sure we keep our priorities straight... :)

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Galloglasses' Alt

[quote name='MakeYouThinkTwo' post='1685392' date='Oct 24 2008, 07:36 PM'][b]What if God doesn't want to add him to the church,[/b] because there's a whole bunch of scriptures where God says he is the initiator of someone's repentance.

Especially in Acts Chapter 2, it says God added to the church such that should be saved. What if Obama is not one that should be saved?

Can you then twist God's arm, and say, no, I don't care if you don't want Obama saved, I want you to save him. What pride and arrogance to think you can make God do something, instead of asking God, lord, how should I pray when it concerns to Obama.

Even Peter asked Jesus, teach me how to pray![/quote]
Fallacy. God wants all His Children to come to His Church. Those that should be saved are those that have chosen to respond to God's call.

If what you're saying here is true then you are saying God is not Calling Barack Obama to repentence. This is fallacy. He calls everyone to repentence and, as a result, conversion.

If God, as you say, did not want to add Barack to His Church. He would merely not have to answer our prayers for Obama's conversion. That's His right.

We can Pray to God for anything. But He does not have to answer them if He finds reason not to. (and lets face it, we'll probably never know what such reasons are) But this si no excuse for NOT praying for something which is intrsinctly good; that is the conversion of a person's heart to God. There is nothing more beautiful then someone responding to God's Call and walking from the Darkness into His Light.

On the issue on hand. Pray for Obama's COnversion and for God's will in the election. He's knows whats best more then we ever could.

Edited by Galloglasses' Alt
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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1685474' date='Oct 24 2008, 07:43 PM']Um, there are numerous instances in the Bible where God tells someome to pray and fast for conversion of someone.[/quote]

[color="#000080"]Really? I didn't know that.
I was going to say to the original question that I think prayer is good for eveything always and first. When I have personally fasted it was for something I personally wanted and would talk to God all the time - esp. when I thought of food - It focused me on the Lord so intensely and I got my wish within the third day---the wish was to feel His Presence. Oh boy - I was transformed ---insights, revelations --- it was sacred.

Sometimes I think because my Catholic Aunt prayed for me to find God or Jesus -that that is why I did. I've always thought that. She was so devout.

Prayer can do anything. Fasting for another? - - St. Therese above says it is written - so there you have it.

Good question,

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Saint Monica proves that praying and fasting this way does work. She prayed and sacrificed that her son Saint Augustine would leave his heretical beliefs of Manicheeism and come to the Church. She did this for many years (around 15). He did eventually convert and became a bishop and a great doctor of the Church.

In light of this knowledge of these two saints, if one is truly going to pray for the conversion of Barack Obama, I encourage them but I offer this: that if it doesn't happen immediately don't stop even if it takes 15 yrs. Let us use Saint Monica as an example of perseverance in prayer and pray for our President-elect specifically that he be a wise and virtuous leader who truly does God's will for our country and does better live out the truly Christian Life.

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