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Religious Names Ii

Saint Therese

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Saint Therese

I tried to find the thread about choosing religious names but couldn't.
Today is the beatifcation of Louis and Zelie Martin, and I've really been thinking that I would love my name to be Sr. Marie Zelie of..either the Most Precious Blood , the Holy Spirit, or the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

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[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1681242' date='Oct 19 2008, 03:10 PM']I tried to find the thread about choosing religious names but couldn't.
Today is the beatifcation of Louis and Zelie Martin, and I've really been thinking that I would love my name to be Sr. Marie Zelie of..either the Most Precious Blood , the Holy Spirit, or the Immaculate Heart of Mary.[/quote]

Good choices!

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I just got "nabbed" by a Blessed - has that ever happened to anyone here? Where you just "somehow" cross paths with someone and it's like he grabs you and takes you along for the ride: at the beginning you're like, "Wait, who the HECK are you again?!" and then a little later it's, "Oh wait...you're quite cool, really".

So now I'm trying to get to know him better (but in my very British I-am-a-prude-hear-me-delicately-roar type of way). I think his name would sound a bit odd as my religious name but heck, who's going to worry about that? If this guy's intercession can get me up to where he is, it's not like I'm going to worry about whether you can make a silly shortening of it :P

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And who might this blessed be, Puella? I'm terribly curious now! I'd guess Cunegunda but she is a saint and well, a she. Do tell!

Edited by she_who_is_not
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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1681309' date='Oct 19 2008, 05:20 PM']I just got "nabbed" by a Blessed - has that ever happened to anyone here? Where you just "somehow" cross paths with someone and it's like he grabs you and takes you along for the ride: at the beginning you're like, "Wait, who the HECK are you again?!" and then a little later it's, "Oh wait...you're quite cool, really".

So now I'm trying to get to know him better (but in my very British I-am-a-prude-hear-me-delicately-roar type of way). I think his name would sound a bit odd as my religious name but heck, who's going to worry about that? If this guy's intercession can get me up to where he is, it's not like I'm going to worry about whether you can make a silly shortening of it :P[/quote]

So you have a saintlike stalker. They must be really cool to have. :saint:

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Actually it feels more like an ambush than a stalk, but...yes, when I stop worrying about it, it is quite cool!

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Yes, you are being stalked. Read the [u]Hound of Heaven[/u] again...for reassurance. It happens to us all, but sometimes we are so busy we miss the soft breath on the back of our neck, chasing us.

As for your interesting name; as Praxedes, who am I to give advice? I have found though, the more interesting the name, the easier the questions come. And once the door is open, we Benedictines do what we do best --- hospitality, education, praise, deep reflection; which can only help lead others to peace.

As Holy Father Benedict said in his rule, "Seek peace and pursue it."

Allow your Blessed to pursue you while you keep busy pursuing peace. Let yourself be captured in love and take on that gorgeous name, which you will grow to love with a dramatic flair befitting a true Benedictine!


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I read this book while with the Lockport Dominican Nuns, it was a very inspiring read and I try so hard to live a good Catholic life, yet my little life pales to what she did in those times.
My heart only wishes to do God's Will for the benifit of others in need, to pray for those souls so filled with hate and those with hardened hearts that those souls come to see Jesus.
"Oh Praxedes pray for us!"

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Thanks so much, Praxedes :) I've looked it up and will work through it.

Edited by puellapaschalis
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Saint Therese

[quote name='DiscerningSoul' post='1681916' date='Oct 20 2008, 01:15 PM'][url="https://www.tanbooks.com/index.php/page/shop:flypage/product_id/279/"]https://www.tanbooks.com/index.php/page/sho...product_id/279/[/url]
I read this book while with the Lockport Dominican Nuns, it was a very inspiring read and I try so hard to live a good Catholic life, yet my little life pales to what she did in those times.
My heart only wishes to do God's Will for the benifit of others in need, to pray for those souls so filled with hate and those with hardened hearts that those souls come to see Jesus.
"Oh Praxedes pray for us!"[/quote]
I read that one while I was there too! :))

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I have thought seriously about what I want my future religious name to be. I just got finished reading "Story of a Soul" and even before that, I loved St. Therese like a big sister. I'm sure that I will include her name in my new name somehow.

I love:

Sr. Marie-Therese of the Beloved Jesus

I am also partial to:

Sr. M. Theresa Joseph

I am not 100% certain of the mystery attached. I've considered:

of the Child Jesus
of the Eucharist
of Jesus Crucified
of the Most Holy Trinity
of Divine Mercy
---(I didn't know that my first Carmelite scapular was the Divine Mercy scapular until very recently!)
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

I like the "Beloved Jesus", "Sacred Heart" and "Divine Mercy" mysteries the most. Once it gets closer to that time (before my novitiate, God-willing), and I am a member of a cloister (I'm still discerning), I will know better my choices. Sr. Marie-Therese is a very popular name so I may have to use my second choice. :saint:

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Saint Therese

Even though I really like the name Zelie, especially because I'm devoted to ST. Therese, I think my favorite would have to be Jerome. I know that's not the prettiest name, but I think its a great name for a Dominican. Plus I really like St. Jerome because he was a great scholar and really had to struggle to overcome his passions.

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Zelie and Louis would be such wonderful people to take names from! Wow, especially if you were to be a Carmelite. And even if Jerome itself is not tHE prettiest name, well, after adding a Marian one in front of it, there's no way it's not gorgeous. :)

This is mostly related to the thread, so I'll ask--how do you know which orders take titles? Do a lot of them? I really don't know. I know the Carmelites do, but beyond that, no... they're not always listed after sisters' names, and whatnot. For example, do the Dominicans? the Poor Clares?

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[quote name='Maria_Faustina' post='1687796' date='Oct 28 2008, 06:00 AM']This is mostly related to the thread, so I'll ask--how do you know which orders take titles? Do a lot of them? I really don't know. I know the Carmelites do, but beyond that, no... they're not always listed after sisters' names, and whatnot. For example, do the Dominicans? the Poor Clares?[/quote]

Contemplative Dominican sisters do, apostolic don't.
Poor Clares take a title, too, and I'm rather sure about Passionists.

Benedictines... no idea. Good chance that it's different from one monastery to another, as they're quite independent.

The Carmelite DCJ's, active Carmelite sisters, also take a title, although they usually don't expose it much, in my experience.

And, of course, the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara all take one of Mary's titles as their name :)

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