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Vatican Criticizes American Religious Orders

Saint Therese

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How sad that the superiors in the photo could not wear their habit, not even in the presence of the Cardinal. We have gotten away with many things in the church.
Someone asked me why some Religious Community's do not wear their habits. All I could tell them is "they are letting society control them." I have seen priests and religious get offended when someone refers them to Ms or Sir. Well if you wore your habit or collar, people would know who you are.
As for this Franciscan Brother, I am always in my habit. I wear it proudly, and also honored to wear it.
Don't be afraid of who you are!

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[quote name='Brother Ed' post='1681193' date='Oct 19 2008, 01:57 PM']How sad that the superiors in the photo could not wear their habit, not even in the presence of the Cardinal. We have gotten away with many things in the church.
Someone asked me why some Religious Community's do not wear their habits. All I could tell them is "they are letting society control them." I have seen priests and religious get offended when someone refers them to Ms or Sir. Well if you wore your habit or collar, people would know who you are.
As for this Franciscan Brother, I am always in my habit. I wear it proudly, and also honored to wear it.
Don't be afraid of who you are![/quote]

I remember being at a camp one summer called "Christian Leadership Institute" (it really should have been named Catholic Leadership Institute considering that it was so specifically catholic in nature even with just one camper who was protestant) and one religious sister helped out at the camp. She wasn't in habit. On the first day we put on our name tags and one girl saw the sister's and thought that she was spanish or something because of the abreviation "Sr." on it like in senora.

Really, why don't all male and female religious wear the habit? It's like having married individuals not wearing their wedding rings so that they can "blend in" with their single pals as if there is no differentiation between them. Imagine another man trying to pick you up and when you tell him that you're already married he doesn't believe you. "If you are then where's your ring?" Besides, when looking at a wedding band one remembers the vows made to their spouse which can help them when they are having trouble in their marriage.

My mom still doesn't get why I'm discerning with just communities in the habit. When I was determined to join a comtemplative community she asked who else would be there in the convent other than the other sisters (and the preist that says mass and hears confessions,) so why wear a habit because it's not like I'm witnessing to the outside world. What do I needed a reminder for? Well, I do need it for my own sake, to stay strong and true. Besides, even if I would be in a cloister it is still a sign of my full dedication to my Beloved and is definitely a sign of contradiction. Family and friends of a religious can even be taken a back when seeing the habit. "Wow, this is how much God means to them. They are willing to surrender everything to Him, even their own wardrobe. This God must be a wonderful one then if they are going to do this for Him."

Edited by tinytherese
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Saint Therese

[quote name='tinytherese' post='1681217' date='Oct 19 2008, 02:43 PM']I remember being at a camp one summer called "Christian Leadership Institute" (it really should have been named Catholic Leadership Institute considering that it was so specifically catholic in nature even with just one camper who was protestant) and one religious sister helped out at the camp. She wasn't in habit. On the first day we put on our name tags and one girl saw the sister's and thought that she was spanish or something because of the abreviation "Sr." on it like in senora.

Really, why don't all male and female religious wear the habit? It's like having married individuals not wearing their wedding rings so that they can "blend in" with their single pals as if there is no differentiation between them. Imagine another man trying to pick you up and when you tell him that you're already married he doesn't believe you. "If you are then where's your ring?" Besides, when looking at a wedding band one remembers the vows made to their spouse which can help them when they are having trouble in their marriage.

My mom still doesn't get why I'm discerning with just communities in the habit. When I was determined to join a comtemplative community she asked who else would be there in the convent other than the other sisters (and the preist that says mass and hears confessions,) so why wear a habit because it's not like I'm witnessing to the outside world. What do I needed a reminder for? Well, I do need it for my own sake, to stay strong and true. Besides, even if I would be in a cloister it is still a sign of my full dedication to my Beloved and is definitely a sign of contradiction. Family and friends of a religious can even be taken a back when seeing the habit. "Wow, this is how much God means to them. They are willing to surrender everything to Him, even their own wardrobe. This God must be a wonderful one then if they are going to do this for Him."[/quote]

I've gotten a few blank stares and odd looks when I mentin that the community I'm discerning with is very traditional and wears the full habit. I couldn't even consider a community that didn't wear a habit.

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If only it were a matter of habits, many religious, going against Catholic doctrine and the hierarchy.
As this Jesuit, has been quite favorable to genetic selection of embryos, discarding those that are not selected and scientific research with embryonic cells.
He was away from his professorship in a pontifical university, I wonder who expects "the company" to expel him.


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"As for this Franciscan Brother, I am always in my habit. I wear it proudly, and also honored to wear it."

If I may ask politely please.
Is your order an authentic Religious Order in the Roman Catholic Church?
Are married men admitted into your Order?
How long has the Church recognized your Order as genuine and acceptable for acknowlegement?

Thank you

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