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Communities In The U.s. That Celebrate Mass In The Ef


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I am trying to make a list of all those communities that celebrate the EF in the U.S. and are in full communion with Rome.

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Worcester, Mass. Active; teaching. Mass in the EF. Full Communion with Rome. [url="http://sistersofstbenedictcenter.org/index.html"]http://sistersofstbenedictcenter.org/index.html[/url]

Discalced Carmelite Nuns - Valapariso, Nebraska. Cloistered. Mass in the EF. Full Communion with Rome. [url="http://www.lasvegasmariancenter.com/carmel.htm"]http://www.lasvegasmariancenter.com/carmel.htm[/url]

What are some others? Please help.

Edited by TotusTuusMaria
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Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Worcester, Mass. Active; teaching. Mass in the EF. Full Communion with Rome. [url="http://sistersofstbenedictcenter.org/index.html"]http://sistersofstbenedictcenter.org/index.html[/url]

Discalced Carmelite Nuns - Valapariso, Nebraska. Cloistered. Mass in the EF. Full Communion with Rome. [url="http://www.lasvegasmariancenter.com/carmel.htm"]http://www.lasvegasmariancenter.com/carmel.htm[/url]

Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles: [url="http://www.benedictinesofmary.org/"]http://www.benedictinesofmary.org/[/url]

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I know that the Franciscans of the Immaculate [i]in the UK[/i] have this past years asked for the EF as their daily conventual Mass. Maybe this request has also been made by their communities in the US?

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The Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus also do along with the Carmelites in Dallas who sometimes have it I'm sure.

I think the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church sometimes have the ef as well.

Edited by RosaMystica
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[quote name='MandyKhatoon' post='1678131' date='Oct 15 2008, 07:31 AM']I'm pretty sure that the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Detroit, MI have the ef at least sometimes if not all the time.[/quote]

Do they have a website? Are they active or cloistered? I haven't heard of them before. Thanks for posting :)

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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1678667' date='Oct 16 2008, 12:42 AM']Do they have a website? Are they active or cloistered? I haven't heard of them before. Thanks for posting :)[/quote]

A couple of Phatmassers posted some info on them on another thread and so this is the information I've collected on them:

The Sisters of the Holy Cross work hand in hand with the Canons of the Holy Cross. Their main apostolic work is towards the sanctification of the priesthood and spreading consecreation to the Holy Angels. While the priests give several conferences the nuns work together with them. They are in the Detroit area, Brazil, Italy, Austria, and I believe a few other places.

Although the sisters do not have a website, the priests do. Their work/charism in the Church is very similar. They are an awesome group....very faithful to the Magisterium of the Church.


The Sisters of the Holy Cross are both a contemplative as well as active community living simple lives in imitation of the Blessed Mother and the Holy Women who followed Jesus and His disciples during His ministry. What this actually translates to is that their main focus is Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament and praying and sacrificing for priests, assisting them - especially their Brothers of the Order of the Holy Cross - in simple, behind the scenes tasks like domestic work and secretarial work. All this they do in union with the Holy Angels, they teach them to be "another Mary" as each day they teach them to adore Him, to serve others and strive to do His will out of love for Him.

The Brothers are the preachers, they are sent out on mission to preach retreats and do missions and the sisters back them with their prayers and whatever else they can do for them so they are free to go out and do the pastoral work they are called to do. This doesn't mean that the Sisters do absolutely no "preaching". Some of the sisters - few, but some - will sometimes be called to give conferences or teach catechism.

Their Motherhouse is in Austria and presently the formation of vocations that are called to them is done in Germany and Austria after the aspirant has been with them in Detroit for a year or so. This can be a bit of a difficulty for some who have inquired about our community because it entails living abroad for a few years and learning a new language, German.

In Detroit there are 5 perpetually professed Sisters and a young girl who at present is living with us as she finishes her studies before officially entering.Their life in Detroit is very much centered around the Opus Angelorum Office.

The Sisters don't really have a web-site but you can check out the OA web-site and see what their spirituality is all about: working and living in union with the Holy Angels. Click on the link about the Confraternity of the guardian angel and that will explain much. www.opusangelorum.org

I hope that helps!

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The Rosarians of the Poor Christ, a religious community currently being formed, will celebrate the Extraordinary Form for the Holy Sacrifice of Mass.


Ad Jesum Per Mariam!

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[quote name='MandyKhatoon' post='1679161' date='Oct 16 2008, 04:17 PM']I think the Carmelites in Colorado Springs also has Mass in the ef. www.sistersofcarmel.com[/quote]

Yeah, but they are not in full Communion with Rome. :(

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[quote name='TotusTuusMaria' post='1679163' date='Oct 16 2008, 11:19 PM']Yeah, but they are not in full Communion with Rome. :([/quote]

Really? They've come up in discussions here before and I thought (but could well be wrong) that they were indeed in communion with the Church.

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I love the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum! We listened to their CDs while on retreat (Fr. Basil Nortz rocks!). They are based out of Assumption Grotto in Detroit. A great parish which practices the Novus ordo in Latin and Mass in the EF. It's chock full of Catholicky goodness ;)

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