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Gratification Through Exercise...


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1661188' date='Sep 22 2008, 04:46 PM']If you commit an act that you know can result sin, then you are responsible because you knowin advance the possible result.[/quote]

but if a couple e.g. decide to undergo an ectopic procedure, couldn't they know that the doctor might intentionally kill their child? They would be committing to an act that can result in sin..

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Bottom line is: you know that by doing certain exercises you are likely to achieve orgasm.
Thus it is a matter of masturbation, performed willingly and with full consent. It is not like a "wet dream", where you are not culpable. So that makes it a mortal sin, and something you have to snap out of immediately!

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1661255' date='Sep 22 2008, 06:30 PM']Not to mention that there are special sort of pants without individual leg holes for women...I think they're called "dresses" and "skirts"...something like that. Don't quote me, though.[/quote]

Ah, so a women in that case must NEVER wear pants. Last I heard skirts and dresses are great for warmth in zero degree weather.

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[quote name='havok579257' post='1661510' date='Sep 22 2008, 08:54 PM']Ah, so a women in that case must NEVER wear pants. Last I heard skirts and dresses are great for warmth in zero degree weather.[/quote]
Well, I'd say for a woman who experiences orgasm every time she puts pants on...yes.
But since this woman would have to live on Big Rock Candy Mountain anyway, I doubt she'd have to worry about zero-degree weather.

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This article also talks about how women get aroused and orgasm from breast feeding as well as spontaneous orgasms like I talked about. So should a women never breastfeed?


This is a little info on the original posters question, look under spontaneous. It also talks about riding a bike causing orgasms, yawning, working out or even sneezing. So then if this is the case for someone should they never ride a bike? Also how to avoid the yawning and sneezing?
Also some medicaines produce spontaneous orgasms? Should they be avoided, even if they will help the person?






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[quote name='havok579257' post='1661568' date='Sep 22 2008, 10:45 PM']This is a little info on the original posters question, look under spontaneous. It also talks about riding a bike causing orgasms, yawning, working out or even sneezing. So then if this is the case for someone should they never ride a bike? Also how to avoid the yawning and sneezing?
Also some medicaines produce spontaneous orgasms? Should they be avoided, even if they will help the person?[/quote]
I'll try to address point-by-point.
The original poster's question was about specific calisthenics. Yawning and sneezing are not voluntary actions; thence, any sexual gratification would not have full consent.
During breastfeeding, the woman is at a point where she's got many hormones going wild all at once;
The bike example that you provided, which I assume comes from the second article, according to said article, says that it sometimes happens, due to the vibrations and the motion. If this happens every time, certainly the female in question should re-examine her means of transportation. If this happens sporadically, or once in a while...well, I'll leave that to someone more knowledgeable.
As for the medications, the only ones that I know of that cause this are anti-depressants.
From the a link in one of your links (http://sexterms.virtualove.net/human-sexuality/female-orgasm.html) NOTICE - mature content in that link:
[quote]Though, there is no accurate data on the percentage of people who had spontaneous orgasm while taking antidepressant pills because they didn’t admitted the fact of an experience that caught them accidentally.

But for those who would readily solve sexual problems with the help of those pills, it should be noticed that most patients who take [b]anti-depressant drugs are more likely to have a considerable decrease in their sex drive.[/b] Besides, achieving orgasm through sexual activity also meets some difficulty, i.e. anorgasmia was far more often the side effect of the pills than a spontaneous orgasm that could happened unwillingly and all of a sudden.[/quote]

In response to the original scenario: if you know that every time you do an exercise, it ends in sexual climax - Don't do it!

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1661592' date='Sep 22 2008, 11:03 PM']I'll try to address point-by-point.
The original poster's question was about specific calisthenics. Yawning and sneezing are not voluntary actions; thence, any sexual gratification would not have full consent.
During breastfeeding, the woman is at a point where she's got many hormones going wild all at once;
The bike example that you provided, which I assume comes from the second article, according to said article, says that it sometimes happens, due to the vibrations and the motion. If this happens every time, certainly the female in question should re-examine her means of transportation. If this happens sporadically, or once in a while...well, I'll leave that to someone more knowledgeable.
As for the medications, the only ones that I know of that cause this are anti-depressants.
From the a link in one of your links (http://sexterms.virtualove.net/human-sexuality/female-orgasm.html) NOTICE - mature content in that link:

In response to the original scenario: if you know that every time you do an exercise, it ends in sexual climax - Don't do it![/quote]

But what if it does not happen ever single time and happens sporadically such as the bike riding thing or breast feeding. Should those things be stopped at once? Also taking anti-depressents and seizure meds(some have similar effects as anti depressent meds)?

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[quote name='havok579257' post='1661653' date='Sep 23 2008, 12:29 AM']But what if it does not happen ever single time and happens sporadically such as the bike riding thing or breast feeding. Should those things be stopped at once? Also taking anti-depressents and seizure meds(some have similar effects as anti depressent meds)?[/quote]
In this case, I'd say it would be up to the judgment of the person in question and his confessor. I obviously can't answer for everyone in every case. However, when an action causes the exact same reaction time after time, one can be held culpable for the results after one notices the pattern.

And Majella, I apologize if I've said anything that isn't appropriate; moderators, moderate as you see fit (not that you needed my permission :saint: ).

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Majella' post='1662094' date='Sep 23 2008, 09:02 PM']USAirwaysIHS, it's not YOUR writing I'm concerned about! More the fact that this thread was started in the first place!
God bless.[/quote]

Yes, but in all probability, your son has heard far worse, and not just from his friends. I would think it better dealt in this context than another.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Majella' post='1662094' date='Sep 23 2008, 07:02 PM']More the fact that this thread was started in the first place!
God bless.[/quote]

It's called "trolling". And when people respond to it like it's real, that's called "being had".

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[quote name='Majella' post='1662094' date='Sep 23 2008, 08:02 PM']USAirwaysIHS, it's not YOUR writing I'm concerned about! More the fact that this thread was started in the first place!
God bless.[/quote]
Let me know how to delete the thread and I would be fine with obliging!

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Though the topic may be upsetting or be considered too much information to some, it is better to answer it here on a catholic phorum with a catholic priest and church scholars answering than anyplace else on the web. That said, the topic has been exhausted so I am closing it now.

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