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[quote name='aalpha1989' post='1660060' date='Sep 20 2008, 11:59 AM']Yes. A reading of the Pentateuch should prove this.

When Moses first approached the Pharaoh, he did not tell him to "let my people go". He said that the people of Israel should be allowed to go into the desert to make sacrifice to and worship the Lord. The pharaoh eventually said only the men could go into the desert, but the women, children, and beasts had to stay. The reason that God finally told the people of Israel to leave was not strictly that they were in slavery, it was that [i]pharaoh would not let them worship the Lord [b]how[/b] he had said it was necessary.[/i]The "How" is very important.[/quote]

ok, true.

but the reason that the music that is traditional now was only part of the mass to begin with because that was the music of the time that it started. maybe it wasnt' the most popular stuff, but it was the music of the time.

i don't think that God cares the beat and tempo and the instruments that we sing his songs in, as long as they are being sung.

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I wasn't talking about campfire music, but something written by someone born in the same century as I was is pretty okay.

I think this is a great philosophical discussion, right up to the point you have a teenager screaming at you that they don't want to go to mass because it's for old ladies.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1660943' date='Sep 22 2008, 05:40 AM']I think this is a great philosophical discussion, right up to the point you have a teenager screaming at you that they don't want to go to mass because it's for old ladies.[/quote]

Chant and polyphony are hardly old lady music :)

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Im a kanye west fan but his lyrics have always been pretty offensive.
I just heard some of his new stuff and its equally offesnive.
I dont think he should be rapping out the speakers at mass.
Just my humble opionon though.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1662404' date='Sep 23 2008, 11:16 PM']But wouldn't it attract young people? :mellow:[/quote]

ya but kanye isnt even catholic is he ?
dont get me wrong it would be kinda cool..
im suprised to hear you argueing for this ?
i would assume you would be against it ?

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1659524' date='Sep 19 2008, 05:46 PM']I know that most Phatmassers want only traditional music preferably in Latin.[/quote]
not i :saint:

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[quote name='MilesJesu' post='1659951' date='Sep 19 2008, 11:09 PM']When working with people who ask why Mass is boring, I have always answered truthfully: "if you come to be entertained, you will be bored to tears. You will more than likely find better music, a better speaker, or a better "show" somewhere else. But if you come to worship God, then there is no where else to go."

"The day you learn to check yourself at the door, and come to worship, that is when things will change. When you can put yourself on the altar with Christ and unite yourself to Christ's sacrifice, that is the day when Mass will no longer be boring. THAT is the day, when the Mass will come alive and will be the most amazing experience."[/quote]
well said.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1660943' date='Sep 22 2008, 07:40 AM']I wasn't talking about campfire music, but something written by someone born in the same century as I was is pretty okay.

I think this is a great philosophical discussion, right up to the point you have a teenager screaming at you that they don't want to go to mass because it's for old ladies.[/quote]
See my final comment on this post...

[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1661262' date='Sep 22 2008, 06:39 PM']Chant and polyphony are hardly old lady music :)[/quote]

[quote name='Lil Red' post='1662921' date='Sep 24 2008, 05:23 PM']+J.M.J.+
not i :saint:[/quote]
Yeah, tend to agree. It doesn't have to be all Latin. The ordinary form is allowed in the vernacular for the reason, but there is the error that people tend toward that is vernacularism, meaning it all has to be english, and there is no room for the unifying Latin. Anywho, I've written some sacred music myself. It is music which I was inspired to write based on what has been traditionally passed down. If you want to see/hear some of it, pm me.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1661262' date='Sep 22 2008, 05:39 PM']Chant and polyphony are hardly old lady music :)[/quote]

I don't think they are, but my boys sure did.

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1663337' date='Sep 24 2008, 10:42 PM']Yeah, tend to agree. It doesn't have to be all Latin. The ordinary form is allowed in the vernacular for the reason, but there is the error that people tend toward that is vernacularism, meaning it all has to be english, and there is no room for the unifying Latin.[/quote]
agreed. :saint:

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White Knight

[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1659451' date='Sep 19 2008, 06:49 PM']I'm of the opinion that P&W music is too outdated. I think it's alienating young people, who don't listen to that sort of music. So, to attract young people to the Mass and to foster their active participation, we should really have heavy metal and hip-hop Masses. In fact, what I'm sure teenagers would like best is if we got some bands like Metallica and Slipnot and some hip-hop artists like Rhianna Kanye West to record settings for the Ordinary of the Mass, responsorial psalms, and hymns, and then the music could just be played on speakers at Mass. I mean, it P&W music is suitable for Mass, heavy metal and hip-hop are appropriate as well, right?[/quote]

I have to say the music that people listen to for entertainment. sould be seperate than the sacred worship music reserved for Mass, Do not try to blend the two, Rocky and Roll, Rap, Hip-Hop Sould be OUTSIDE of the Sacred Liturgical Worship Music. Rap has no place in Mass, nethier does Praise and Worship Music that is watered down traditional hymns.

I for one have been to a Mass where the music sounds very Protestant in nature, pretty Jump around, praise and worship type of stuff you'd see in Protestant worship services, and I find it has no place in the Mass, Mass is suspost to be reverent and Sacred, in the way its celebrated, Mass is not entertainment., If you try to mix the two, you end up with disaster.

If you go to Mass expecting to be entertained by the service then your not going to Mass for the right reasons, Music isn't what the Mass is all about all though it can help contribute to making a more joyful celebratory event but Mass isn't just the music, its about meeting and preparing to reflect on and to receive Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, under the appearance of bread and wine, Mass is the greatest and most supreme act of adoration for and of God, not entertainment for pleasure's sake.

Teenagers need to be aware of this and start coming to Mass for the real reasons, not for entertainment proposes, if they do that, then service attendence will grow sky high.

People try to place entertainment in worship services and end up taking off the meaning of what these services are all about. The Adoration of God on His Blessed Day of the Sabbath. and thats extactly what it is, its His Day.

MASS is Worship, Not Entertainment.

Edited by White Knight
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