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Making Abortion Illegal


Abortion Illegal in the USA?  

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Personal thought: I don't think abortion will be made illegal, as much as I really desire that to happen. I'm sorta pessimistic this way, but I see way too many people my age who are just too liberal.
Hopefully they stick with the trend and turn out... more conservative. :P

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People's heart needs to change first~
if we make it illegal today and people's hearts stay the same then
it will go to the black market~
Pray that people's hearts change because just changing the law
won;t make a difference!

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Contrary to popular misinformed opinion, overturning Roe v. Wade and making abortion illegal are two separate issues.
Roe v. Wade was a bad ruling, legally as well as morally, and definitely should be overturned, though this will take some work to accomplish.
I think first it will have to be challenged by the states, though even comparatively "pro-life" states seem to have trouble getting anything passed.

People need to keep fighting the good fight, and not despairing, no matter how bleak things may look. There has been evidence that the tide of public opinion has slowly shifted somewhat to the pro-life side, but much work remains to be done.
If pro-lifers just resign themselves to "nothing will ever get done about abortion" and fall into apathy and despair, then this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. All that it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

And I think significant progress could be made if, for starters, all self-described "pro-life Catholics" actually would act and vote accordingly. I get sick of seeing seeing people call themselves "pro-life" and against abortion, yet politically support those very liberal democrats who do all in their power to perpetuate abortion. It's madness!

I agree that the most important thing in the pro-life battle is changing the culture and people's minds and hearts, however, this does not preclude fighting the battle for legal protection for the unborn. I've heard a lot of people on here through the years talk as though these are somehow mutually exclusive goals.
And the truth is that once the "culture" has significantly changed to pro-life, abortion WILL be illegal, as if we as a culture and civilization truly respect all human life, our laws will then reflect that.
Of course, abortion will never totally go away, just as murder of people already born, theft, rape, extortion, etc. will never completely go away - however in a civilized society, such things are recognized as crimes and the law enforced as best possible. Making abortion illegal is a matter of justice at its most basic. As I've said many times, if the law does not protect innocent human life at its most vulnerable, then it is worthless.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Socrates' post='1652795' date='Sep 10 2008, 10:21 PM']And I think significant progress could be made if, for starters, all self-described "pro-life Catholics" actually would act and vote accordingly. I get sick of seeing seeing people call themselves "pro-life" and against abortion, yet politically support those very liberal democrats who do all in their power to perpetuate abortion. It's madness![/quote]
Madness! Madness I say! :))

I agree with everything you just said. :) I forgot to mention, no matter how pessimistic I am, I'm not going to give up. I'd love to be proven wrong.

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Even if Roe v. Wade were overturned, doesn't that simply kick it back to the states? In other words, overturning Roe v. Wade won't end abortion in the US because it would still be available in certain states. It would have to be banned at the federal level and I only see that happening via a constitutional amendment.

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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1653104' date='Sep 11 2008, 01:10 PM']Even if Roe v. Wade were overturned, doesn't that simply kick it back to the states? In other words, overturning Roe v. Wade won't end abortion in the US because it would still be available in certain states. It would have to be banned at the federal level and I only see that happening via a constitutional amendment.[/quote]
Right, overturning Roe v. Wade just makes it possible for states to regulate abortion or make it illegal.

Several states have trigger laws that will kick in if the decision is overturned -- some to pro-abortion and some anti-abortion.

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I really think that one more Supreme Court nominee and we'll see the decision sent right back to congress.

After that I believe that Congress would likely send it back to the states--unless Congress is completely dominated by the extreme far left that has gained overwhelming influence in the Democrat Party.

And, personally, I really hope that it is sent back to the states.

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fides quarens intellectum

LifeNews just carried an article about the whole kicking-it-back-to-the-states:

[url="http://www.lifenews.com/nat4292.html"]New Book Focuses on Second Abortion Battle - Life After Roe v Wade Overturned[/url]

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1653256' date='Sep 11 2008, 03:14 PM']I really think that one more Supreme Court nominee and we'll see the decision sent right back to congress.

After that I believe that Congress would likely send it back to the states--unless Congress is completely dominated by the extreme far left that has gained overwhelming influence in the Democrat Party.

And, personally, I really hope that it is sent back to the states.[/quote]
True. While I think a Human Rights Amendment would be the ultimate goal to strive for, Roe v. Wade was just bad law, and a bad precedent, and should be overturned.
It's basically federal tyranny restricting the rightful powers of the states to make moral laws.

And realistically, I think individual states would have laws against abortion long before we could get enough of a majority in congress, etc. to ban abortion nationwide.
Maybe not the ultimate goal, but certainly better than no laws respecting the unborn's right to life anywhere.
I'm afraid an all-or-nothing approach will be fruitless at this point.

The federal government declaring unrestricted baby killing a "constitutional" right which cannot be opposed by the states is federal judicial tyranny at its worst, and must be opposed by anyone who cares about either the right to life or limited constitutional government.

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