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[quote name='passerby' post='1649246' date='Sep 6 2008, 04:13 PM']I'm from Canada, and I like you :)[/quote]

Good - I'm on my way to your house! :lol_roll:

P.S. You're sweet.....

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I am an old married lady and so am probably not the right one to give any advice....but that never has stopped me :lol:

soooooooooo........have you ever thought about the Benedictines? Not necessarily cloistered. We have a beautiful monastery a couple of blocks from my home. Mt Benedict monastery is home to 9 wonderful sisters. Some work in our local hospital (which they used to own), some work in parish ministries, and some work in the monastery itself. All work very hard supporting their community, and our local community, with prayer and love. their foundation supports local charities throughout our community.

in short, they are a wonderful, vibrant, prayerful monastery. They sing the Office, they have weekly Mass in the monastery, and are active contemplatives. Although currently small in numbers, they have room to grow.

I know that they are not like the groups you have contacted, but you might want to drop them a line. You may love them


prayers and blessings to you, Linnie

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[quote name='linnie' post='1649266' date='Sep 6 2008, 04:48 PM']I am an old married lady and so am probably not the right one to give any advice....but that never has stopped me :lol:

soooooooooo........have you ever thought about the Benedictines? Not necessarily cloistered. We have a beautiful monastery a couple of blocks from my home. Mt Benedict monastery is home to 9 wonderful sisters. Some work in our local hospital (which they used to own), some work in parish ministries, and some work in the monastery itself. All work very hard supporting their community, and our local community, with prayer and love. their foundation supports local charities throughout our community.

in short, they are a wonderful, vibrant, prayerful monastery. They sing the Office, they have weekly Mass in the monastery, and are active contemplatives. Although currently small in numbers, they have room to grow.

I know that they are not like the groups you have contacted, but you might want to drop them a line. You may love them


prayers and blessings to you, Linnie[/quote]

Linnie, my dearest friend in the whole world is my sister-in-law, who is an "old married lady" too! She gives me the best advice all the time! I do like the Benedictines and they are certainly welcoming to older women. I am trying to be very open to God's voice and not pre-judge anything. Right now I am not going to rush into anything as far as a religious community goes. The tendency for me is to feel pressured because "I am not getting any younger here, Lord!" but He thinks in terms of eternity, not days or months or years. If every day I can just share a little of His incredible love with someone else, then I guess I am at least obeying His commandments. I often find myself saying to Him "I don't understand what you want! But that doesn't really matter, Lord, I know. I do love you and I really want my life to reflect 'Thy Will Be Done' if I can - so please help me to live your love every day." and then I usually add a postscript to the effect that "But if you would like to let me in on what you're doing in my life, it would make me very happy!" I think He just laughs because once I thought I heard Him say "It's none of your business!" :rolleyes:

Thanks for the great suggestion.

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1649243' date='Sep 6 2008, 04:07 PM']I have just been offered a place to stay (with board) on a horse rescue ranch in Sussex NJ in exchange for barn chores three days a week. That gives me time for prayer, plus I can find a part-time job for extra income for things like car insurance etc.[/quote]

Yeah another stablehand!
I just got home from mucking 15 stalls. I joke all the time "I have a sh*ty job with crappy conditions" LOL.
Invest in a good pair of boots, tust me they keep your other shoes clean and free from smelling like horse.

Try gas stations, they are always looking for help.

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HI nunsense!

Not to scandalize the ultra-orthodox around here but I sometimes joke about discernment that God clearly has a sick sense of humor! (I am quite sure that God can take the joke, but less sure about some of his followers). So fasten your seat belt and hang on for the ride! I too have found it difficult to strike that balance between eremtical attraction and some need for human interrrelating, so I empathize with your experiences and send many prayers your way.

As an idea, how about Our Lady of the Rock Abbey on Shaw Island in Washington state? They raise various interesting breeds of animals and have a farm and are small in number and take long-term live-in volunteers. Plus full moastic office in Latin and I don't think that they have an age limit per se. This is a foundation from Regina Laudis in CT (since you are already in the East, you might check them out...)

Other Benedictine monasteries have longer term guest/volunteer programs as well- St Benedict's Monastery in St Joseph MN is one.

In Christ's gracious love,

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Hi, Annie,

Please forgive me, but I can't remember if you have certain areas of interest that preclude some religious orders. But...I caught part of a half-hour program on EWTN earlier this week where Mother Teresa was responding to questions from the audience. One of the questions asked was whether someone over 50 years of age could join her congregation. I expected her answer to be a flat 'no', but was surprised. She said that anyone who felt called should 'come and see' if their way of life was for them. She did say that usually the people over 50 could not do the work they did -- and then she said something along the lines of, 'but we have the contemplative sisters who only work a couple hours a day.' (i.e., this branch would not be as hard physically, as it has more contemplative work and less physical work) Thus, it sounds as though this would be a combination of contemplation and working with people. But, as I said, I don't know if you are interested in this type of apostolate. Just thought I'd mention it as a possibility for you or anyone else who might be interested.


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Have you considered being a Diocesan Hermit of some sort? Maybe living in a city too? That is another possibility for you as well. Our former next-door-neighbors [url="http://www.ourladyofthedesert.org"]Our Lady of the Desert[/url] has some older vocations. they have a junior nun in her 60s and a novice in her 40s and also have someione in final vows who has 2 kids in their 30s. They might agree to have you once they are a bit more organized on their new property :)

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[quote name='DiscerningSoul' post='1649348' date='Sep 6 2008, 07:51 PM']Yeah another stablehand!
I just got home from mucking 15 stalls. I joke all the time "I have a sh*ty job with crappy conditions" LOL.
Invest in a good pair of boots, tust me they keep your other shoes clean and free from smelling like horse.

Try gas stations, they are always looking for help.[/quote]

There is nothing like the smell of fresh hay, unless it is the smell of fresh horse manure :rolleyes:

I have the boots - just need a pair of jeans - I have been wearing skirts for the past year!

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[quote name='PrayerSupporter' post='1649797' date='Sep 7 2008, 08:27 AM']Hi, Annie,

Please forgive me, but I can't remember if you have certain areas of interest that preclude some religious orders. But...I caught part of a half-hour program on EWTN earlier this week where Mother Teresa was responding to questions from the audience. One of the questions asked was whether someone over 50 years of age could join her congregation. I expected her answer to be a flat 'no', but was surprised. She said that anyone who felt called should 'come and see' if their way of life was for them. She did say that usually the people over 50 could not do the work they did -- and then she said something along the lines of, 'but we have the contemplative sisters who only work a couple hours a day.' (i.e., this branch would not be as hard physically, as it has more contemplative work and less physical work) Thus, it sounds as though this would be a combination of contemplation and working with people. But, as I said, I don't know if you are interested in this type of apostolate. Just thought I'd mention it as a possibility for you or anyone else who might be interested.


Actually, working with Mother Teresa's sisters in Melbourne in 1977 is what led me to become a Catholic! I thought about joining them but didn't feel that I was called to their order. I love them very much but know that I am not being called to join them. Thanks for the input though!

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[quote name='Graciela' post='1649510' date='Sep 6 2008, 11:02 PM']HI nunsense!

Not to scandalize the ultra-orthodox around here but I sometimes joke about discernment that God clearly has a sick sense of humor! (I am quite sure that God can take the joke, but less sure about some of his followers). So fasten your seat belt and hang on for the ride! I too have found it difficult to strike that balance between eremtical attraction and some need for human interrrelating, so I empathize with your experiences and send many prayers your way.

As an idea, how about Our Lady of the Rock Abbey on Shaw Island in Washington state? They raise various interesting breeds of animals and have a farm and are small in number and take long-term live-in volunteers. Plus full moastic office in Latin and I don't think that they have an age limit per se. This is a foundation from Regina Laudis in CT (since you are already in the East, you might check them out...)

Other Benedictine monasteries have longer term guest/volunteer programs as well- St Benedict's Monastery in St Joseph MN is one.

In Christ's gracious love,

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the Rock Island nuns - all three different orders (Franciscan, Mercy and Benedictine) and a priest there was accused of leading a cult! I know that all of this has died down and I am sure they are all very faithful, but it all just seemed a little too radical and "out there" for cautious old me. And Regina Laudis is beautiful but I doubt that I would fit in with those incredibly high achieving women (did you see their splash page showing the credentials of their superiors??) And they are even running a theater now too -- a lot happening over there these days. Dont' get me wrong. I am not criticizing any of these communities - just explaining that I don't think that I would be a good fit for any of them. I am a pretty simple person and sometimes I sit and try to think what actually would be my idea of a suitable community for me -- it is a work in progress because I start to think of something and then stop and wonder if that is really necessary or just an added bonus extra. It is an interesting exercise to imagine what you would consider to be the "perfect" community (and for each one of us that would be different). On another forum, I think, there was a thread on what kind of community would you create if you suddenly were asked by God to found one!?

All that being said, of course, the perfect community would also have to include imperfections, so that we would have something to renounce and some penances to bear :topsy:

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1649813' date='Sep 7 2008, 10:32 AM']Nunsense:
Have you considered being a Diocesan Hermit of some sort? Maybe living in a city too? That is another possibility for you as well. Our former next-door-neighbors [url="http://www.ourladyofthedesert.org"]Our Lady of the Desert[/url] has some older vocations. they have a junior nun in her 60s and a novice in her 40s and also have someione in final vows who has 2 kids in their 30s. They might agree to have you once they are a bit more organized on their new property :)[/quote]

Actually, yes, I have thought about this option too. Of course, this would depend upon the Bishop, and one would have to have some way of earning an income that did not include too much contact with the world because of the canon 603 guidelines for hermits. I even know of people who are considering founding their own lauras (as Father Romano did here at Bethlehem). There is just a whole lot of activity going on with regard to vocations - the Holy Spirit is busy these days. :rolleyes:

All that being said, I am just trying to be very open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The homily today was about having a "listening heart" and that is really what I need right now. When the apostles were first preaching the gospel, they listened to the Spirit to know where to go. At one point the Spirit prevented them from going into Asia. I always thought this was very interesting - that they felt themselves being prevented from going in a certain direction. It makes me aware that I need to really be sensitive to the quiet whisper of the Holy Spirit as He guides me. There is a hymn called "Lead Kindly Light" which is sort of my motto right now. When I sing or even just speak the words, I try to offer it as a prayer to God that I am looking for His will in my life. I especially like the verses about how pride has ruled my will - and I pray that this won't be true any more.

[b][i]Lead Kindly Light [/b]

Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom, lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home; lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years!

So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still will lead me on.
O’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till the night is gone,
And with the morn those angel faces smile, which I
Have loved long since, and lost awhile!

Meantime, along the narrow rugged path, Thyself hast trod,
Lead, Savior, lead me home in childlike faith, home to my God.
To rest forever after earthly strife
In the calm light of everlasting life.[/i]

Thank you for your suggestion. Please keep me in your prayers.

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[quote name='Domine ut Videam' post='1649162' date='Sep 6 2008, 02:39 PM']Minnesota is a beautiful state, with gorgeous scenery, many vocations, and orthodox Bishops.[/quote]

Whereabouts in Minnesota? Craigslist has several areas listed..... ?? I know nothing about this state!

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great state, but terrible weather. Long cold winters and summers full of mosquitos ( they have their own airports, I hear!) and flies.

In the Midwest, there are two seasons--ice and road construction! Must be prepared for this..

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Hi again! I thought that instead of guessing and suggesting communities that may suit what you feel drawn to, since I don't know your story and your situation and all the communities you have already discerned with, I'd leave you with some links to sort of vocation "match" sites:



God bless, and I hope these help a bit! ;-)

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Domine ut Videam

[quote name='nunsense' post='1649946' date='Sep 7 2008, 01:49 PM']Whereabouts in Minnesota? Craigslist has several areas listed..... ?? I know nothing about this state![/quote]

I just spent my summer in the Diocese of Winona in southern MN and it was an amazing, grace-filled summer to say the least. The Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis is also receiving a lot of vocations. So I would suggest checking these two out.

And yes, there may be a few misquitoes but they aren't as bad as they were made to be. :rolleyes:

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