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Dominican Nuns Of The Perpetual Rosary

Saint Therese

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I actually drove right in front of their monastery a couple of summers ago. I was so excited to learn about this group that I quickly searched for them on the web when I returned home... but I found painfully little information. Thank you so much for the link to this site!

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Thank you so much, "Saint Therese," for posting this! I live close to Lancaster, and I [i]never[/i] heard of these Nuns until you mentioned them here, and when I looked at their website, I couldn't help but contact them! My discernment journey has been very confusing, and never would I have thought in a MILLION years that I may be a Dominican, but when I contacted these Sisters, I found something very special...I am going to visit tomorrow and I will be staying there until Sunday afternoon. So please pray for me!!! Thanks again!


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I have a great devotion to Father Saintourens, their founder. He was such a wonderful man, filled with love of Mary. He is buried at the Camden monastery. Make sure you find out more about him when you visit the nuns!

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[quote name='Divine_Mercy504' post='1647308' date='Sep 4 2008, 01:58 PM']Thank you so much, "Saint Therese," for posting this! I live close to Lancaster, and I [i]never[/i] heard of these Nuns until you mentioned them here, and when I looked at their website, I couldn't help but contact them! My discernment journey has been very confusing, and never would I have thought in a MILLION years that I may be a Dominican, but when I contacted these Sisters, I found something very special...I am going to visit tomorrow and I will be staying there until Sunday afternoon. So please pray for me!!! Thanks again!


ALLELUIA!!! Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.

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What differences do the Monasteries have? Other than people, of course. What is different from them as opposed to Summit or Menlo Park for an example? Thanks.

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there are several different charisms that they would practice. Dominican nuns started it and then they splintered off into perpetual adoration or perpetual rosary or just plain Dominican. Its like you would have different orders of active sisters.
Perpetual Rosary nuns were founded to say the rosary unending each day each night. Most of those monasteries are on the East Coast(Camden, Lancaster, Milwaukee, they used to have a foundation in Rome and there is still one in Fatima and Scotland.) I believe Summitt started out Perpetual Rosary but added the Adoration aspect.

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Thanks. I have another question which is one of the questions that I have had for a while and I can't seem to get a straight answer.
If the Dominicans' original charism was to preach and I guess it still is because they are "Order of Preachers," how does living a cloistered life live out that charism, since unless they are writers like the great Sister Mary Catharine in Summit, how do they preach? Also is it true that the Dominicans have one person in charge so all of the Dominicans are under that one person and lastly, does anybody know if there is a really traditional and strict Dominican Monastery in the United States? I guess the most traditional might be the Lockport Dominicans. Thanks again, Katherine
P.S. Sorry if my questions (again) sound stupid!

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Never any stupid questions believe me, especially when the heart is sincere.
St Theresa the Little Flower is considered the greatest missionary and she never left her cloister!!
Have you ever met any Dominicans? Most of the priests I know are great orators! They just love their preaching. And the nuns are the same, they love sharing their knowledge and love learning. I have had some wonderful debates with Dominicans, they have wonderfully open minds and love to challenge others also.
Where are you located? You can email me off phorum if you want to chat freely.
Dont judge an order by how strict it is. The life of itself is a challenging life, do not limit your thinking. Summit is wonderful with a full novitiate. Buffalo seems to have a thriving community, but have no website to speak of so you would have to write them. The community down south, oh heck is it Alabama??? have the one novice, an ex phatmasser. Write or email each of the communities to find out more. You really must visit them to find out, and eventually do an aspirancy there.
Best of luck in your search.
Alice Mary

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Forgot, most Dominicans do have a superior, though most no longer call them Mother. There is generally a Prioress, a sub Prioress and of course, a council.

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[quote name='DevotedtoHim' post='1648530' date='Sep 5 2008, 07:59 PM']Thanks. I have another question which is one of the questions that I have had for a while and I can't seem to get a straight answer.
If the Dominicans' original charism was to preach and I guess it still is because they are "Order of Preachers," how does living a cloistered life live out that charism, since unless they are writers like the great Sister Mary Catharine in Summit, how do they preach?[/quote]

I asked the great and lovely Sister Mary Catharine a rather heady question once, and she touched on this issue. She explained to me that the Nuns provide the spiritual support for the active ministry of the brothers ... this is why St. Dominic founded the Nuns first, because he knew he would need they're prayers to do his work in the mission field.

This was Sr. Mary Catharine's answer. I've bolded the part about what role the cloistered Nuns play in the holy preaching:

"St. Thomas says that the excellence of a religous institute is based
primarily on the end and secondarily on the observances. So he says
that the "mixed" life is the most excellent because it presupposes
the abundance of contemplation and is therefore superior to simple
contemplation or a purely active life. Amazingly he begins answering
this question with "the Lord says that the better part is that of
Mary, who typifies the contemplative life.

However, in the earlier questions (180-182) on the active and
contemplative life, meaning the life of idividual persons, St Thomas
clearly states that the contemplative life is more meritorious.

[b]Confusing, yes? So does this mean that cloistered contemplative life
a less excellent life? No, because remember it is the END for which
the Order was founded that is important. So, Dominican nuns belong
and are juridically THE Order of Preachers in as much as the friars
are. (The Sisters have a different relationship.) TOGETHER both the
friars and nuns are the Order of Preachers. And why was the Order
founded? For preaching and the salvation of souls.[/b]"

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Those Alabama Dominicans are in Marbury. They do have a website. I occasionally receive their newsletter. They seem quite traditional, and our former PM'er continues as a novice. If you are seriously considering the cloister, I would give them a look! God bless!

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Saint Therese

Since we're discussing the wonderful Dominicans Ihave to say how wonderful and traditional the Domnincan nuns :)) at Lockport are.

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