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[quote name='alimarie_11' post='1638268' date='Aug 25 2008, 09:50 PM']well thank you to some of you, though i will never understand, and thats another reason why i will never ...submit to the catholic faith

some of you are helpful and i am truely greatful

but this is unnecessary, maybe some of you don't realize how unapproachable you are, i'm just simly looking for answers, not stirring up problems, and making excuses.[/quote]

I am a warrior of Jesus Christ, my love, my everything. If the post I posted upset you, well, you have to know that it isn't one great big family of the human race. Jesus came not to bring peace to the world, but to divide it by a sword.

You're not on my side, so posting up inflamatory posts like this will just anger me, and you will hear my tough love remarks. I am not trying to convert you. The only one who can bring you to Christ is God. So, unless you start believing, you will find me on the other side of the fence.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1638284' date='Aug 25 2008, 11:00 PM']I am a warrior of Jesus Christ, my love, my everything. If the post I posted upset you, well, you have to know that it isn't one great big family of the human race. Jesus came not to bring peace to the world, but to divide it by a sword.

You're not on my side, so posting up inflamatory posts like this will just anger me, and you will hear my tough love remarks. I am not trying to convert you. The only one who can bring you to Christ is God. So, unless you start believing, you will find me on the other side of the fence.[/quote]

that is ridiculous, you don't have to be cruel.

i'm not on any 'side' i'm not the evil sin doer who doesn't belive in god, i'm trying to find my way, i was asking for help, guidence, and this is what i get, certainly a warrior you are.

if it anger's you, don't reply
just walk away.

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Vincent Vega

Ali, don't worry. We all struggle sometimes.
I pray that you find all the answers you're looking for.

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[quote name='alimarie_11' post='1638293' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:05 PM']that is ridiculous, you don't have to be cruel.

i'm not on any 'side' i'm not the evil sin doer who doesn't belive in god, i'm trying to find my way, i was asking for help, guidence, and this is what i get, certainly a warrior you are.

if it anger's you, don't reply
just walk away.[/quote]

Let me quote the offensive parts of your original post.


i wasn't sure what topic to put this under, but here i go

OHkay, if i got this right, wich i'm sure i do..

So if you miss one sunday, of mass, just because you feel like it, that is a mortal sin.

SO what i'm asking here is, Why does someone who misses one day of mass, and someone who commits murder go to the same place, hell?

if neither is sorry for thier sin, that is.

[b]How is this just, and right?[/b]

[b]to me it seeems completelyyyyyy ridiculous, and i may have misunderstood, but this is what i was taught, growing up, you miss mass, = mortal sin[/b]

could someone fill me in?[/quote]

People here recognize the fact sin is all about not humbling yourself before God. Any time you don't do what is right, you are spiritually saying, I know better than you God. It doesn't matter if you say a little white lie, or you murder someone, or you don't give proper reverence to God. You are saying you know better than God.

Now, heaven is God's household. If someone thought they were smarter than you, and treated you like dirt by saying, hey you said i should do this, but I don't agree, you're stupid, would you invite them into your home? Come on, would you? if someone disrespected you that much, would you invite them into your home?

Or would you rather have someone who thinks you are so much better than they are, and would do anything for you, would you invite them into your home?

Which would you prefer?

So, to answer your question here, both disrespect God, and therefore it is all of equal weight.

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i don't belive i am better than god, i just don't agree with him, but i thought god was supoosed to be all loving and understanding ... i don't know..i can't understand
and it is late, and i am tired.

[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1638306' date='Aug 25 2008, 11:16 PM']Now, heaven is God's household. If someone thought they were smarter than you, and treated you like dirt by saying, hey you said i should do this, but I don't agree, you're stupid, would you invite them into your home? Come on, would you? if someone disrespected you that much, would you invite them into your home?[/quote]

i would ask why they don't agree, and try to see thier side, anyone is welcome in my home, if they have the same beliefs or not as me.
but not so much if they're disrespectful, i get you there.

[quote]Or would you rather have someone who thinks you are so much better than they are, and would do anything for you, would you invite them into your home?

Which would you prefer?[/quote]

i would certainly rather have the latter in my home

[quote]So, to answer your question here, both disrespect God, and therefore it is all of equal weight.[/quote]

so i disrespcet god, and its your job to make up for it?

welli didn't mean to offend anyone, of course, so my apologies

Edited by alimarie_11
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[quote name='alimarie_11' post='1638320' date='Aug 25 2008, 11:28 PM']i don't belive i am better than god, i just don't agree with him, but i thought god was supoosed to be all loving and understanding ... i don't know..i can't understand
and it is late, and i am tired.

i would ask why they don't agree, and try to see thier side, anyone is welcome in my home, if they have the same beliefs or not as me.
but not so much if they're disrespectful, i get you there.

i would certainly rather have the latter in my home

so i disrespcet god, and its your job to make up for it?

welli didn't mean to offend anyone, of course, so my apologies[/quote]

I defend my love. When someone disrespects my love or my friends, I let them know I am displeased, because I am a loyal friend.

The more I read the 10 commandments, BTW, the more I see how much they protect us from harm. How many HIV victims would have been prevented if people didn't practice pre-martial sex, or injecting themselves with needles? How many people would be alive today if nobody murdered? How much would we save on the things we buy if nobody stole from people to raise inflation?

When we break these laws that God set up, then we are saying, I don't care about my fellow man and I don't care about what you think God. I disagree with you, and I'm putting up my spiritual middle-finger up at you.

Would you offer someone like that heaven, who cares nothing about the people around them?

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[quote name='alimarie_11' post='1638320' date='Aug 25 2008, 11:28 PM']i don't belive i am better than god, i just don't agree with him, but i thought god was supoosed to be all loving and understanding ... i don't know..i can't understand
and it is late, and i am tired.

i would ask why they don't agree, and try to see thier side, anyone is welcome in my home, if they have the same beliefs or not as me.
but not so much if they're disrespectful, i get you there.

i would certainly rather have the latter in my home

so i disrespcet god, and its your job to make up for it?

welli didn't mean to offend anyone, of course, so my apologies[/quote]

Well offending God is the same as if you offended his mom/dad/wife/kids. If someone disprespected your family you wouldn't defend them?

Also would you let a rapist into your house? Or how about a NAMBLA(national association of man boy love) member into your house? YOu said you would let people in if they have different beliefs?

God is all loving. He is so loving that he says no matter how much you disrespect me, my rules, my son, my children, I will forgive you if you simply ask for it(and mean it) anf then you can enter my house. That is more loving than any human could ever be. If someone killed/raped/maimed your spouse, do you think you could forgive them when they asked for forgiveness? No, you couldn't. Cause your human and no human could ever forgive someone for something like that. Yet God will, if all you do is ask and then follow him. To me, that is the definition of all loving.

Now if your referring to the aspect of God not letting everyone into heaven, like I said before, its real simple. God gave us free will, so he gave us a choice to get into his house/heaven. He said, follow my rules and you can enter my house. If you don't, then you may not enter. I will not force my will upon you, I will let you decide. You can do whatever you want in life, but if you refuse to follow my rules, you can not enter my house. In my house is eternal happiness. All you have to do is follow my rules. Oh and by the way, God does not send any human to hell. We choose hell over heaven. God does not send anyone to hell. So how is that not all loving. He loves us so much he gives us the ability to choose our etenal destiny.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1638364' date='Aug 26 2008, 12:28 AM'][mod]Disrespectful speech toward Our Lord. --Era Might[/mod][/quote]

And...that one came from left field.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1638364' date='Aug 26 2008, 12:28 AM'][mod]Disrespectful speech toward Our Lord. --Era Might[/mod][/quote]

Then why are you at a website that celebrates him.

And you're wrong to. All believers are spiritually espoused to God. Such a child, between a believer and God, would not be born of a woman who was not married to the one she had the child with. So, you are completely wrong!

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1638364' date='Aug 26 2008, 01:28 AM'][mod]Disrespectful speech toward Our Lord. --Era Might[/mod][/quote]
No he wasn't. God is his father, so Jesus was not [mod]edit-- language--hsm[/mod]. He had a mother and a father.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1638367' date='Aug 25 2008, 10:30 PM']Then why are you at a website that celebrates him.

And you're wrong to. All believers are spiritually espoused to God. Such a child, between a believer and God, would not be born of a woman who was not married to the one she had the child with. So, you are completely wrong![/quote]
Oh come off it. I know what this phorum is about and I've been here longer than you, by years. Most people who have been here that long or longer know me. They may disagree with me, but they know me.

I like to stir the pot.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1638364' date='Aug 26 2008, 12:28 AM'][mod]Disrespectful speech toward Our Lord. --Era Might[/mod][/quote]

Atheists are people who are only looking for an excuse to act anyway they choose. [mod]Personal attack. --Era Might[/mod]

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