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I'm Going On Holiday And I'm Bringing... Er...


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Is that game played outside of the Netherlands? We start playing it in primary school... it begins with someone saying "I'm going on holiday and I'm bringing... <something>". The next person repeats "I'm going on holiday and I'm bringing <something>, and <something different>". The first person who fails to remember the entire sequence loses.

Well, I'm going on holiday, and I'm bringing 13 books, a laptop, 2 kilos of rice and a Taize-type kneeler. Not to mention clothes and a sleeping bag and stuff.
This wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't going by train, which involves switching trains three times (oh, and that's [i]after[/i] I get to the train station).

Also, my train leaves in six hours.

And those 13 books are for six days. One is luxury (my Sunday missal, I like to pre-read the readings), the others are necessary, and they all contain Latin.
Am I being a good little Dominican? :)

In any case, all this stuff is for the camp PP and I are organising. It starts Tuesday (we're arriving a day early to furnish the chapel-tent) and runs until Sunday (at which point we'll probably die from exhaustion).

So, if you could spare a prayer for two very nervous Dutchies and the unhappy campers who will be subjected to their whims for six days, we'd be very grateful :)

See you Sunday!

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the only reason I'm still online is because my body is steadfastly refusing to sleep, and because I don't need to travel as far as VA does tomorrow.

Or rather, today.


It's good seeing her list though - I'd never have thought to bring my kneeler with me. Go VA!

Dunno which books I'll bring:
Dutch breviary
Bible (English)
Bible (Dutch)?
TLM handmissal (Dutch - think I might have more than one of these actually, would be handy to bring more than one should someone want to use it)
Two little books with various Mass settings in it (Missa IV here we come!!)

I'm also tempted to bring along my brand spanking new Antiphonale which I got in Solesmes but it might just make my life too difficult...but...arrrrgh...I should have bought vol. 1 when I had the chance. Rats!

Shall I bring my Kyriale along too?

I have a box which I'm going to fill with paperwork and the like. Drat it all, I'm a contemplative. What am I doing scarpering about the Dutch countryside doing something like this?!

Must remember to bring decks of cards with me. Someone's got to want to play Snap late at night and keep the others awake :evil:

Oh yea, and I'll probably bring my laptop too - people are demanding daily updates (how we're going to manage that I don't know....).


(No clue how to relate this to, you know, Vocations and stuff. Left as an exercise to the reader, methinks....)

(I'm off to try and get some sleep. And read a bit more of Numbers, which after Leviticus has to be one of the toughest books in the OT)

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[quote name='stlmom' post='1637109' date='Aug 25 2008, 04:55 AM']Aaahhhh youth! Have a great time![/quote]

*swings cane around*
Only I'm not so sprightly as I used to be, and I'm feeling it....

(or I could just do more exercise, become fitter, and stuff)

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1637022' date='Aug 25 2008, 02:56 AM'](I'm off to try and get some sleep. And read a bit more of Numbers, which after Leviticus has to be one of the toughest books in the OT)[/quote]

[url="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20chronicles%201&version=31"]1 Chronicles[/url] has them both beaten, hands down.

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[quote name='rosamundi' post='1637368' date='Aug 25 2008, 08:33 AM'][url="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20chronicles%201&version=31"]1 Chronicles[/url] has them both beaten, hands down.[/quote]

I believe you. Although earlier it hit me how much "random" stuff is backed up from the OT. You know that doctors' symbol with the stick and snake? Totally out of Numbers.

Zucht, I'm such a Cradle Catholic. Never read my Bible :mellow:

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1637373' date='Aug 25 2008, 02:24 AM']I believe you. Although earlier it hit me how much "random" stuff is backed up from the OT. You know that doctors' symbol with the stick and snake? Totally out of Numbers.

Zucht, I'm such a Cradle Catholic. Never read my Bible :mellow:[/quote]

Not Mercury's staff?

Is "Zucht" like Zut in French? (just curious)

"Am I being a good little Dominican?"
Hahaha!--Watch out, VA. I used to think loving books proved that I could only be a Dominican. Now I'm looking at Franciscans & Poor Clares of the Immaculate, but they do have 2 hours of study per day... :topsy: and one of the Poor Clares is a Latinist too...

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[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' post='1639902' date='Aug 28 2008, 03:01 AM']Not Mercury's staff?

Is "Zucht" like Zut in French? (just curious)

"Am I being a good little Dominican?"
Hahaha!--Watch out, VA. I used to think loving books proved that I could only be a Dominican. Now I'm looking at Franciscans & Poor Clares of the Immaculate, but they do have 2 hours of study per day... :topsy: and one of the Poor Clares is a Latinist too...[/quote]

"Zucht" = "sigh" (which sounds like "saai", which is "boring" :D )

I thought Franciscans were supposed to be poor both materially and intellectually? :P

Actually, my wallpaper has St. Dominic and St. Francis giving each other a Manly Hug.

Oh, and as you might notice, I'm back from camp, where just about everyone was discerning :D

And muddy.
But the two weren't related.

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' date='Sep 1 2008, 06:55 PM' post='1644790'

Oh, and as you might notice, I'm back from camp, where just about everyone was discerning :D

And muddy.
But the two weren't related.
Yes... soooo.... how was it (both the discerning part and the muddy part!)? :rolleyes:

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Domine ut Videam

tell us all... Oh and who was this run by might I inquire? Sounds like fun, yes on a different continent, but fun. Can't wait to hear all about it!

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[quote name='Domine ut Videam' post='1644930' date='Sep 2 2008, 04:58 AM']tell us all... Oh and who was this run by might I inquire? Sounds like fun, yes on a different continent, but fun. Can't wait to hear all about it![/quote]

Er... us?

PP and a friend of ours, and me. No-one seemed to be doing any young adult stuff which involved singing the propers of the Mass in Gregorian chant three days in a row, and Lauds, Sext, Vespers and Compline, and people explaining when a sacrament is valid and why those rules exist, or how to deal with liturgical abuses in your parish.

So we just e-mailed a whole bunch of people and got on with it. Which was interesting, since you get people who don't want to come because we would have three Ordinary Rite masses, and people who think we're traditionalist sectarians because we have two Extraordinary Rite masses. In the end we decided those people were [i]all[/i] silly and we'd just have some extra fun to make up for their absence.

Actually, this was rather vocations-related, too, since we experienced that there are a whole lot of very cool priests (we had SIX of them, and that's not counting our [i]excessively[/i] cool hermit) with whom you'd end up laughing until you're flat on the table. We got loads and loads of seminary stories ("it was unfortunate that we put the burping powder in the bishop's soup just as the delegation from --- was visiting") and overall saw a very human side of very solid priests, which I think was a good experience for the boys present. (Well, all the "boys" were older than me...)

This is our chapel tent during Adoration:

You can read about Fr. Tim's journey to the camp on [url="http://the-hermeneutic-of-continuity.blogspot.com/"]http://the-hermeneutic-of-continuity.blogspot.com/[/url] , starting around August 27. He also links to other posts about it.

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Indeed I remember that game from my youth. Except I always wanted it to be a canoe trip! In college we would have fun trying to make it as pseudo-intellectual as possible and bring things like a triptych by Hieronymus Bosch and the complete works of Proust. I shudder to think what we would be bringing now in our mid-late twenties.

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[quote name='she_who_is_not' post='1645419' date='Sep 2 2008, 08:31 PM']VA,
Indeed I remember that game from my youth. Except I always wanted it to be a canoe trip! In college we would have fun trying to make it as pseudo-intellectual as possible and bring things like a triptych by Hieronymus Bosch and the complete works of Proust. I shudder to think what we would be bringing now in our mid-late twenties.[/quote]

Oh my. I'm now trying to imagine everything we had to drag from the church to the chapel-tent... stuffed into a canoe.

The Sacrament processions would be cool, though, we could just attach the sanctus bells to the paddles. Although we'd have to take care to keep the thurible dry.

I'm very glad I brought my Graduale, since we used it for three masses! I've never sung the Propers in Gregorian chant before, it was quite the experience (sorry, PP*...)

(*Poor PP, in all her Solesmes-trained glory, had a bit of trouble keeping the rest of the schola on track, since it consisted of someone who could keep tone but didn't know how to sing chant, and someone who's an expert in singing chant but can't keep tone.)

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