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What Bush Has Done For The Pro-life Cause In America


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Mods, this isn't really about the politics of this year, but if it needs moved please move it.

The rate of abortions and number of abortions:
We were promised by Democrats that Bush would hurt the pro-life cause and that both Gore and Kerry would lower the number of abortions. Well, we can see now that at least the first claim was a resounding false.


The number of abortions per year has dropped over 8% between 2000 and 2005.

He got a partial-birth abortion ban to pass in Congress, which he then signed.

He pushed for abstinence-only education in schools in the face of all who wanted contraception taught as the norm.

We no longer fund abortions overseas (especially through UNICEF and the UN).

The government no longer funds embryonic stem-cell research by Bush's executive order.

Bush vetoed two different bills pushing for federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research.

Bush put two strongly pro-life (and Catholic!) justices in the Supreme Court who have upheld the federal partial-birth-abortion ban. If you remember in the early 00s, a state version was struck down. Sandra Day O'Connor being replaced by Alito made a huge difference.

He also signed into effect the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.

He has been very strong in fighting against any human cloning.

He has put many

His health and human services department said that any health care provider can refuse any part in abortions. This is a huge victory for the cause and for religion!

He has made his entire presidency in favour of the pro-life movement.

Now I know that people will try to mention capital punishment, the Iraq War, and torture.

First, capital punishment is and should remain state-based except in cases of national issues. In his years as President, Bush has only signed for one execution. This is a far cry from the many that people thought he would support.

As far as the Iraq War goes, the President was not the only person who supported us going to war. Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Joe Biden all voted to go to Iraq. And Bill Clinton was even in support of the Iraq War. Now they have all turned around and called it a mistake, blaming it all on the President as their scapegoat. Sure, maybe it was a mistake; however, over 75% of Americans seemed to make this mistake and it's not fair blaming it specifically on the President. Plus, this post isn't about the war, but about the pro-life cause here in America.

Finally, thought it isn't always directly connected, we come to Guantanamo Bay. Here I feel safe in criticizing the President's policy. I find it quite disturbing. It is something I hope he changed his mind on.

But as far as what he has done for the pro-life cause, we can rejoice to have had such a supporter. No, he wasn't perfect. No, looking back not everything went as it probably should have. Yet, let us not criticize too sharply with 20/20 hindsight and let us appreciate what he has done for us.

President Bush has done more for the pro-life cause than any President since 1973. Deo gratias.

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Pro-lifers were far more confident voting for Bush than they are voting for McCain, and rightly so. Thanks for the data, Q.

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I think you made some really excellent points and I really like your topic.

I have to say, though, capital punishment is a particularly helpful resource when trying to get the crime rate to go down. I do agree with the church on the matter, but look at the state of our courts! They're run by a bunch of liberal activists who'll accept anyone's appeal and let them go free to commit crime again. The only way to keep criminals from coming back because of liberal judges is to nip it in the bud right then and there: go for the death penalty!

As for the war, national security and fighting terrorism, especially in this day and age is a must. For the past twenty-or-so, almost thirty years, Islamofascist terrorists have been trying to kill us. The only way to not get us or anyone else blown up is to go after them. We're over there winning and there are actually people who talk about the good things we're doing. Despite Bush's approval rating or the percentage of people who oppose the war for whatever reason, there are actually people in this country who want victory over defeat. We haven't experienced a terrorist attack in seven years and people still want to point the finger at George W. Bush. Of all these people, I hope the women have a good idea of what it feels like to have to constantly wear a burqa in public before pointing the finger.

As for torture, what's wrong with it? It's not like we're traumatizing them, and every single time we make use of torture, the guy sings like a canary and we get secrets and info that keep us safe and that we wouldn't have gotten if we didn't threaten them with extreme discomfort in the first place.

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[quote name='qfnol31' post='1635991' date='Aug 23 2008, 10:55 PM']Mods, this isn't really about the politics of this year, but if it needs moved please move it.

The rate of abortions and number of abortions:
We were promised by Democrats that Bush would hurt the pro-life cause and that both Gore and Kerry would lower the number of abortions. Well, we can see now that at least the first claim was a resounding false.


The number of abortions per year has dropped over 8% between 2000 and 2005.

He got a partial-birth abortion ban to pass in Congress, which he then signed.

He pushed for abstinence-only education in schools in the face of all who wanted contraception taught as the norm.

We no longer fund abortions overseas (especially through UNICEF and the UN).

The government no longer funds embryonic stem-cell research by Bush's executive order.

Bush vetoed two different bills pushing for federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research.

Bush put two strongly pro-life (and Catholic!) justices in the Supreme Court who have upheld the federal partial-birth-abortion ban. If you remember in the early 00s, a state version was struck down. Sandra Day O'Connor being replaced by Alito made a huge difference.

He also signed into effect the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.

He has been very strong in fighting against any human cloning.

He has put many

His health and human services department said that any health care provider can refuse any part in abortions. This is a huge victory for the cause and for religion!

He has made his entire presidency in favour of the pro-life movement.

Now I know that people will try to mention capital punishment, the Iraq War, and torture.

First, capital punishment is and should remain state-based except in cases of national issues. In his years as President, Bush has only signed for one execution. This is a far cry from the many that people thought he would support.

As far as the Iraq War goes, the President was not the only person who supported us going to war. Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Joe Biden all voted to go to Iraq. And Bill Clinton was even in support of the Iraq War. Now they have all turned around and called it a mistake, blaming it all on the President as their scapegoat. Sure, maybe it was a mistake; however, over 75% of Americans seemed to make this mistake and it's not fair blaming it specifically on the President. Plus, this post isn't about the war, but about the pro-life cause here in America.

Finally, thought it isn't always directly connected, we come to Guantanamo Bay. Here I feel safe in criticizing the President's policy. I find it quite disturbing. It is something I hope he changed his mind on.

But as far as what he has done for the pro-life cause, we can rejoice to have had such a supporter. No, he wasn't perfect. No, looking back not everything went as it probably should have. Yet, let us not criticize too sharply with 20/20 hindsight and let us appreciate what he has done for us.

President Bush has done more for the pro-life cause than any President since 1973. Deo gratias.[/quote]

And you realize of course the Obama will reverse every single item on this list as soon as he can.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1636022' date='Aug 23 2008, 08:19 PM']And you realize of course the Obama will reverse every single item on this list as soon as he can.[/quote]

But hopefully he won't be the next president :)

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doubt it. The election has become more of a popularity contest than a job anymore.

But I pray he doesn't win the election.

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='qfnol31' post='1635991' date='Aug 23 2008, 09:55 PM']We were promised by Democrats that Bush would hurt the pro-life cause and that both Gore and Kerry would lower the number of abortions. Well, we can see now that at least the first claim was a resounding false.[/quote]

I think that those were the same people that promised that Iraq would be a "quagmire" and that Bush would bring back the draft. Boy they were wrong on quite a bit, eh?

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[quote name='qfnol31' post='1636132' date='Aug 23 2008, 10:37 PM']He has put many (anybody wonder what?)

pro-life workers into his government.[/quote]

I did and was going to ask yah... :topsy:

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Madame Vengier

Well, despite his pro-life record, he's messed up in tons of other ways and is without a doubt one of the worst Presidents ever. Having voted for him, I feel I have a right to say that. Proof that being pro-life doesn't make you a good President. He got us into a war that has cost trillions of dollars of taxpayers dollars, stirred up a hornet's nest with the radical Muslims, a war that has cost thousands of senseless deaths of American soldiers, Iraqi civilians and coalition forces. He has made promises about securing our borders ("We're going to build a fence" and then wouldn't give the money to build), he's pandered to Mexico's President. He turned his back on Israel and failed in his promises to support them in their agenda to defend their land and their nation, instead sending the back-stabber Condi Rice over there to pander to the Palestinians and DEMAND that Israel make MORE concessions that it already had. He's made America the laughingstock of the whole world. I mean, come on. When our own ALLIES are mad at us, you know something is wrong. He has not been good President and indeed has delivered America 8 years of FAIL. I'm so fed up with it and the worst part is there is nothing--nothing--to look forward to come November.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1636147' date='Aug 23 2008, 10:41 PM']I think that those were the same people that promised that Iraq would be a "quagmire" and that Bush would bring back the draft. Boy they were wrong on quite a bit, eh?[/quote]

Don't think Bush wouldn't have tried to do it. America would never let him get away with it. That's the only reason it wouldn't happen. Not because he wouldn't have tried it.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='iheartjp2' post='1636015' date='Aug 23 2008, 09:12 PM']As for torture, what's wrong with it? It's not like we're traumatizing them[/quote]
I would tend to think that torture can do just that. Post traumatic stress disorder? Isn't John McCain still somewhat traumatized after his torture in Vietnam? I'll bet you lots and lots of others are as well. Americans and Middle Easterners alike.
That's not to mention possible long lasting physical effects.

[quote name='iheartjp2' post='1636015' date='Aug 23 2008, 09:12 PM']every single time we make use of torture, the guy sings like a canary and we get secrets and info that keep us safe and that we wouldn't have gotten if we didn't threaten them with extreme discomfort in the first place.[/quote]
Every single time? Care to show a stat for that? We can't make broad statements like this.
Besides that,
CCC#2297[quote]Torture, which uses physical or mental violence to extract confessions, ...Is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity.[/quote]

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