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i am catholic, and was raised, but i am no longer practing. The main reason for this is because how the catholic church views Homosexuality.

There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. It is love, God asked us to love.

i think it is ridiculous that there is sooo much, negitivity towards people who live this way. It is not fair at all that they aren't allowed to act on their feelings, like 'straight' people are. Its not right that they aren't allowed to marry in some places. It breaks my heart all the discrimmination in the world.

once i realized the severity of the negitivity the church can hold for certain topics, it completely turned me upside down, and most my faith was lost.

It just dissappoints me ...the god would send to hell, two people who were acting with their heart. its terrible. If God is supposed to be all loving and stuff, then how could Homosexuality be a sin?

i know it says in the bible..blablabla.
but i just don't agree

i tried being catholic, but what happens when i just don't Morally agree with it, it doesn't settle in my heart of make me feel good.

ha well...if anyone read this, i welcome your comments

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='alimarie_11' post='1635490' date='Aug 23 2008, 11:57 AM']ha well...if anyone read this, i welcome your comments[/quote]

You sound very, very much like DairyGirl. That's my comment.

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First off, God is all about love. The church doesn't say loving is wrong. There is a big difference between love and the physical act of having sex. I have loved deeply many priests, nun, family members, and even pets without having to have sex with them.

I'm so sorry that this issue has made you feel alienated from the church. It shouldn't. I highly recommend that you visit the website [url="http://www.couragerc.net/"]Courage[/url]. It is the official website for the church's teachings on the matter. There is a way for you to have a same sex attraction and still be a full participant in the life of the church. It is a very heavy cross. We all have crosses, but some are just so much heavier.

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Vincent Vega

Welcome to phatmass!

The best I can tell you is this: I can see why you're not Catholic. If you reject the bible, the Church becomes a funny social association with a bunch of goofy rules and traditions, and a talkative fellow with a big funny hat who lives in Italy. But if you believe the bible and what it contains, suddenly the Church takes on a new meaning - She suddenly becomes the full and perfect revelation of the truth, as do all of Her teachings and rituals and so forth.
It's not like one day, a long time ago, a bunch of people sat down and said, "Ok, so everyone can do everything they want, BUT NOT THE HOMOSEXUALS!"
God tells ALL of us that we can't have everything we want. For different people, that means different struggles. I'm 5'10, 130 pounds, so I don't really have to worry about controlling my gluttony, but I might have a harder time struggling with chastity than others do. "We all have our crosses to bear," - are you familiar with that saying? For people who struggle with same sex attraction, that cross is the call to chasity.
Do I make sense?

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Here is the quick and easy of it. Fornication is wrong. Sex outside of marriage is fornication. Marriage is an indissoluble union between a man and a woman. So we see here that same sex relationships would be fornication.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='peach_cube' post='1635519' date='Aug 23 2008, 11:23 AM']So we see here that same sex relationships would be fornication.[/quote]

No, actually it's sodomy. Which is a sin so grave that Holy Scripture says it cries to heaven for vengeance.

People have differing opinions on the physical nature of homosexual behavior, but I personally do not consider it to even be sex. Sex is something God created and it was created for male and female together. God did not create the homosexual act. That is an abomination of human beings. Therefore, I deduce that what homosexuals do cannot rightfully be called sex. And thus, it's not fornication. Fornication is a word that means "sex before marriage". As what gays do is unnatural--it is not sex. And since gays can't rightully marry either, the word fornication does not truly apply to what they do.

What gay men do is not sex; it's sodomy. What gay women do is not sex; it's co-masturbation.

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If all you need is 'love', there are many other perverse relationships that would say they 'love' each other. Honestly if it's ok to allow men to marry men based on love, why not also a brother to his sister, or a mother to her son, or a father and his daughter, or even a father and his son? All consenting adults that 'love' each other. Why not them too?

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1635546' date='Aug 23 2008, 11:51 AM']If all you need is 'love', there are many other perverse relationships that would say they 'love' each other. Honestly if it's ok to allow men to marry men based on love, why not also a brother to his sister, or a mother to her son, or a father and his daughter, or even a father and his son? All consenting adults that 'love' each other. Why not them too?[/quote]

This I can agree with.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1635541' date='Aug 23 2008, 11:44 AM']No, actually it's sodomy. Which is a sin so grave that Holy Scripture says it cries to heaven for vengeance.

People have differing opinions on the physical nature of homosexual behavior, but I personally do not consider it to even be sex. Sex is something God created and it was created for male and female together. God did not create the homosexual act. That is an abomination of human beings. Therefore, I deduce that what homosexuals do cannot rightfully be called sex. And thus, it's not fornication. Fornication is a word that means "sex before marriage". As what gays do is unnatural--it is not sex. And since gays can't rightully marry either, the word fornication does not truly apply to what they do.

What gay men do is not sex; it's sodomy. What gay women do is not sex; it's co-masturbation.[/quote]

It is a sin of lust, because it is a perversion of sexual activity. Because one of the reasons God created sex was to allow children to be born. Homosexual sex, and it is sex, will never create children.

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Homosexuals do not have sex. They have sexual gratification, which is still lust. Sex is the male and female sexual organs untied. Homosexuals can not unite their sexual organs, they therefor can not have sex.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1635565' date='Aug 23 2008, 12:15 PM']Homosexuals do not have sex. They have sexual gratification, which is still lust. Sex is the male and female sexual organs untied. Homosexuals can not unite their sexual organs, they therefor can not have sex.[/quote]

By your definition, Bill Clinton would have been right when he said when he received oral satisifaction of Monica Lewinski, it wasn't sex.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1635566' date='Aug 23 2008, 01:18 PM']By your definition, Bill Clinton would have been right when he said when he received oral satisifaction of Monica Lewinski, it wasn't sex.[/quote]

And it was not sex, if that's all that happened, which I doubt. It was still sexual perversion and sexual gratification, a sin of lust, which does not discount the wickedness of the sin he committed.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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yeah she does sound like me in that she wants ideas. her ideas are a little more basic than mine are.
i can understand those on both sides of the homosexual debate.

ironically, i was watching this as i stumbled across this website:

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1635565' date='Aug 23 2008, 01:15 PM']Homosexuals do not have sex.[/quote]

Woot! We agree!!

[see post above]

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